CapitalismCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismInvasionRussian RevolutionSovietStrikeWorking Class

Thie Communist ALL Power 6o Ghe Workers!
Vol. No. 14.
JANUARY 3rd, 1920.
Proclamation by the Central Executive Council of the Communist Party of America. The spectre of Communism is haunting Europe. prevent the ranks of our movement from filling up again wrote the framers of the Communist Manifesto nearly in Russia. three quarters of a century ago. The threat of working class Persecution and oppression can never win. It defeats revolution has become a reality in Europe and the Amer itself by rousing new determination and energy among ican capitalism is trembling with fear lest this same the worleers.
spectre, which haunts it, become a relity here.
And remember, comrades, the fifty thousand memIt is because American capitalisin feels itself insecure bers of our party do not stand alone. They represent the that it is striking out with all its power in an effort to conscious element among the workers, the militant organdestroy the Communist movement, which is in the foreization which by its heroic effort arouses the mass of the front of the revolt against capitalism in this country. workers to action.
The raids and arrests of the last week have never If we stood alone, American capitalism would hardly been equaled even in autocratic Russia, in the blackest cast to the wind its pretenses about American democracy days of Czarism.
and blacken itself before the world in the effort to desMore than four thousands workers have been herded troy our organization. It is just because the capitalists into prison pens and are held for prison sentences and de realize that the masses of workers are beginning to stir, poriation. With a brutality outrivalling the Cossacks because the signs of mutiny and revolt are apparent on and Black Hundred of the former Czar they have been all sides, because of this it aims its vicious blows at our snatched from their homes, husbands from their wives organization. The great steel strike, the coal strike, the and mothers from their children, and now with the barest wave of strikes which are rending the entire industrial mockery of a hearing and trial are hurried away, deported structure of the country, these are the portends which and imprisoned, so that American capitalism may be freed have roused the capitalists to action against us.
from the threat of their opinions.
And these, con des, are also the signs that we are few weeks ago democratic America startled the invincible. Capitalism cannot conquer; the Communist world by reversing the process which began when the movement cannot fail. Behind our organization are the heretic Puritáns landed from the Mayflower at Plymouth forces which are sapping the strength of the capitalist Rock three hundred years ago. The Puritans were fleeing industrial structure and forcing new masses of workers irom oppresion. They sourht the shores of America tu es into the open struggle against capitalists. These forces care persecution. Today the nation which they helped to inevitably bring the workers into conflict with their found is expelling from its shores men and women who masters; they arouse more and more workers to a conare political hereties. The United States has become the cious revolt and conscious struggle against the existing land of blackest political oppression, and Soviet Russia system of industry. the land of freedom ready to welcome those whom the Let the government of the capitalists imprison and American capitalists and their government expel because deport every red agitatcr in the country! It will avail of heretical opinions, it nothing: Let it imprison or deport every one of the Comrades, can the Communist movement be des lifty thousand members of our party. a task that is troyed by this unheard of persecution and oppression? already beyond its power. It will avail in nothing. It will Will the arrest of the four thousand members of our or drive new sections of the workers to revolt. new Comganization free American capitalism from the threat of munist movement will arise. new army will challenge loss of its position of privilege. its oportunity to extort capitalism.
profits froin the workers?
Communism is not the foreign growth which the Comrades, take courage! We are invicible. Capitalism lackey of capitalisni try to make it appear. It is innate in has merely strucl down the front rank of the army of the structure of the present industrial order.
workers that is mobilizing against it. It has taken four With this knowledge in our hearts and minds let us thousand of our organization of fifty thousand. It has ally to our movement. Where capitalism has for the struck at those who have been active in our work. moment damaged our organization, the work to repair but others will step in their places and take up their work and strengthen it must be undertaken at once.
Our organization is not destroyed; our ranks will quickly The national organization will assist with all its fill up with those who will be aroused to action by the very power. It will hely to develop new methods to place the persecution through which the capitalists seek to destroy movement beyond the attack of our enemies.
Comrades, the workery struggle calls you! In the face Did all the persecution of the Czar prevent the of the cruel attack and persecution you must rally to your workers of Russia from marching or to victory? Did the cause, you must mobilize anew for the struggle.
Cossacks knout, the black prisons and Siberfan exile On with the struggle! On to Victory!
lt restruggle, became invincible. It created an and unconquerable, and like the Red Dawn army of its own representing its class in. in the skies is shedding a new light upon the terests: the Red Army! Under the control carth and is bringing a New Day for awakenof the Communist Party of Russia, the Red ing humanity! In cvery corner of the world But the menace of Russia continued to Army became the powerful weapon for de. myriad masses of exploited toilers are rising terrify the master class. So it decided to fense of the Russian Revolution.
and breaking their chains, their eyin turnee throw all its united resources with the pelled the Cheko Slovak invasion. It in. for hope and inspiration toward the fast: to colossal death dealing machinery tested in flicted a ushing feat on the armies of Suvict Russia.
a victorious war against the Russian pro. Kolchak, subsidized by international capi. The year which has passed presents a letariat to force it back into slavery. With talism. It is driving Deninin army head. record of the severust trials but also of the bravery unequaled in all the annals of his long into flight. It has defeated all the lightest hopes for the triumph of the world tory, the Russian working masses withistood foreign armies sent by the victorious allies revolution. In ciermany the Spartacang the onslaught of the entire imperialistic and forced themi citlicr to surrender or to be were overwhelmed by the reaction through world and as if by miracle, gathering over withdrawn the treason of the yellow Socialists, those increasing power in the bitterness of the Today Soviet Russia stands orect, strong Si Patriots le donned the revolution (urn to page 2)