CominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

Cash Received: Damon Bunted 400. 00 Dues: Fed. Back Dues Current.
753. 13 335. 20 418. 50 Speelal Organization Stamps Defense Stamps.
636. 93 Defense Fund Contributions 1018. 00 63 Organization Fund Contributions 58. 25 16. 50 Press Fund Contributions 136. 00 Machinery Fund Contributions 104. 90 Communist: Old Accounts 119. 11 Current 30. 00 11. 30 Literaturo Supplies: Old Accounts 53. 30 Loans Payable.
Advancee Returned (Braun)
14. 92 Lettish Federation: On account 300. 00 Defend Expense: Bond Returned 1000. 00 District Accounts: From balances hela 496. 16 Total Received in April 3881. 92 2341. 57 Balance from March 5850. 88 Total: 100. 00 1090. 35 418. 50 636. 95 1081. 65 69. 75 136. 00 104. 90 179. 11 41. 30 53. 30 200. 00 14. 92 300. 00 1000. 00 496. 76 conditions as obstacles to prevent agreement on the joint call.
We are not quite so cullible as you may think, And, while we reiterate our willingness to enter into immediate negotiations and come to an agree.
ment regarding the joint call, our present call wil stand and in the absence of any agreement before the District Conventions will be held, the National Convention will be held as we have arrangea, Fraternally yours. Signed) David Damon, Executive Secretary Communist Party of America motion since the minority has rejected both conditions set by the for negotiations for calling one convention of the party, and since they are going ahead with preparations for their own convention, we proceed with preparations for the regular Party Convention to be held not later than 200. 00 6223. 49 5850. 88 Motion: That we issue a statement to the effect that the charges presented against Andrew at the meeting were found to be without any basis In fact, that Andrew denied the charges as presented and no proof was brought forward to substantiate those charges; that tho exonerated Comrade Andrew, and the Executive Council considers the matter closedCarried.
Motion: Since no reply has been received from the Executive Committee of tho we con sider negotiations with them at an end. Carriea.
0732. So 2311. 57 12074. 37 28 28. 05. 50 69 85 50 160. 00 22. 11 205. 00 Cash Paid: Orlice Expense: Sundries Supplies Postage Salaries Organizing Exepense: Traveling District Expense: Office Expense Traveling Salaries Defense Expense: Attorneys Bond (Later returned)
Workers Def. Countrib. To attor. Meetinz Expense Communist: Editor Salary Printing Delivery Leaflets: Printing Literature: Express Loans Paid.
District Accounts: Bal. held Advances Advances: Braun (100. 00 less 85. 08 Exp. Total Paid in April Balance to Damon and to May 89. 71 65. 39 78. 18 955. 50 115. 00 1000. 00 250. 00 45. 82 14. 92 29. 90 00 365. 00 111. 82 65. 38 78. 18 955. 50 1000. 00 1000. 00 250. 00 60. 82 15. 00 754. 00 123. 81 296. 80 00 200. 00 848. 23 14. 92 13. 00 45. 00 385. 00 32. 98 369. 00 90. 83 296. 60 00 603. 23 14. 92 200. 00 245. 00 4228. 01 5504. 79 1111. 13 1230. 44 5339. 14 8735. 23 THE COMING CONVENTION (Continued from page sion of the former Executive Secretary, entrusted to him by the to appoint paid District Organizers in every District, even where District Organizers apponted by the are still functioning, in order to build up rival organizations in all the party units TO CAPTURE THE DELEGATES FOR THEIR SIDE. In other words, to break the very foundations of the Communist Party ITS REVOLUTIONARY DISCIPLINE.
The call for the party convention will be issued by the Central Executive Committee; setting the time for sub district and district conventions, details and methods of elections.
Central Executive Committee of The Communist Party. Bunte, Acting Secretary.
9732. SO 23411. 87 12074. 37 Chicago Bank Balance Balance in the hands of Isaac 30. 21 413. 25 The following funds were taken away from the without authority by Damon: Balance of his statement of 4, 10 20. 4670. 26 Balance of District sta ent of 43 20 21. 07 Balance of District III statement of 419 20 115. 00 Paid by District statement of 410 20 255. 00 Fal. of Trust Fund Previously set aside 5504. 79 1590. 37 Total 7095. 16 IMPORTANT CONVENTION NOTICE.
The Executive Council hereby announces that it has set the date for the regular party convention, which, for obvious reasons cannot be printed here. The information will be conveyed to the membership through the regular party channels.
