BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGerman RevolutionGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismOpportunismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinSyndicalismTrotskyWorking ClassZinoviev

Was being arranged together with the Free That a demonstration for political prisoners Foundation and the National Civil Liberties. Indicating the Socialist Party co operation and affiliation with petty bourgeois radicals.
c) That Jean Longuet was to speak in the United States under the auspices of the party indicating the opportunist and centrist character of the Social.
Ist arty international allas 10. Historically, the Party developed as the American expression of the opportunism and reformism which became dominant in the second International at the close of the XIX century: the party represented and still represents mo petty bourgeois Socialism. The decision party to affiliate with the Communist International is the product of two factors, a) Undefined symRevolution and the Soviet Republe the Russian Ist International being identified with the Soviet Republic and a means of assisting this Republic, instend of as a means of revolutionary struggle and the reconstruction of Socialism. b) The 41 piomncy of miserable Left Center in the Socialist Party, which considers it a clever stroke to attie inte with the Communist International imagining that this might impair the power of the Communist Party of America.
The admission of the American Socialist Party to the Communist International would be a seriou blow to the American Communist movement and to the International itself.
the Communist International Catheria in trevalls in 1s broken in pieces: In this, the Communist International has performed a magnernational has not task of de struction, but the Communist y et performed the constructive task of itself on a definite basis. All sorts of parties and organizing groups formerly affiliated with the oia International, and which have not purged themselves of the Center and Right are asking admission to the Communist International; for our International to admit these undesirable elements would mean reconstituting the Second International under the name of Communist International. The situation promising action: the Communist International must Is dangerous and requires immediate and uncomdouble bolt its doors against undesirable elements, It must do nothing to impair its own revolutionary integrity or to hamper the conscious Communist movement in any particular country.
In the name of the Communist Party of America, accordingly, call for the rejection of the application of the American Socialist Party for admission to the Communist International, and that, pending final action by the Executive Committee in Moscow (or Congress of the Internationa. the SubBureau of the International shall not enter into any relations with the American Socialist Party, March 30, 1920.
Louis Frainn, International Secretary.
RUSSIA The Ninth Congress of the Communist Party, Editor Note: This letter from our InternaSoviet radle of April 7th untowing passagen tional Secretary has just reached us in time for pite on April 16th, gives the publication. Comrade Fraina is abroad making confrom Trotek speech at the final session of the tact with the Communist movement there and partParty Congress on the previous dny: The Soviet AT the transitional character of the Icipating in the work of the Third International Soviet regime. The latter is entering to cry upon TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE SUBnew period of its existence in which the principe weight of its forces is being transfered to BUREAU OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL the economic front. Consequently, the Red Army Comrades: must modify itself to correspond to the new phase The Socialist Party of the United States has of developinent of the Soviet Republic. Obviously.
while the country was obliged to carry on a despe. decided to affiliate with the Communist Interrate war on all fronts there could be no question national, and has made application accordingly to of creating a inilitia service. that system Zinovlev. In considering this application, the following points should be born in mind: exists to only in its ombryonic form of uni versal military training The mere decision to affiliate with the ComThe idea of the mhitin arose at once amongst tho munist International is in Italf of small value: bourgeoisle and from the Socialists of the Second tho decisivo factor is acceptance, in theory and International. In his book. Armée Nouvelle, practice, of Communist fundamentals.
cratic republic, would little by little come to trans. The resolution of the American Socialist Party In favor of affiliating with the Communist Interform and socialize the mobilized citizens. But the national is allent concerning acceptance of the the Prinlist War, the Revolution, and finally, of our Red Army, have shown that principles and tactics of the International. At the the character of an army is not determined merely inst National Convention of the Party, August 30.
by its form. It was suggested that the militia 1919 (at system would assure the defense of the country at much less cost: on the contrary, a well organized mass action, Soviets and proletarian dic.
multia will be much more costly than a standing 2) mrom the Party, Was overwhelmingly tatorship as means of Revolution were rejected, army, 17 only for the reason that it covers infinitely the Sociniist Party evading every actual problem vaster masses of the population. The fact is that of revolutionary theory and practice.
the militin system has been shinply forced upon The policy of the Socialist Party is completely the nations by the march of events this was seen dominated by the conception of parliamentary conquest of Capitalism. The party is not revolutionary: during the late imperialist war, which forced all States to call up class after class, and, in some on the contrary, it is shance upon pettyopportunist; Its cases, to multiply tenfold their peace offectives. tactice are comprised But the principal argument for the militia system bourgeois democracy, parliamentarism, reformism, is that to have an army, we must produce, and, and cooperation with the llberals and reactionary in order to produce, we must retain the necessary trades unions.
