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demands. But even when incomplete, a demonstra. ence with Russia! What does it mean?
tion or Is there such thing as peace between a Soviet pence with Russia contributes Republic and Worla Capitalism?
towards Working the forces of InternationalIsmi.
No! real peace is impossible under cnpitalism.
The Amsterdam Bureau of the Communist InterAreni pence for Runsin means the victory of the world revolution and nothing else.
national considers it its main task to furher international unity, not only of thought but of action Therefore, rveolutionary action of the Workers as well. It therefore submits for consideration to to force pence has to be a struggle to develop power all Communist groups and revolutionary organiza.
to such a degree, that World Capitalism will be prevented from making war upon Russia in one tions, Worker committees, etc. the possibility of UD OMONSTRATION STRIKE in favor of peace form or another.
with Soviet Tussin on an international scale.
First, open warfare must be stopped, by refusing The First of May was always intended to be a not only to fight, but also to make or transport day of general strike, the world over, but till now arms, munitions, equipment, etc. for those who might use them to fight Soviet Russia it never succeeded in realizing the general revoluSecond, the Workers must prevent and countertionary character that its promoters wanted it to act all machination, plotting and underground nobear. On the contrary: in the last decade before tion against our proletarian comrades, or exposing the war, the First or May more and more lost all those rseponsible for it, by preventing money to revolutionary significance. Capital did not feel any be expended in such work and by not belleving any threat tulis existence in the parades and demonof the lles in the capitalist prens. This latter is strations held on that day by millions and millions very important. If we pledge uorselves not to of people, and the bourgeois state incorporated these believe any capitalist statement with regard to demonstrations in its normal life, like it did trades.
Soviet Russia, any report about alleged barbarities, unions, the Social Democratic parties, etc.
any so called facts about internal troubles and To the Third International has fallen the historichaos or external policy of conquest, etc. we are cal task to porform what the Second International not likely ly to be fooled again just as most of us only planned to realize the visions that its prewere fooled in 1914.
decessors only talked about. It is bound to realize Third, to strive in other countries towards Soviet internally and externally, the international unity of Republics as the organs of the dictatorship of the the world. proletariat, its unity of doctrine, of orgaproletariat. This inspiring aim we must always nization and of tactics. It must teach the workers bear in mind, in all our deeds, all our actions. We to orm a world front that Imperialism is already must fill our minds with revolutionary thoughts developing despite of its internal deviations and we must dare to hope in the midst of our misery dissensions we must understand more and more that the break In suggesting, that in 1920, the First of May be down of capitalism is in full process, we must be used for an international demonsration Ntrike in willing to destroy the weapons of our enemies, we favor of Soviet Russia (no matter whether at that must have confidence in our constructive power. time the imperialists talk peace and plan war) we All this we can achieve in a constant fight with want to avail ourselves of the traditions of workingour exploiters by giving this fight a general re class solidarity and action in favor of peace, already volutionary character. It means a complete break attached the MAY DAY, and to use those traditions with bourgeois civilization, bourgeois morals, bouras a means of bringing on a new, vigorous effort geois supremacy. IT MEANS LABOR AS THE BAS.
IC PRINCIPLE OF SOCIAL AND MORAL LIFE. We think the times are ripe for an effort of this in the direction of international unity of action.
What about the peace proposals of the enemies kind.
of Labor?
To a superficial observer, the revolutionary They have become methods to destroy Soviet Russia from within and may be supplemented at struggle in Central and Western Europe may seem developing with the utmost slowness, or is even any time by methods from without, if the workers should weaken for a moment. Russia is willing brought to a standstill, but if we look more closely to accept such a peace, knowing full well what it and below the surface. We cannot but wonder at menns. But they need railway material and mathe tremendous changes going on in the minds chines so badly they are willing to take a chance and souls of millions and millions of men and upon intrigue, corruption, counter revolutionary women all over the earth changes developing with plots and murder, confident that the workers in the utmost rapidity. Thus, they believe that the Western Europe will draw power from a closer fatal, immutable, everlasting domination of Capital contact with the Russian Revolution, confident that is being shattered day by day. The idea of new capitalism will break down before it can strenghton forms of human life, of general comradeship and Itself from the treasures of the Russian soll.
culture for all, and the common ownership of the Russia might feed Europe, might supply it with means of production presents itself as an approachthe most valuable raw materials and it will no ing reality for the first time since society was doubt, give some immediate relief to the exhausted divided into a dominating and a dominated class, for the first time it takes hold of the masses. The pathens ocean, pon buronen Kussha from this enarroer outward facade of the bourgeois state and society interests of the workers. But if a capitalist peace still exists, but it may fall to pieces at any moment, with Soviet Russia really meant the recuperation although a long and severe struggle will doubtless of capitalism throughout Europe, this would be still be necessary, as much to finally crush the detrimental to the interests both of Soviet Russin bourgeoisie as to effectuate in the mass of the and the World Revolution. We are confident that people the moral and intellectual transformation the relief will be of such a character that it will that will make them able to Institute the Communnot give capitalism a new chance for temporary ist Commonwealth, and render them fit to live in it.
recovery and preparations for a new world war, that All the same, we must always keep before our it will come too late anyhow. is our duty and our minds the fact of the enormous changes going on only salvation to back up Russia by our action, to below the surface of things. We are convinced such an extent, that it can secure a pence that will that any little thing, some minor circumstance strenghten the first proletarian state more than it may now, at any moment cause the countless elewill her enemies.
ments of the new revolutionary consciousness float.
