BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismItalyViolenceWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST January 3rd, 19. Conquers!
THE COMMUNIST Workers of Japan and peaccably or by violence to overthrow the government of the nited States.
National Organ, Communist Party. Look Out! or to DISINTEGRATE OR IN ANY OTHER MAXNER SET ASIDE OR LOUIS FRAINA, Editor.
RI: the imperialists of Japan and the DO AWAY WITH THE GOVERNISAAC EDW. FERGUSON, Acting Editor. MENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
shall be find not inore than Published Weckly and owned and controlled bloodletting. 5, 000 for ench offense and imprisoned by the Communist Party of Anerica.
Why are newspapers and magazines in less than one nor more than ten years cents a copy, 00 six months, 00 a year.
cach country publishing articles that intend or both, or mny, in lieu of such fine and Bundles, 10 or more, 2c a copy.
tu arulise the emotion of hatred in the work imprisonment, in the discretion of the Address all communications crs of Japan and the United States?
judgs, Ic deported permanently to the 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, TIL island of Guain.
For some time correspondents have been Czarist Russia had its Siberia. A Chip of the Old Block dailies and newspaper syndicacs, cridently, democracy of the United States is to be its Guam. Using as criterion the tempe ONDITIOXS in the United States to exploit the attitude of what American the American masses towards the rep demand a military dictator. Mass imperialism is pleased to call anti American sive methods of the present governmer strikes, defiance of Gomperism by the uni hostility.
considerable number of Guams may be ons general inistrust of the empty sounds Rodney Gilbert, styled as leading oriMeanwhile, The Coinmuniste emanating from hitherto respected sources ental journalist. although his syndicated cessary of authority in industry and state, the bit articles on Japan bear all the car marks of mits the suggestion to European publ.
terness of civilians and of returned soldiers inspired propaganda such as is promoted tions that the above proposed bill be givca and sailors. are symptomatic of a situation in periods before actual declaration of some measure of publicity for the further that needs the rule of blood and iron. to of war) writes: THERE IS SOME IN enlightenment of Europcan workers about the tendencies of the dictatorship of capicrush the morale of the American werking DICATION THAT OFFICIAL JAPAN talism in the United States.
WELCOMES THE ANTI AMERICAN During the last few weeks, in view of BOSTILITIES AMONG THE JAPAPresident Wilson inability to function at NESE MASSES AS OFFERING The World Revolution his duties, the daily press has been devel COUNTER IRRITANT TO DOMESTIC oping a campaign for a dictatorship. For TROUBLES.
instance, the Chicago Tribune recommends a War, with its opiates of military music, regency thus following the imperialist di lying patriotic phrases and stimulated frenzy (Continued from page 1)
plomatist policy of never naming, but only undoubtedly would cause Japanese and in the blood of Liebknecht, 1. nlıurz ani hinting at real meanings.
American workers to forget their domestic thousands of fearless wuikery lo were Perhaps no one, in our cstimation is inore affairs. Capitalists in both countries would murdered by the 1:07 one of the fitted for ihe job of dictator and all around possibly welcome a war in which Japanese worker Noske. Bela K:n is in r13011 and producer of capitalist Viulence than General and. Imerican workers would slaughter each brave llungary wlicji dar Ruje Wood. who is being now groomed for the other, for the imperialists and governments sia was handed over. y the cate to the presidency by the militant capitalists and of both countries have been experiencing White Guard.
imperialists of the United States. The other terrific treatment in the form of mass day, in course of an address at Fort Collins, strikes.
But have the Imperialist powers succeeded General ood behaved like a chip of the old Fortunately, the bunk, hypocrisy, and in crushing the World Revolution. The terblock (Dictatorship of American Capitals viciousness of Imperialisin and Militarror which has seized capitalist government ism. when he said: m peace cunierence at laris has disil including our Own, is the best answer. My motto for the Reds is lusioned many of the working masses in The answer is heard in the roll of the Ship or Shoot. believe we should Japan and the nited States. This should cannon uſ the Red Army which is mar ching place them all on ships of stone with put workers in their mass organizations in and sweeping forward to victory.
sails of lead and that their first stop both countries un guard, and urge them, not What a glorious arıny it is. The first army should be hell. We must advocate radi. merely to fight and expose the motives of which is fighting for the working class!
cal laws to deal with radical people. propaganda intended to stage a JapaneseThe Army of Proletarian Emancipatin. Shoot. Lead. llell. These three American war, but to prepar tu inaugurate words should popularize the general a campaign: vi mass strikes that will cripple Army! Already Japan is trembling and is It is the a. lvance guard of the World Fed slogan. We hope that the state of South imperialism in both countries.
Dakota makes a note of these admirable calling democratic America to its aid in The only enemy that the workers of Japan Siberia where the Red Army is forging irplatforin planks since they Jon deal with and the nited States have to lay is Impe resistably ahead. Indeed, the fout steps of Wilsonian subteríuge and are unusually rialism, with its host of financiers, traders, brief.
diplomatists, military officials, and corrupt the Red Army are heard here in America Shoot. Lead. Hell is the embodi press. Workers, watch out!
in the repressive measures, in anti strik ment of imperialist dictatorship. It is all laws and deportations. But all the efforts the working masses can ever expect from of the reactionary world powers are in vain.
the dictatorship of finance capital. Shot Want to Live in Guam? The coming year will see capitalism perish Lead. Hell. it has been the lot of the in more than one country. Even here in proletariat in wars created by imperialism. 19 is interesting indeed to note the at America the capitalist system will totter inand Shoot Lead. llell is destined to journals toward titude now of the different European der the onslaught of the cvor increasing, American institutions.
be the greeting of capitalist machine guns imcrican tyrany. American Czarisan, stinctive rebellion of the masses agairt as the struggle for control of industry and the yoke of capitalism. In Europe te American Prussianism, are a few of the tide of the revolution will engulf state becomes more sharply defined. phrases employed to show what they think The dictatorship of capitalism in Amcentire continent. In Italy the proletariat, rica may find an efficient servant for its United States.
over there about the imperiali in of the ready for the final conflict. In German: future requirements in General Wood. And from the graves of Liebknecht and Luxet it is to be hoped that he will be nominated No longer will tales of American liberty burg lias arisen a mighty spirit which for and clected to the presidency to try to influence the fancies of European workers. firing the hearts of the proletariat with carry out the policy of Shoot. Lead The policy of deporting and imprisoning Turn to Page Hell.
men and women for advocating shop and The issue of dictatorship of finance capi opening the eyes of the European press and government control by the proletariat, is tal versus the dictatorship of the proletariat working messes.
nust be decided some day, as it will be, notRESPOND NOW with tanding the efforts of social traitor Not to be outdone by the persecuting Deto The Communist sucialints, and comperites in the American partment of Juice in its zeal for convACFederation of abr. to use the soít pedal tjons, Senator Fletcher of Florida has inAppeal on page this of compromise and bourgeois reform.
troduced a bill that provides: issue for Immediate Defense The time for compromise has gone. Imor It may be Your Turn Next1 That every citizen of the nited Jorrialist sentiments as expressed by Gen.
States who directly or indirectly con THE ENTIRE MEMBERSHII Wind will be ful siter they lwp to dis.
inences or carries on any verbal, written Cour customise and sharpen the lines or printed intercourse, us correspond MUST ACT WITHOUT DELAY of the final struggle. ce, with any other persons, whether citizens ur alicuis, with the intent citler on vid