AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyOpportunismSovietStrikeWorking Class

New Offensive Against Soviet Russia, ITS NAME TH. COMMUNIST to the menshevik or Kautskian schools of Marxa chistic to point out in such a leaflet, the full implication of Communist principles and policAs for their translation of Mass Action to ies! It is folly to explain the strike and link Mass Actions, that is on a par with the sophistry it up with the governmental machinery of the of the that attempted to make it actions capitalist class! It is a arce if we attempt COMMUNICATION OF THE AMSTERDAM SUL of the masses. It seems that every group or to give it wider meaning and character by teach BUREAU OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL, party that disagrees with Mass Action and its ing the workers to make their purely industrial TO THE WORKERS OF ALL COUNTRIES: The International Conference of the Communists propaganda to the workers, nas some new strikes POLITICAL STRIKES aimed at the at Amsterdam has warned you already in February: name for it. Hilquit, at the Albany fiasco Government itself! No need of explaining to the World Capital 19 preparing another attack on called it mass action or mass petition. Take workers why their strikes must fail and pointing Soviet Russia. Behind the peace negotiations and your choice of any of these perversions which out the reasons for such failure. As for expound commercial relations thero lurks a treacherous ag.
attempt to camouflage Mass Action as a tactic ression.
ing the Communist position, proving that all This new offensive has now begun in the Far of the revolution, and the necessity of system redress for any class of workers under capitalism East. Japan has concentrated a big army and has atically propagating it to the workers, IT ONLY is a snare and delusion unless the strikes become taken the offensive. It announces in the world.
PROVES THAT THOSE WHO PERVENT political strikes aimed at the State itself AND pregg that its army is strong enough to annihilato DEEP DOWN IN THEIR THAT SUCH STRIKES MUST BE FOLLOW also the reinforcements on their way to the Red HEARTS DISAGREE WITH ITS MEANING ED BY ARMED MASS DEMONSTRATIONS Armies to defend the workers Soviets.
In the meantime, Poland is preparing for a giAND APPLICATION.
AND CIVIL WAR AIMING AT THE CONgantic etruggle. Already it has accomplished a We are not surprised to have our opponents, QUEST OF THE STATE AND THE ESTABmove eastward and has, in agreement with the both within and without the Communist move28 everybody LISHMENT OF THE DICTATORSHIP OF Entente, advanced such demande ment to call us anarchists and (by implication, THE PROLETARIAT that would be similar to knows to be absoluted inacceptable. French and American war material continues to be pilod up in the nxinority does in their last statement) agent provocateur work for the Government Polan agent provocateurs. Such charges are old.
in the eyes of the minority. The Finnish minister of foreign affaire negotiates They have been flung by the Mensheviks against We hope that every member of the Communist in London, and Finland will be granted the special the Bolsheviki in Russia. The Majority Soc Party reads their statement carefully, especially honor of attacking Petrograd, whilst Poland adialists of Germany flung it at Liebknecht and vances towards Moscow and Petlura towards Kiev.
those paragraphs on Mass Action, We know But the German oounter revolution, too, must be Luxemburg and the Spartacide movement. The what their answer will be.
considered in this light. Up to this day the secret and the have been flinging it at Finally, their statement on Mass Action ends understanding between English diplomatits and the Left Wing and the Cominunist Party in thus: if there is any difference between the Kapp has not been explained. Even now tho Entente does not demand the disarmament of the Junkers, this country. lawyer speaking in the name of majority and the minority on this question, but supports the disarmament of the workers, Althe before the Department of Labor, it is a difference of tactics.
ready a new coup 19 being prepared by the Gerin an attempt to legalize the has flung Hhere again the minority expose their Cen man military band of robbers and both Austria the charge against Fraina. Nuortera, one of the trist character and their complete ignonance of and Hungary aro about to initiate a monarchy by an attack on Russia. Agents of the Entente have most malignant focs of Communism in America, Communist fundamentals. The minority are already negotiated about the compensations to be made open charges to this effect in all papers. not even aware that principles and tactics are allowed to Hungary for attacking the Bolsheviki.
We only point out that the minority are in inseparable. difference in tactics as wide Only the wilfull blind can believe in peace.
good, respectable company, in also flinging such as a difference in principles. Those who, acceptWorkers! The fate of the world is now to be decided: enslavement or freedom.
ing Communist principles disagree on their apFinancial capital cannot forget that it had to We now come to two paragraphs in the mi plication differ as much as if they differed on the acknowledge an initial defeat at the hands of Soviet nority statement which simply reeks with the principles themselves. That is just the universal Russia spirit of opportunism and compromise. We shall difference between Centrists and Communists. This new and last effort will surpass everything quote them in full.
The minority talk so naively of a mere differ in ruthlessness and cruelty. In this contingency the revolutionary spirit of our Polish comradeg In carrying on the work of agitation and ence in TACTICS as if that is a minor question.
is the vulnerable spot of world capital will they cducation on the question of armed insurrection It seems that the minority do no yet know allow themselves to be led into misery and death the social and industrial conditions must be con what keeps the Independents of Germany out for the sake of their expoiters?
sidered. To talk to the workers about arming of the Third International or the Centrists Not if Gorman proletariat gives them hopo of a themselves and armed isurrection at a time when of France, England, etc. DIFFENRENCE IN support from the rear, if there is a chance left of Soviets in Western Europe of coming to the the masses are still without any revolutionary TACTICS the difference between acceptance of rescue of their brothers in the East. This is why consciousness is to make a farce of and discredit Communist principles and revolutionary practice, the Entente must help German reaction to regain Communism and shows a fundamental lack of is what seperates the Communists from the Cen power, under Ebert Noske if possible, under Kappunderstanding of Communist principles.
