BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyImperialismLeninPrivate PropertySovietWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PARTY Α Τ R THE COMMUNIST Sight After the Convention no one need be in douN. Will test like there on the as to what Huquit meant when he once cades For further prrticulars apply to Eber Conn and New Jersey with CE. membership Scheldemann Noske Co. Berlin, SOME DECISION OF THE LAST MEETING Uppec About 60 of English groups in New York State and New Jersey soldly with Seven thousand dollars is a high price to pay JEWISH FEDERATION QUESTION City with and of the reinainins many for getting rid of Damon, Incs, Langles (EXTRACTS FROM THE MINUTES)
are still neutral with a few roups for minoses Esthonian branch and about five German. but the members must bear in mind the No: being opposed to the Jewish branches Cost of Splitting this year with minority in New York City. Na inforO whics took the side of the majority holains we instruct these mation about Polish brancher as there heme convention of their own, to be a split in the Polish Federation Except for Damon stealing of party funds and to participate in any convention branches DOO would be side spitting.
Jewish hr. 50 50 Romaining membership with properts the whole affair together with Jewish branches which have taken CE Comprising about 90 of the district. doinite stand with the minority.
District (Eastern Penn. The only difference between Harold Lord Varney To appoint a provisional committee to organOut of nine hundred members only a little over izo the majority groups of the Jewish Federation anord for his 197 cm 13 Varney got ten conts one hundred (mostly Jewieh and a few Germans with instructions to issue in Jewish translations and Esthonians with minority. Russian District of the statement and other important SubConvention with Baltimore The Toller official organ of the of communications relating to the present split in dlatrict sent in resolution against minority.
the party.
Lithuaniang also with unite with them; the Communist Labor. officia To Instruct the Jewish Provisional Committee to call as soon as possible and practicable, a con District 4A and 4B (Pittsbark and Cleveland. with Damon, Jeases, Langley Co. to unite with them Pittsburg 26 branch organizers sollaly Party who will re affirm their affiliation with and at meeting where Damon epoko, with dependants of Germany: Widest poesible frater allegiance to the Party as represented by its exception of ono South Slavic organizer, but so.
Cleveland, Damon strongC. c.
Sievs sre splitting.
The in proservation is slient, of course That the Jewish Provisional Committee work hold, Lette turned back to after hearing o 30 Lithuanian under the supervision and control of the report of Federation representative.
of the Party, and that its members cannot be Groups withdrew their delegates to minority Members of the Communist Labor Party whose members of any official body of the former Jewish convention. Germane not all lost. About so in Federation at same time, and they are now, Cleveland with munist principles should, in justice to our partythey should immediately upon acceptance of their and to the neelves. resign from the Commute Dinthet 4C (Detroit. appointment withdraw.
labor Party Extract from a declaration District Committee, including Jewish with QUESTION OF PORIER EXECUTIVE May 1st by the E. of the Suggestion SECRETARY Fisher (minority. was able to get only 12 Path.
to the L. for their next convention Elect onion, 20 German, i5 Armenian members and LithThat we instruct the Executive Council to issue Debe on their and preserve the memberuanian representative to go with him in entire and publish resolution branding former Executive district. But Lithuanians are all with ship or their party, Secretary Damon for 211 his treacherous acts All others with EC The funny thing about these unity fionds is against the Party for his seizure or Party funds sed records, for continuing to sign as the Executthat th. only thing that they can agree upons Diatriet Illinols, etc. Ive Secretary without any authority, Tor issuing Vembershiu led into aplit blindis did not know unity, and in order to have unity as a constant his paper under the Party name and Seal, etc. etc. any facte. Lette in Chicago Holidly with Lesue, they can never unite, since no two of them INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Russland will stand with in Chicago; at agree upon anything more fundamental than To write to the Amsterdam Bureau repudiat their Sub district conference they voted for (From the Clevoland District Organizor.
units Nono inges entirely unauthorized, the participation of for neutrality and not voting. in the Feb. s International Con for minority.
Lithuaniana and Ukrainians stronghold CONVENTION CALL ference rt Amsterdam, in the name of the Communist Praty of America branch of Jewish Federation in Chicago with Fraina theses on The Coming Elections, Polieh Federation decided against (Continued from page propoeed for discussion and action by the Communtaking part in the minority convention (4 to this manner, and AT THE CONVENTION ist Party Kenosha. Milwaukee and Racine with CE. CALLED BY THE can ah rral oCmmunist After some discussion the following resolution Minneanolls Letts with Kansas City not for en be brought together into one party convention.
WAS Adopted unanimously!
with minority. Defense Committee of Chicago, recommendation in the letter of Comwith about 31300. 00 in hands of Isan. cs.