Manpower in the workshops and the fields. The The revolutionary elements in the Socialist trade unions will certainly play a considerable Party have either been expelled or have seceded of the former party membership, approximately part We speak of milltarization of Labor, we must the Party niso set before ourselves the idea of Industrializare ing our army. milltia is necessary of a terri still in the Socialist Party. The Socialist Party torial character, wemust therefore transform its now consists wholly of the Right and the Centre: present administrative areas in such a way that opportunists and reformists, all. The dominant they will have as pivot an industrial center. In personages in the Socialist Party are: Morris H111short, in every are the industrial proletariat will quit, an unprincipled, refined opportunist of the be the basis of the militia. In the rpesent period Longuet type: Victor Berger, a social patriot of transition it is not possible first to demobilize who, in 1913, urged that the United States should the Red Army and then to create a militia: these conquer and annex Mexico; Seymour Stedman, a the defensive powers of our Republic will not be two processes will take place simultaneously, and typical petty bourgeois radical, who, upon the expulsion of 40, 000 Communists from the party, deweakened for a single day, for a single hour. clared in a capitalist newspaper: The Socialist Finally, thanks to the militia system, our country Party has been purged of its Bolshevism. Meyer will be able at the same tinie to solve the problems London, who, as a mmeber of Congress, supported of economic reconstruction and to defense of the the war and was not expelled from the Party: Revolution. Trotsky theses on this subject (re.
Algernon Lee, who, while a member of the New York printed in The London Call of April 15th) were City Board of Aldermen, voted to promote the sale unanimously approved.
of Liberty (war) Bonds and urged war against The Congress was closed by a speech in which Germany In order to save the Russian Revolution.
Lenin reminded delegates that it was a spirit of strict party discipline which had up to the present All the leaders who represented the Socialist Party as a typical party of the old International are Assured the Republic of all its miraculous sucstill dominant: there has been a purge of the cesses; all efforts could thus be concentrated on Communists, but not of the opportunists, of the one essential task at a time. The same energy and spirit must now be introduced into economic Right and Center, The Socialist Party prides itself upon having life. This would be a difficult task, but gradually, declared against the war. a) The revolutionists be replenished, machines repaired, factories going.
largely responsible for the anti war declaration are and the economic problem would be solved just now out of the party. b) The party official policy, as expressed by the leaders who are now still dominas the military one had been. The workers of all countries were watching Russia and waiting ant in the Socialist Party, was one of petty bourgeois pacifism and miserable opportunism.
new victoriee. The Socialist Party wages a strong campaign After this speech, on the motion of Preobrazhensky. Lenin oldest Kalinin, Radek, and Ribeye addressed the Conagainst intervention in Russia and for recognition Bukharin of the Ruvolan Soviet Government; but this camgress on the subject of the life and work of the paign is scarcely distinguishable from the campaign leader of the world Revolution, who would on of the petty bourgeois radicals. Moreover, the April 10th attain the age of 50.
Socialist Party neither emphasizes nor appreciates him the most Bukharin called perfect type of logical Marxist that aspect of the Russian Proletarian Revolution theoretician and stateaman. Lenin is exempt which makes mandatory the revolutionary reconfrom all narrowness of view. His universal spirit struction of Socialism.
selzes in every period the characteristic tendency Five Socialist Party representatives elected to and gives clear, exact, and considered replies which the Legislature of the State of New York have been are always to the point. He has always struggled denied their snets by the Legislature. The Socialists against the least manifestation of opportunism defense at their trial had three aspects: a) That and has geois encaray attacked the least traces of bourconstitutional government and democracy are menKalinin attested the affection and aced by the act of the Legislature: b) that the respect which all Socialist Party has no connection with the CommunRinzanoy characterizearcherished towards Lenin ists. that it is not true that Socialist Party both national, in the Russian working class moveaims to establish a Soviet Republic in the United ment, and international, as is shown by the revoluStates, since favoring the Russian Soviet Republic tionary murmurs which agitate the whole world does not mean proposing, or even dreaming, that in reply to Lenin words.
a system which develops naturally from Russia In spite of Lenin protests, these speeches were material conditions is adaptable to a highly comgreeted with a grent ovation.
plex economic system such as that of the United The new Centre Committee, elected on the 8th States. The Government savage campaign of repres.
in. Dzerzhinsky, zin. com. pk Andrelev, Bukhath atinsky. Lenin Preobrazhensky. Rudzutak. Radek, sion against the Communists does not involve the Socialist Party. In a declaration issued January Stalin, Tomsky and Trotsky.
Serebriakov, 23rd, 1920, Justifying the repressive campaign of Smirnov.
the Department of Justice, Attorney General Palmer sald: Certainly such an organization as the ComGERMANY munist Party of America and the Communist Labor The Communist Party.
Party cannot be construed to fall within the same Boris Souvarine, in the course of an article in category as the Socialist Party of America, which Humanite of April 19th. replying to certain latter organization 18 pledged to the accomplishstatements made by Caussy, the Humanite cor ment of changes in the Government by lawful and rexopndent in Berlin, states that in October, 1919, rightful means.