trists. The Centrists (like our own minority. Ludendorff, if necessary, so as to protect Poland in the rear and to provide troops for a socond While the minority will work for a clear accept the principles but reject the practice. The attack if the first onsalught should break upon expression on this point in the party program minority are willing to put Communist prin the unflinching courage of our Russian comrades.
and in the literature explaining Communist prin ciples in the program but in practice wish to This is why France must make haste to occupy ciples, it will consider the circumstances in each propagate the most approved forms of opportun German cities with Black troops, for though Gergiven case and the general development of the ism to the workers. At this stage of understand many will be allowed to act as executioner, France revolutionary consciousness of the masses in ing and development of Communist fundamentals will not let go her prey and the industrial proletarians of Western Germany continue to con.
deciding whether the propaganda for armed in in America only simpletons or Centrists can stitute a danger for the Polish adventure.
surrection shall be spread among them. attempt to gloss over a difference in tactics And in the meantime the comedy of Polish nego.
Erase the name of minority and substitute as something of no moment or importance!
tiations continues in Borisoff; the most competent in its place or As to legality leaders of Russian economic life are invited to Western Europe for the beginning of commercial and we have a statement that anyone of them Again the minority display their Centrist relations. committees of research (or, rather for or all of them could heartily endorse.
character in that they cannot distinguish between counter revolutionary espionage) are talked about.
Communist Party must be implicitly obeyed at Workers. All this is Here again the minority are guilty of conSo monstrous that you hesitate to believe it. But the offensive has already fusing two entirely different things calling upon ity. And to cap their bourgeois idealogy they begun. The attack had to begin in the East In the workers to arm themselves for immediate make an analogy between the of a in order that a strong Japanese army might be revolution and the propagation and fostering of Communist Party (whose only crime charged able to draw Russian tropos away from the Western the idea of the inevitability of a violent revolu against them is that of being super Bolsheviks)
frontier. And this beginning has now been made.
In due timo alarm will be sounded in the capitalist tion to the masses of the workers. The minority with a capitalist government at the time of a press of the whole world about a Russian offensive know better, but we believe that they deliberately proletarian revolution!
against Poland and Finland, and England has almistake those two points in order to confuse We have pointed out in the statementready promised its full support to all the border the issue and thus they will not have to propastates in such an event. Have wo then really and proclamations of the Third International Sate this idea at all.
learnt nothing during those fivo yonro and a halt It is a cowardly trick, have corroborated us that the of a from the monotonous lles of our adversarlesx Do worthy of Centrists, and one which our enemies Communist Party must be ipmlicitly obeyed at the workers not understand even now that Soviet lave always used against us, to make the masses all times. Provisions must be made for their Russin, the Russia of the workers and the poore distrust us and our propaganda.
withdrawal and removal, but as long as they (Continued on page Obviously, it would not do, from the minority function as such, disobedience of its authority point of view, to inculcate the idea of the in is disobedience against the Communist Party split is justified on principles. Splitting cvitability of a violent revolution into the minds itself. THIS IS REVOLUTIONARY CENaway from the old, corrupt before a conof the workers THEY MIGHT ACTUALLY TRALIZATION AND DISCIPLINE IN THE vention was not only permissible but necessary.
UNDERSTAND IT BETTER THAN THE REAL MEANING OF THAT TERM, AND But to use the same methods in the Communist HESITATING COMPROMISING VIEWS OF NOT BOURGEOIS LEGALITY. Once estabParty, when, by their own admission and the THE OPPORTUNISTS AND CENTRISTS. lish the precedent that the authority of the accusations of the minority it was merely a Or, perhaps better still the time to preach this can be flouted by any individual or question of the personnel of the for idea to the workers, from the minority point group of individuals any time they may disagree they did not raise the question of principles of view, is when the workers have learnt it with some of the decisions or the personnel at all. the majority proved that was behind themselves from their own bitter experience!
of the or even a majority thereof, the split) that is absolutely unjustifiable from Then they could safely pose as leaders. and you have a situation that can be repeated the Communist point of view.
But NOW, in the prerevolutionary epoch of at any time, by anybody, on the slightest pretext.
We are not advocates of unity at any price Propaganda and agitation of sound Communist Communist Party can only exist so long as and we consider a split on principles inavoidable principles and the upbuilding of Communist a there exists the voluntary self discipline of the under certain conditions, even before a conParty that will actually function in helping to whole membership. Otherwise, we have an aggre.
vention. But ii, the minority hold the same shape and guide the revolutionary forces in the gation of individuals but no Communist Party point of view then they convict themselves of direction of an armed insurrection against the Splitting the Party contemptible hypocrisy in provoking and maincapitalist State (the only method of conquering Here again the minority display a lack of taining the split on the question of personalities.
the Aul of the Prodialectical understanding in that similar methods their personal slanders are then seen in their letariat THAT IS PARTURE IN THE under different conditions bear no relation to true light as Centrist evasions of the issue, or, EYES OF THE MINORITY.
each other, other than a superficial resemblance; like the confused convention delegates leaflet, such as the one to the railroad out just as if the counter revolutionists in Russia who split away fro the convention, not on strike, according to the minority. must against the Soviet Government would accuse the principle but because they were opposed to the contain only propaganda to meet the immediate Communists with possessing legal minds in de autocratic and police tactics of the officialobjects of the strikers themselves. It is anar fending the Soviet Government.
dom. Will be continued next week. it) and establishing law