BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanySocialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Hail To The Soviets!
To break up our party into two secretary a new organizer will be TALK CONSPIRATORS organizations at a time when all our appointed.
While the insistence of the maefforts have been hampered by the We urge every member to participate jority of the as above set existence of two parties calling them in the District Conventions in regard forth, on its right to use its power selves Communist would be doing to which information will be confor factional purposes, is the immethe greatest injury to the Communist veyed to the membership by the diate cause of the repudiation if its movement in this country. While the District Organizers, and through authority, the fundamental causes lie majority group believes in splits and these District Conventions to send deeper.
have made them part of their theory delegates to the national convention.
Since the beginning of the party of action, the Executive Secretary and Thus they can themselves take control there have been two viewpoints repthose supporting his position desire of the party, preserve its unity and resented in the Central Executive to preserve the unity of the Com elect such officials as will carry out Committee. The majority members munist Party of America through the their desires.
of the committee considered themaction of the membership of the selves great theorists. They conLet us build the party of action, the party. They will take no steps to stantly talked about the word prinfighting organization which a Ćomsplit the membership.
ciple. but never about how to relate munist Party can be through the effort Communist principles to the workThe Executive Secretary will of the virile membership of our oring class movement of this country continue to conduct the work of the ganization, which has already proven and to make these principles a living organization through the District Or by its sacrifice in time of stress its reality in action. Although the Maniganizers. In those Districts in which willingness to give everything for festo of the party declared proudly that organizers will not work with the Çommunist principles. the Communist Party is a party of action, the kind of action this majority believed in, was hours and days of sitting about a table wrangling about who should go to (Continued from page 1) they stand for your oppression and Europe and be the hero to announce exploitation. Labor parties, Moderate the organization of the American of rebuilding and reconstructing the economic life of the nation so as to Socialism, and the reactionary Trade Branch of the Communist InternatUnions end exploitation and secure the neare merely the new tools ional.
cessities of life, education and rethrough which the capitalists mainThis majority talked about theory, creation to those who work.
tain their power when they can no but never discussed and applied their The means through which longer dupe you by the old methods.
the theories; they continually used the YOU MUST BREAK THE POWER word principle. but the principles workers have ousted their exploiters they adhered to they kept sacredly and carried on the work of reconOF THE CAPITALISTS. You cannot hidden from the light of day. They struction is the Soviet Government, compromise with them as do the believed themselves super Bolshevists through which is expressed the Labor Parties, the Moderate Socialand were quick to fling the epithet Dictatorship of the Proletariat. The ists and the reactionary Trade Union Menshevik at those who opposed workers found that they could not ists.
You them, but the difference between Bol exercise ther must develop your power power through the shevism and Menshevism they never in through engaging governmental machinery of their present discussed. They have been aptly exploiters. They found that the state struggles against the capitalists. The designated talk conspirators. who machinery of their exploiters, general political strike is the means expect to establish the Dictatorship whether it appeared in the shape of of expressing your power and the of the Proletariat the autocracy of the Czar, or in the by hiding thembeginning of the revolutionary selves away in some dark room and shape of a so called democratic parstruggle which will finally establish talking about theory and loudly shout liamentary government, such as we the Soviet Government and the Dicing the word principle have in the United States, was an tatorship of the Proletariat.
In order to maintain themselves instrument for their oppression While in this country we are not in the position of leaders. this which they must replace by their own ready for the final struggle, the Comgroup pursued the policy of exinstitution of government before they munist Party of America calls upon clusiveness in their attitude toward could use their power and destroy you to show your power on May Day.
party membership. They wished to capitalism.
There are in the prisons of the keep the party a small sect of which THE SOVIETS. WORKERS United States hundreds of political they could pose as the high priests. COUNCILS ARE THE NATURAL and industrial prisoners whose only The Executive Secretary and the EXPRESSION OF THE POWER OF offense is that they fought the battles minority group, on the other hand, THE WORKERS. WHEN THE of the workers. Shall they rot behind stood for a policy which would make WORKERS OF HUNGARY steel bars forever? Other thousands the Communist Party in reality the WRESTED POWER FROM THEIR are to be imprisoned and deported as party of action which its Mani EXPLOITERS THEY DID SO the result of the effort of the capitalfesto so proudly proclaims it. They THROUGH THE SOVIETS. WHEN endeavored to relate the party to the ist government to destroy the revoTHE WORKERS OF BAVARIA life struggle of the workers. They lutionary movement in this country.
ACHIEVED THEIR VICTORY IT Are these workers sought to inject the party viewpoint to be removed WAS THROUGH THE SOVIETS. IN in every struggle of the masses. They from the class struggle while you GERMANY THE WORKERS HAVE believed that remain silent?
a Communist Party FOUND THAT MODERATE SOshould be, not a party of closet philoSTRIKE FOR THE RELEASE OF CIALISM OF THE EBERT SCHEIDsophers, but a party which participates in the every day struggles of the EMANN TYPE AND THE MILI TRIAL PRISONERS ON MAY DAY.
struggles and gives them wider meaning, thus developing the ComBOTH FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET GOVERNMENT.
munist movement. It was the ExecuDEMAND THE FREEDOM OF tive Secretary and those who stood WORKERS OF AMERICA, YOU THOSE WHO ARE IMPRISONED with him who initiated such efforts MUST JOIN IN THE REVOLUFOR FIGHTING THE BATTLES OF to make the party an organization TIONARY STRUGGLE OF THE THE WORKING CLASS.
functioning in the class struggle as WORKERS OF THE WORLD IF Make the slogan of the day: ALL the Gary leaflet at the time of the YOU WOULD EMANCIPATE YOURPOWERS TO THE WORKERS.
Steel Strike, the leaflet on the miners SELVES FROM CAPITALISM. The Hail to freedom for all political and strike and even the recent leaflet on partjes of your enemies the capitalindustrial prisoners!
the Railwaymen strike.
ists the Republican and DemocratHAIL TO THE SOVIETS AND ic party. have proven to you that THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT!
the a