At Its Heidelberg Congress, despite the mass perse9. The National Executive Committee of the Soccutions and suppressions It had suffered, the lalist Party, in a session of March 1920 (two (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) numbered months after the decision to affiliate with the 103. 000. At the beginning of March, when in Ber Communist International. revenied three signifilin, he was told by Talkeimer, editor in chief of cant facts the Rote Fahne and collaborator of the Inter. a) That a number of trades unions had been invited to send delegates to the Party Convention RoRa Luxemburg) that the terrorized printers re of May 8th indicating that the Socinlist Party 18 fused to print the Communist organs even after merging more completely in reactionary craft a short break in the state of slege had given them, unionism.
for a few days, the possibility of appearing. Before, the last suppression of January 13th, one of German majority Socialists is a sad one. Between the two Rote Fahne (each of the two Communist the social patriots of other countries, who dislike anti parliamentarian and syndicalist as well them because they are German, ana supported more primitive method. had weirculation 124. 000 their country in the war, and the Communists of all copies when there was no material possibility of betrantries. Who denounce them because of their printing more.
of the German working class, there is boastin the elreumer declared that, without no haven for them except where they naturally would reach 100. 000. It access to modern typographical establishments have fallen in the arms of the German bourseoisie.
were not forbidden.
SWITZERLAND Fifth Internationalt The Vorwaerts, April 18th, has a leading artiThe Internationals: Dead and stillborn.
cle in which they bewall how misunderstood they (the majority Bocialists) are abroad.
Humanitih un printed states that the American They note with pleasure the of Article written by Mistral Cent) after his sojourn In signified its appro ta the Third International, has Germany during the Kapp coup in Humanite, tion. proposals. The same message states that in which he Camille Huyamans has convoked the 10th congress Socialist tactices in the main of the majority but even that has not the desired of the Second International for July 31st at effect on the French and other socialist parties as Geneva a whole. Their Communist Conference Forbidden.
her eine needle an International where they could make their view and actions The Vand Cantonal Government has forbidden known. And as no one e prepared to help them. the holding, anywhere within its jurisdiction of they, the majority Socialista, must act on their own. To call together an International, we presume. Whether the second or a fifth is not clear has been summoned April 17th 18th at Yverdon by the Communist group within the Swiss Socialist from the article But truly the plight of the Party (L Humanité. April 16th, 1920.
APPEAL TO THE BRITISH, FRENCH AND BELGIAN PROLETARIAT (Continued from page ruling classes? Will you be your brothers mur.
derers? Will you by committing the abominable deed prepare your own destruction for tomorrow?
Or will you profit by the lessons of six years of unheard of sufferings of heart rending experiences? Have you beheld the light that shines out of the East? Has the dawning of a new immense hope scattered the mists of your unconsciousness? Has it cleansed your soul, and strengthened your heart?
If so, you know what you have to do: to immediately, to day: to morrow might be too late.
You must. on large scale, repeat for your German brothers and with infinitely greater firmness and vigor. what you attempted to do for your Russian brothers, and, what however is insufficient and weak still has contributed to their salvation.
British Proletarians! Remember the stormy magnificient meetings of the Hands off Russia Committee. They were a ford for the raising of the blockade.
French Proletarians and Soldiers! Remember the men of the Black Sea Fleet, the dockers of Bordeaux. Their courage has contributed to the defeat of the partisans of military intervention.
Workers of the Entente! Loudly proclaim your solidarity with the German revolution!
Exact from your Governments the withdrawal of the troops from the occupied territory.
Rallwaymen, refuse to effectuate the transport of any troops or any arms or munitions to Germany.
All of you answer any attempt on the part of your Governments to strangle the German revolution by extending and intensifying your own revolutionary activity. Make It plain to them, that it the International bourgeoisie is one in the defense of its ruined and rotten social order, the international proletariat is one in the heroic struggle for deliverance.
Boldly forward, Comrades!
At this instant the fate of the European Revolution depends on you, on your Initiative, on your farsightedness.
Hurrah for the Communist Revolution in Germany!
Hurrah for the Worla Revolution, the Universal Soviet Republie!
The Executive of the Amsterdam Sub Bureau of The Third International. Wynkoop, Henriette Roland Holat, Rutgers.
POLITICAL PARTIES IN GREAT BRITAIN (Continued from page as indicated in my industrial report is of the utmost Importance not only to the British movement but to the International The leftward movement is to the good but the danger of accepting it uncritic ally is most marked. Without the international stiftens and emphasizes the need for clarity and the acceptance of the full responsibilities of its the Third International by the muddle. headed polley there may be witnessed the swampinsed leaders ot the Second International there greater danger of this than in Great Britain where social sentiment gives place so much to clear thinking.
It is welcome sign to see the Socialist movement bolns forced to take itself to task where It has been as sentimental as parochial Communist Party, or two Communist parties may be formed in Britain therefore at an early date. There is a tremendous task before them even though history le urging things along at rapid pace. Murphy Workers Committees Amsterdam, March 1920.