TONT BE FOOLED BY THE EPIFE OF AN Tuto Wherent of March 10, 1920, to nominate RUSSIAN FEDERATION IMMEDIATE CONVENTION TIP PURPOSE OF and campaign for a presidential candidate is conA11 District Conventions (excent Boston which is WHICH IS TO CONFUSE THE 19SUES.
tradictory to Communist principles and tactics 29 neutral. In principles with 2nd Chicago Walt for the convention call to be issued by enunciated and incorporated in the Communist District Convention not yet held but in process the C. givins all necessary Gata as to time.
Party program and tactics adopted at the First of furning hack to thoir Federation) with tho place and method of elections consistent with Convention of the Party: and, whereas, besides Mulukee, Kansas City, Kenosha and the proper secrecy which must be maintained in being against change in the program along the St. Louie with Central Committee of order to make the convention a success. The he Jina suggested by Comrade Frain Russian Federation irryca 11ltimatum to all party units will receive full intor DLS tion through of has no authority to make such a change branches to take definite stand with or the regular party channels Therefore, be it resolved to refer Comrade Fraiwoud ho expelled. Initiated Federations Conference WAT FOR THE CONVENTION CALL OF THE na letter to the coming Party Convention for with the soul thint Russian, Lettish Ukrainian CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COTTWEE.
consideration under the proper order of business.
and Lithuanian Pederations adopted strong resolu(Signed. Central Executive Committee of COMING PARTY CONVENTION tion for and against the minority.
The Conianist Party, Tentative order of business (Agenda) drawn up Monte, Acting Secretars.
for the coming convention (printed on first page. LITHTAVIAN FEDERATION to be submitted through regular party channels Sola with Some branches elected selefor discuacion among the groups, branches, sub saten to minority withdrew their delegates when SIGNIFICANT LETTER districts and district electors meeting.
informed of the facts.
Note: Other decisions pertaining to the coming LETTISH FEDERATION (Continucd from page Perty convention are being transmitted to member. All dranchen solidly with and fighting it had not a purely mendicant character. then both ship through regular Party channels.
the minority. In Cleveland they withdrew from REPORT OF DISTRICT ORGANIZERS AND mninority upon report of their Federation reComrade artens and his Bureau would have bepresentative FEDERATIONS Chicago samo.
come the center of proletarian spirit and sympathy Distriet Rev England. UKRAINIAN FEDERATION (though. undoubtedly, he would have lost Teat Entire District Committee with exception of Jew Renreginative unavoidahlv ahsent (missed 20 deal of sympathy of liberals and highly situated ish. with the Lowell, Haverhill and Pee. But report from Perleration is excellent.
persons. the activity of the Dureau would not Lawrence English groups with the Polish Whole Federation poudly with comradee with: Comrade Smith (former MAJORITY ELEMEYTS OF JEWISH KO on solistlessly and colorlessly with such deep District Organizer) now organizer for English FEDERATION.
indifference to it from the Yen more conscious groups in Dietrict, working under supervision of representative from the maiority eloments elements or the masses of the working cinss (we an Dietrict Organizer. About twenty four Letts with of the Jewieh Federation was present unofficially not speaking here of the party elements. True, it minority and elected electors to minority and reported that Jewish Perleration la splitting diatrict convention. in Mags. knew of is quite possible, that he might have been deportel despite neutrality of It In New York spilt even before the District Comm. Minority only the Harlem and West End Branch with mimuch earlier that he may be under the present statements 69 papers are distributed in this nority. The other New York branches (2 or circumstances (if at all. but then, his deportation.
Dietrict through L. channels. All other party branchee) with majority. Detroit and Paterson and the very preparations for is his examination, units with with majority. Chicago largest and best branch with majority. In Philadelphia most of Jewish trials, etc. etc. would not have passed so unnoticed District Vew York, New Jersey, Cona. Dlatrice Committee with Sub district members with minority. Prospects good for a and so quietly as is now the ease.
Committee o! City. Upper State, Conn. strong Jewioh Communist Federation Dut alas! Instead of the uncompromising ComImunist way, Comrads Martens chose the humiliating POLICY OF ENGLAND way of compromise and back stairs diplomacy. Inreasons for this rise in prices is the American monopoly of bread and raw materials. Should stead of listening to Communist organizations, he Continued from page English Imperialism succeed in reorganizing the Selected as his political advisers and suides such opportunists of tho worst lindras Comrade Nutthe blems the ext order of business when revo cheap drena from Russia Ysterchand in recelving lutionary al products, it hopes to master the revolutionary gere puts it, as Nuorteva. Hiquit and others (we fernentition among the workers had crisis at home.