If a new attack is forthcoming. We have to fight ing all over the worla, to unite into a new body this new crime: if peace is on the way we have and manifest themselves with unexpected force, to fight even harder, for the result will depend thus becoming the motive power of renewed strife upon the kind of peace and the willingness of the and welcome upheaval. In the present days there workers to use this temporary truce for their own no longer exists unfavorable situations for action revolutionary purposes. And remember well: What in the old sense of the word: the times for the is true for Russia, to day, may become true for passing away of Capitalism are ripe and any dead morrow calm may be the forerunner of new social storms Therefore, under all circumstances, the action rising unexpectedly.
to support Soviet Russia must be uppermost in our Prompted by these considerations, we lay before minds, must form part of all our proletarian action. all labor unions, all extra union mass organs, all And to make it clear to the world, this is a par groups and parties, this suggestion of a general amount International issue. the idea of an inter strike of May First 1920 in favor of Soviet Russia national demonstration strike must be propagated and we beg them to inform us if it wm have their and prepared in all countries.
support Such a demonstration cannot be successful unless For The Amsterdnm Bureau of of international solidarity. unless in all our mags the class struggle creates and intensifies a feeling The Communist International movements we include Peace with Russia in our Roland Holst.
COMMUNICATION OF THE AMSTERDAM SUBBUREAU OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL The Sub Bureau of the Communist is under the impression, that some misundal prevails about the attitude of the Bureau towards affiliation of Communist groups and parties to the British Labor Party. resolution passed at the February Conference in Amsterdam and two letters written to comrades of the have been interpreted differently.
It is for this reason, that we wish to accentuate our opinion briefly as follows: In accordance with the resolution mentioned above we are of opinion, that Communists should not be affiliated either directly or indirectly to political organizations that accept the principles of organizotion no doubt is the Labor Party.
the Second International. For England such an II. We are convinced that the policy of the Labor Party especially if this policy should be successful, will lend to a betrayal of the cause of the workers similar to betrayal of Ebert Noske, mutatis mutandis.
III. We have stated that affiliation with the Third International of groups that participate in the Labor Party is possible, as is shown by the in so far as they accept Communist prin ciples and tactics, which involves a persistent struggle within the Labor Party against the policy and tactics of this body. We are convinced, that participation in the LP. If accompanied by Communist criticism and action will only be temporary.
IV. Since we agree with those Communists in England, that object to participation in the Labor Party. We are ot opinion, that they should not give up their attitude on the plea of unity.
Much As we would like to see a united Communist Party In England it may be better to postpone this idenl than to compromise on important issues. We strongly appeal to our English friends to unite on the basis of no affiliation to the Labor Party, as we clearly see the catastrophe that will follow the coming into power of a parliamentary Labor Government. Warning in advance may help to unite the workers after the failure will become evident, under the banner of Communism. To achieve this result it is necessary however to clearly define our attitude towards the methods of the Labor Party. compromise in such a way that local organizations are allowed a polley, that is considered objectionable as a general method.
must lead to confusion when accepeted by a united Communist Party.
For The Amsterdam Sub Bureau of The Communist International Wynkoop. Roland Holst, Rutgers. Italics are ours. To this particular paragraph we call special attention of all our advocates of unity at any price. The general principle underlying this paragraph is, in our opinion, applicable and must be applied to the Communist movement In any country, including also the United States. Ed.
APPEAL TO THE BRITISH, FRENCH, AND BELGIAN PROLETARIAT COMMUNICATION OF THE PROVISIONAL DUREAU OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Proletarians: crushed over and over again, again raising its head In a magnificent onrush the German proletariat more terrible and threatening than ever. It sees has swept away the counter revolution of the Kapps the large masses of the Independent Socialist Party and the Littwitzes. The reaction of the Junkers has been crushed by the dauntless courage of the fight on one front with the Communist vanguard.
