CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismStrikeTerrorismWorkers MovementWorking Class

COMMUNIST وو All Power to the Workers!
MAY 8, 1920 PRICE CENTS Who Are The Terrorists?
TERRORISM is the first expedient with them has not yet appeared in come to the time when all issues of despotism. It has no doubt the newspapers. That anybody else are reduced to one real issue, the was in this bombing party as principal fight for capitalistic privilege, eushocked many Americans who do not or accessory has not been announced. phemistically described as the people realize the inevitable bitterness of It was Mr. Palmer own little affair, liberties and institutions, against the the class struggle, just now coming and fortunately for the intended working class assertion, labeled into its sharper stages in the United victims the May Day celebration as it crime and disorder.
States, how readily our sons of the actually occurred did not include Mr. If we have a Wood for president sweet land of liberty could perform Palmer special stunt.
and a Palmer for Attorney General, the role made familiar by the offi But our Quaker terrorist is after and a like minded official family cials of czardom and kaiser rule. The all quite a piker alongside of Leo generally, as is more than likely, it gentle, scholarly, pious Mr. Wilson nard Wood. few hundred deport may become somewhat clearer to a quickly adjusted himself to the states ations, a few thousand jailings, a few millions in this country that the manship and militarism of finance careless bombing or two, this record government is a police institution in imperialism, since his mind must pales before the warrior presence of behalf of the system of capitalistfollow the inevitable development of the stolid soldier politician whom imperialism. Things will happen, as capitalism, scorning the only alter Wall Street is staking for the presi they have already been happening in native, a new industrial and social dency.
connection with every labor assertion system.
We have had ample opportunity to of serious proportions, which will Attorney General Palmer, a mem observe that everytime anybody sharply emphasize the true character ber of the Quaker group of pacifists, utters solemnities about law and of our democratic government. Conblossoms forth as the most drastic, order that something strenuous has gress will only be discussed in the reckless, unscrupulous prosecutor in been done or is about to be done to comic papers. Law and order will any country today. In Hungary or take a whack at the labor movement. rage throughout the land and then Germany, Palmer would be directing Say the Wood supporters: The un what? Well, one can begin to imagine executions by the thousands on the certainty of the hour makes one lead the heavy tramp of the marching least suspicion of Communist sym ing issue for this campaign and that millions, as the light bursts through pathy, just as in America he seeks issue is Law and Order. Then is which transforms the beast of burden deportations by the thousands on the quoted a resolution passed by the into the human being who demands flimsiest pretexts of fact and law. American Bar Association: the right to live as master of his own The mentality of this man Palmer Now be it therefore resolved destiny, himself and his co workers is neatly epitomized in his sen that the liberties of the people and together.
tentious declaration that thousands of the preservation of their institu Terrorism and unlimited force, this agents have come here from Russia tions depend upon the control and is the program against the working to preach dictatorship of the proleta exercise by the Federal, State and class assertion. Today law and orriat in a land where there is no prol municipal governments of what der threatens even the right to etariat.
ever force is necessary to maintain strike, as in Kansas. There have been Palmer evidently expected to at all hazards the supremacy of several important anti strike judical become president of the United States the law and to suppress disorder decisions; anti strike proposals keep by the good fortune of having the and punish crime.
coming up before Congress, and the front of his home shot away by a Then the query: What candidate wierd extensions of the use of inbomb. Those who followed the story is as competent and experienced to juctions continue.
of that bombing are still wondering carry out this resolution as General And there will still be the high about its curious details. Of course Leonard Wood? Not much is left for privilege offered the people of we do not say that Palmer tried the the imagination. The mighty warrior voting for the supreme police officers, advertising stunt of doing it him of Gary distinction, the warrior who so that the unlimited force can be self. Such things happened under si made a grand stand play about quit applied in behalf of their liberties milar police methods. But there is no ting his campaign to array law and and their institutions.
proof that Palmer threw his own order against the railroad strikers, The Communists scorn either the bomb. Nor is there the least proof this is the ideal candidate of Ame fear or the use of terrorism. They that anybody else did. That is where rican imperialism today. Never mind appeal for working class education the matter rests except that the issues which may go into the and organization, for class consciousPalmer builds campaign speeches fake platforms, never mind the com ness and its effective organization around his lucky bomb.
plexities of international affairs, just expression in industry, for the mass For the observance of May Day, pay attention to disorder and array and action against capitalism this year, Palmer announced a whole crime at home and elect a president and all the institutions which defend string of bomby. Whatever he did accordingly. In other words, we have it. We cannot change the weather nor abate the storm by deporting the barometer.