aro not referring in this instance to non partisan shows to the Balls themselves that the victorie countries were experts, not free from But does it not raise before the leaders of whose work in the Soviet Bureau is the menaco of Bolshevism. then the struggle English Imperialism the question of the possibility limited by the more or less nurrow sphere of aga! Sovet Russla took on primarily social of strengthening Soviet Russia by coming to an character.
agreement with it? To this question asked of their specialties and who do not interfere with the Lloyd George by a portion of the bourgeois press political activities of the Bureau. The capitalist class of England decided to crush Those pardon Soviet Rusia as the center of the world revoluhe gives an answer which reduces Itset to the the expression. political nuvises were directing tion. Even then Lloyd George doubted the possifollowing. It is impossible to build anything the whole activittes of the Bureau, spoke in the bility of armed victory over Soviet Russia. but the Communism; Society can majority of the English bourgeoisie, blinded by exist only on the basis of private property and name of and for Comrade fartens, showed him off their hatred and lear, took the point of view to Senators whenever they found it necessary.
not in that Communism may forever replace capiexpressed by the first councillor of the British Embaeny at Petrograd. Mr. Linley, in his letter talist society but in the destructiveness however, in a word, conducted themselves in tho Bureau as of revolu 1f everything in it, including Comrade Martens himto Curzon in these words: They should be treated After the period of each country returns to capitalism. And Russia self, was their property periah.
The crushing defeats of Kolchak, Yudenitch will clo return to it. and will enter into commerclal Sturn with the capithe sooner 1t And lately, these political advisers becoming and Denikine by the Red Army proved to the talist world. Through the ooncessionnire factobolder, onenly (secretly they were doing this a English bourgeoisie how right was Lloyd George the time used their prestige and connections with when he opposed the military adventure. The Herkestnut capitalism is better than the munition the Bureau in the service of a contemptible, slan English bourgeoisle understood then that it would Should the blockade bo lifted, commerce wili bo not succeed in crushing directly the revolutionary cestar in the East. She then docided to turn derous campaign carried on by the Right Wins carried on not only with the Soviet Government: Socialists. in approved scheidemann Fashion her energies to crushing the revolutionary elespeculator (profiteurs) will be able to build secret apparatus of commerce with forein capiainst the Communist Party and its leading lisThe. tal which will destroy the whole economic policy ures: contaminating whatever they thouch, these enough to turn her attention to Soviet Russia of the Soviet Power. And should the Soviet later.
From this point of view, the change in the Party of Amerloa, are poisoning with their breath Engin policy towards Russia in military terms crumbled in a peaceful economic struksie, hot have sigalties tho following: Since to a great extent ernte, become a power, reconelling the ineven the Soviet Bureau, putting it in danger of the offensive on Soviet Russia failed because an of the capitalistic farmor with the interests becoming the center of Scheidemannism of the Ally of Soviet Russia was working in the rear of of the worker on the basis of exchange economics.
Encinh Imperialism the English working classe It is possible to hope for success in the struggio Whether the Soviet Bureau will escape the dange Hra pre decided to strengthen not only against the English, but also gainet the Russian rovolution.
threatening it, whether it changes its line of be havior. e don undertake to predict. Only the Eestion workers. Toutainvictory over the hore we are dealing with the peculiar flexibility is the trend of thought of the lendere of English Imperialism while entering into relations future will show. This will depend to a sleat extent to utilize precisely peace relations with with us. Not considering it our duty to enlighten of course. upon whether or not the one political Russia. Establishment of peace relations is inthe English ministers, we may decline to criticize tended to pacify the English workers united udvisers and pilots will remain at the helm of the their opiniong which we only cited in order to Russia, and in bow our readers the reasons the Blon: Hands of? dation for lasting 2160 As to the queation of a capitalist poace between Deace policy toward Russia.
the English pacito lay the of the English proletariat ENGLISH PEACE. IS CONTINUATION OF the United States (and other capitalist countries ENGLSIE WAR AGAINST SOVET RUSSIA WITH and Soviet Russia, to which comrad Rutgers refer the English labor movement during the hare decade THE ASSISTANCE OF ECONOMIC WEAPONE.
in his letter, We reserve this for special article has been the low prices for the means of existence.
The possibility of a victory or defeat of this Parallel to the growth of high cost of living English policy depend upon the degree of ale during the last years before the war was a growIng fermentation and unrest among the English Orkanization of the capitalist economie England and the organization of the waist of workers The reader will find refrences to this ques.
The main source of the present revolueconomie system of Rusala.
tionary fermentation in England is the rise of (Translated from the Moscow Pravda, No. 1, which due to lack of space, will be published in tion in the International Secretary e report publishprices after the conclusion of peace.
ed in the list issue and to the Tbosis on May 1st One of the of April 17, 1920. tione This Bureau.
or at some futuro date. tho Supplement