It even sees in many places members of the socialmasses who rose like one man. These working patriotie party unite with them for demonstrations masses, divided against themselves starved and strikes and the armed struggle. And the fear of miserable, trodden down by the Noske regime, the government deepens as it sees the attitude lacking arms, deprived of thelrablest leaders, assumed by the bureaucracy of the syndicates have united in superb fighting movement and have which, however much against their will, and only displayed in the decisive instant the most splendid to avoid being submerged by the revolutionary courage and initiative. Without an instant hesita. tide, demand the immediate socialization of the tion the German proletariat has left the factories mines, the disarming of the troops, the formation and stopped the of transoprt and the public of a milice, the participation in the power of the services; it has procured itself the arms it needed Central commission of the industrial unions deand by means of guns as by means of strike, com mands that, although in reality a maneouvre of bining the two great methods of the class strusele the trade union bureaucracy. shows the concessions at the disposal of the working class. It has achieved this bureaucracy is obliged to do, in order to satisfy victory. From the first day. In the midst of the the aspirations of the masses towards the system battle against the counter revolution of the Jun of Soviets and, unhesitatingly, the Ebert Governkers, another battle defined itself like ment decides to fight to the end for the maintenance flame burning with a flereer klare in the core of the capitalistie system. It gathers Its forces, it of a vast blaze. This flame was the war against makes front against the Left, to beat down Sparthe bourgeois regime served by the social demo tacus. Noske. whose dismissal was announced, is cratie overnment, the war against Casterance tyranny and opression, the war for the still maintained a few days longer in office by the of labor from exploitation, for the Soviet sys majority of the social democratie delegates to the National Assembly. He calmly allows the counter.
and the dictature of the proletariat. In the suburbs revolution of the Junkers take up its quarters and of Berlin, in Saxony, In Thuringia, in Wurstember gather Its forces in Silesia and Eastern Prussia, in Bavaria. In all Germany, but especially in the Rhine district and the Westphalia, workshop counthe Vendeee of Germany and Noake the hangman.
Noske the butcher concentrates all the faithful cils spring up and endeavour to selze the power.
The proletarians arm, and form Red Gunrds. The troops at his disposal against Westphalia and the Rhine district, the flaming hearts of the Social industrial cities of the went change into as many Revolution, where by the hour it is gaining strength fortresses where the social revolution organizes and splendor. It is there that the battle between and increases Its forces. At the same time the Past and future will be deelded. It is there that revolutionary wave sweeps upon the rural districts: elther German Capitalism will receive a mortal Berarian disturbances break out In Pomerania and stroke, or the grand attempt of the working classes naval divisions and part of the police refuse to or blood. And whilst tens of thousands of workers The Ebert Government mad with fear, sees the in those numerous cities of the Rhine district which form the single immense industrial as lomeration Teal enemy, sees Spartacus overthrown, decimated, alrendy are sketehing out the polition forms of the new scolety, whilst they restore order, start anew the public services, organize the first Red Army in Western Europe, the chargé affairs of Britain and France congratulate the Ebert Noske Government on its victory over the reaction and offer their support towards the destroyings of the nascent Communist Republic, even as Bismark, all but half an age ago, offered his support to Thiers toward the destroying of the Commune.
In face of the common enemy, the social revolution, conquerors and conquered forget their disJunctions. The antagonism of their interests disappears before the universal interest of the capitalistie class, before its instinct of selfpreservation.
Already Lloyd George, Millerand and Vandervelde have wiped out the score of their differences with the German bourgeoisie. Nay more: in order to save it they are prepared to shed the blood of the British, the French and the Belgian people.
Already British troops at Solingen have helped to crush he Spartacist insurrections.
Already the commanders of the Entente troops have deliberated at Mayence, Foch measures to be taken against the Communist moveon the rent in the Ruhr valley Already the British chargé affaires has informed the German Vice Chancellor Schiffer that the Entente would not furnish any food stuffs or raw materials to a German Soviet Republie.
Already the Entente has allowed the troops of the government to traverse occupied territory on their march against the Communist insurrection and to make use of this territory as a base of operations in the concentrated attack against the Red Army The solidarity which unites all bourgeoisies, all militarisms is proclaimed openly, cynically, without any attempt to gloss the matter over. It behooves to proclaim as openly as energetically solidarity of the proletariat.
British French and Belgian proletarians, will you let your rulling classe make use of you to trample to death the German revolution?
The German revolution that is just a way of speaking of traditional expression. To speak the truth, there is no German revolution, no more than there is a Russian, or a British, or a French, or an Italinn, or a Spanish revolution, There is only one Social Revolution, as there Is only one capitalistie oppresslon, as there is only one Socialism, one hope of the oppressed and exploited of all countries.
Our rulers know that the Republic of Workers Councils established in Germany means the accord of Germany with Soviet Russia, that is, the marvolous development of the industry and the tech.
nique of the one, and the immense resources in agrarian products, in fertile land and in raw mater.
tals of the other uniting, melting one into the other.
fecundating ench other. They know this accord means the proletarian Revolution, Invincible hence forth by the blockade as by the steel. They know that this accord means the rapid assured evolution of the Communist production and culture, its serene more frresistable, towards the countries radiance growing day by day more luminous, more where foul capitalism stinking with corruption and sweating blood, still struggles in a horrible agony.
Germany will immediately start revolutionary move.
ments in Yugoslavonta, in Poland, in the Balkan, in Italy, etc. They know that when capitalism crashes in Central Europe, capitalism in Eastern Europe mortably wounded. They know that Soeinl Revolution is one, and that crushins it in Germany means crushing it in the serm in their own country, French, British and Belgian proletarians will you once more suffer yourselves to be pulled by your (Continued on DARO