We print herewith the correspondence between the and the minority on the matter of holding one convention. As will be seen from the correspondence, the minority refuses to withdraw its call before entering negotiations as to the details of arranging the convention and also continues to refuse to recognize the right of the to call the regular Party Convention. Therefore the Executive Council has decided to proceed with its own arrangements for the regular Party Convention.
Comrades: At the Conference between your group and ours we submitted, as a final proposition to avoid a break in the unity of the party the following proposal. That we discard further discussion of the questions under controversy and proceed with the work of organizing a convention in which both groups will be represented by such delegates as they may be able to clect through the district organizations.
Our group has already issued a call for a party convention and the date has been fixed, but we are still prepared to come to agreement on the matter of having both groups come to the one convention, in order that the membership may, through their delegates, themselves act upon the existing controversy. We therefore again propose to you joint action in calling one convention of the party and are prepared to take up discussion of the dteails regarding this convention.
Fraternally yours (Signed) David Damon, Executive Secretary, Communist Party of America Acting for the Polish, South Slavic, German, Esthonian and Ukrainian Federations and Districts 1, 4A, 4C and 5, and minority group of the TO THE MINORITY GROUP May 4th, 1920.
Comrades: We hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 22d, proposing joint action in calling one convention of the party and saying that you are prepared to take up discussion of the details regarding this convention.
Your letter received our careful consideration and in reply we state that the only conditions on the basis of which one convention can be held, are the following: Before we can enter into any discussion as to time, method and place of holding one convention, it follows quite logically, and we corsider it absolutely essential, that the minority call for the convention already issued must be cancelled first. The proposed convention, being the second regular convention of the Communist Party of America can be called only by its Central Executive Committee elected at the first convention.
Upon the acceptence of the above conditions we are ready to discuss with the minority the various technical matters as to date, place, method of elections etc. for the purpose pf holding one convention Expecting your prompt reply, we are, Praternally yours Bunte, Act. Sec y.
NEW OFFENSIVE AGAINST SOVIET RUSSIA. Continued from page peasants, wishes to live in peace, must wish to live in peace and does, literally overything in order to secure peace? Must we need again and again believe our enemies and betray our friens?
The proletariat of the world over have to answer now, so as to show its determination to prevent this crime.
The Amsterdam Bureau of the Communist International appeals to all workers and to the transport workers in the very first place, to boycott all ships and goods from and for Japan, as long as the nolicy of intervention in Siberia is maintained.
Class conscious workers should not touch any goods destined for Japan or coming from Japan, nor should manufacture or handle or transport such goods.
Workers of Japan! We address ourselves to you in the first place. But also the American, the British, the Dutch, the Norwegian, the French, etc.
workers can give active support.
Such action will show those in power that the workers are on their guard and prepared for deeds.
But this will not be enough.
We have already issued a call for a general strike of protest against intervention in Soviet Russia on MAY 1st.
Such a protest is all right, but it must be followed up by coercive deeds, for capital will give way to power only when its very existence is at stake.
In hatred against Soviet Russia all capitalist states fraternally unite. Though Lloyd George may so hypocritically play the peace maker, Britain none the leas remains the mainstay of reaction and the leader of reaction the world over.
British workers therefore, that a most important part in this struggle will fall. Let us firmly resolve that we all do our duty.
Be prepared for general strike against the coming attack on Soviet Russia.
Answer the British Hungarian Roumanian Japanese etc. offen; Polish French American Finnishby a mass movement the world over, in all countries and with one common purpose: the rescue of Soviet Russia and of the world out of the hell of imperialism unto the new life built up by labor, for labor.
For the American Sub Bureau of The Third International otairwhoes, Wynkoop, Roland Holst, Ratsers.
It is to the New York, May 5th, 1920.
TO THE MAJORITY GROUP Comrades: We are prepared to discuss with you and come to an agremeent in regard to all the details of a Joint convention call, including the date of the convention, but until and unless such an agreement is reached the call which we have issued will stand, The question whether this call stands can not have the slightest effort upon the negotiations, inasmuch as we are prepared to withdraw It en substituto a Joint call if an agreer is reached, and, zu we viet the matter, this condition on your part 18 made in order to delay our convention, as onco the call is withdrawn you can then raise Impossible The former Executive Secretary use of the name of the Ukrainian Federation was entirely unauthorized as will be seen from the statement issued by all the Russian Federations prated else.
where in this Isuse.