BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGerman RevolutionGermanySovietStrikeWorking Class

COMMUNIST رو All Power to the Workers!
Saturday, May 22, 1920 PRICE CENTS New Offensive Against Soviet Russia Proclamation by the Amsterdam Bureau of the Communist International TO THE WORKERS OF ALL COUNTRIES HE International Conference of the Communists at Amsterdam has warned you already in February: World capital is preparing another attack on Soviet Russia. Behind the peace negotiations and commercial relations there lurks a treacherous aggression, This new offensive has now begun in the far East. Japan has concentrated a big army and has taken the offensive. It announces in the worldpress that its army is strong enough to annihilate also the reinforcements on their way to the Red Armies to defend the workers soviets.
In the meantime Poland is preparing for a gigantic struggle. Already it has accomplished a move eastward and has in agreement with the Entente advanced such demands as everybody knows to be absolutely inacceptable. French and American war material continues to be piled up in Poland.
The Finnish minister of foreign affairs negotiates in London, Finland will be granted the special honor of attacking Petrograd, whilst Poland advances towards Moscow and Petlura towards Kiev.
But the German counter revolution too must be considered in this light.
Up to this day the secret understanding between English diplomats and Kapp has not been explained. Even now the Entente does not demand the disarmament of the Junkers. but supports the disarmament of the workers. Already a new coup is being prepared by the German military band of robbers and both Austria and Hungary are about to initiate a monarchy by an attack on Russia.
Rgents of the Entente have already negotiated about the compensations to be allowed to Hungary for attacking the Bolsheviki. Only the wilfully blind can believe in peace.
Workers! the fate of the world is now to be decided, ensslavement or Financial capital cannot forget that it had to acknowledge an initial defeat at the hands of Soviet Russia.
This new and last effort will surpass everything in ruthlessness and cruelty. In this contingency the revolutionary spirit of our polish comrades is the vulnerable spot of world capital. Will they allow themselves to be led into misery and death for the sake of their exploiters?
Not if the German proletariat gives them hope of a support from the rear, if there is a chance left of Soviets in Western Europe coming to the rescue of their brothers in the East. This is why the German reaction must be helped to regain power, under Ebert Noske if possible, under Kapp Ludendorff if necessary, so as to protect Poland in the rear and to provide troops for a second attack if the first onslaught should break upon the unflinching courage of our Russian friends.
This is why France must make haste to occupy German cities with black troops, for though Germany will be allowed to act as executioner, France will not let go their prey and the industrial proletarians of Western Germany continue to constitute a danger for the Polish adventure.
And in the meantime the comedy of Polish negotiations continues in Borisoff; the most competent leaders of russian economic life are invited to Western Europe for the beginning of commercial relations. committees of research (or rather for counterrevolutionary espionage) are talked about.
Workers! all this is so monstrous that you hesitate to believe it. But the offensive has already begun. The attack had to begin in the East in order that a strong Japanese army might be able to draw Russian troops away from the western frontier. And this beginning has not been made.
In due time alarm will be sounded in the capitalist press of the world about a Russian offensive against Poland and Finland, and England has already promised its full support to all the border states in such an event. Have we then really learned nothing during these five years and a half from the monotonous lies of our adversaries? Do the workers even now not understand that Soviet Russia, the Russia of the workers and the poor peasants, wishes to live in peace, must wish to thing in order to secure peace? Must we needs again and again believe our liv peace and does ally everyenemies and betray our friends?
The proletariat the world over will have to answer now so as to show its determination to prevent this crime.
The Amsterdam Bureau of the Communist International appeals to all workers and to the transportworkers in the very first place to boycott all ships and goods from and for Japan, as long as the policy of intervention in Siberia is maintained.
Classconscious workers should not touch any goods destined for Japan or coming from Japan, nor should they maunfacture or handle or transport such goods.
Workers of Japan! We address ourselves to you in the first place. But also the American, the British, the Dutch, the Norwegian, the French, etc workers can give active support.
Such an action will show those in power that the workers are on their guard and prepared for deeds.
But this will not be enough.
We have already issued a call for a general strike of protest against intervention in Soviet Russia on May first.
Such a protest is all all right, but it must be followed up by coercive deeds, for capital will give way to power only now that since its very existance is at stake, but.
the existance of millions of workers as well.
In hatred against Soviet Russia all capitalist states fraternally unite.
Though Lloyd George never so hypocritically play the peace maker, Britain none the less remains the (Continued on page and whole freedom.