BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismItalySocialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

December 27th, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Pago Five Planning the Next War But to start a war with Mexico would be vet dried and the battlefields have not By Morris Gordin.
somewhat too difficult. Many past attempts been cleared of their decaying corpses, but have failed. The people do not respond to cial riddle. Italy is even in worse shape than the capitalists are already thirsting for new a call to war with Mexico. The average France. She is in the throes of a revolution bloodshed. Viciously: they clamor for a new Americani cannot be made to believe that war. Especially is the war spirit in evidence which might sweep the capitalists out of little Mexico is a menace to the great and existence most any day. As a matter of fact powerful United States. So the trick is among our American capitalists. They are the whole of capitalist Europe is on the pretending terror about Mexico, the entire not satisfied with the European war just concluded. It has given American capital verge of a total economic and financial colcapitalist press is raving about Japan. The control of the world finance. But what lopse.
loudmouthed argument about Shantung good is such control, if Europe is not able to Should Europe repudiate her debts, would is not meant to help China, but to arouse it not be a staggering blow to Anierican pay back the loans given her by America. more hatred against the Jap. They are capitalism? The bottom would be knocked Such is the tragic condition. Only a now comparing Japan to Germany as the out of Wall Street.
few days ago Lloyd George admitted in next menace of democracy. to the white Pariiament that the real reason why he is man civilization. Japan aims to concompelled to liquidate the great adventure More money is given to Europe every day quer the world. Japan is establishing of Czaristic democracy representd by Ad So long as there is the least hope of saving herself in Mexico in order to have a base miral Kolchak and General Denekin arises European capitalism Americant capitalists of operations against the United States.
from the bitter fact that Great Britain is on will continue lending money.
Otherwise That it. We must go to war with Japan the brink of bankruptcy. The financial con the game will be up at once and European to save the white man vividianion.
dition of France is utterly hopeless. Her in capitalism will be wiped out of existence This is what the bloody capitalistic press debtedness amounts to 40, 000, 000, 000. In to make way for the proletarian world has started to propagate as the aim of the terest on the loans for next year will reach state. But how can our American capitalists next war. In reality it is sometring entirely the sum of ten billion francs. Yet the budget recuperate the colossal loss which they must different. It is to guarantee American presented to the Chamber of Deputies makes suffer, if European capitalism is to perisha capitalism against the bankruptcy of Europe.
no mention whatsoever either of the debts despite all their help? Moved by their The real aim of the next war of America will be to save American capitalismuth or the interest.
imperialistic instinct for plunder and murThis can mean only one thing France has der, our capitalists turn their greedy eyes to result will be different. The war, will end in given up the idea of ever paying her, debts. Mexico. Let Mexico pay for Europe with the total destruction of American capitalism It is entirely beyond France to even attempt her wealth and resources. This is the most and usher the American proletarian revolua solution of her absolutely insoluble finan logical solution.
The The Struggle for Control UPER RADICAL hotheads may be (Reproduced from Der Kampfruf official Centralization and their Decentralization.
found in politics as well as in the arena Organ of The General Workers Union Capitalist production tends in the direction of economic life. The pure politicians reof Germany)
of ever increasing centralization, insofar as ject the economic struggle as a miniature it is possible within the confines of the priwar beneath the dignity of their highly any one of the dominant political parties, vate capitalist state. Hence the struggle developed culture. The pure economists but simply expressess its general adhesion for the control of industry must also be ignore the political struggle as a quarrel for to the revolutionary parties, does not pre based on centralization, But the struggle some insignificant external thing, a utopia. rent it from carrying on a political struggle. for control is a political struggles Both are mistaken.
It stands on the basis of the class struggle, Every struggle for the industrial control The economic struggle fell into disrepute, on the basis of the struggle against the is political and economic alike. The aim of because it was identified with mere wage bourgeoisie; it aims at the destruction of this Union is to point out this identity and disputes, whereas in reality the economic capitalism and is in favor of socialization. to do away with the fear of the recognition field is much larger affecting the prices of Is this not a distinctively political program? of the political character of the strikecommodities, and much more. The political Does not The International Union of the weapon. The union must not only widen, struggle lost its attraction, because from a War Cripples and War Sufferers decline but also deepen the strike movement. The struggle for the symbols of political power affiliation with any particular political par demands for wages must be transforited init was converted into a struggle for some ty, and yet it would not and could not be to political demands. The economic struggle of its forms, and because of the resultant be accused of being non political? Of course for economic aims. must develop into an ecolief that a couple of seats in parliament not, because it denounced political neutrali nomic struggle for political bims and later presents a colossal manifestation of the ty as an absurdity and characterized absten develop into a political struggle for political power of a party.
tion from a definite attitude for or against aims. And this lasti aim must be finally Bur politics and economics merge into the government as utter folly. Likewise fought out with the last political, bulivark, are, and indeed it was their artificial separathe Union of the Unemployed, of the Fugi with the army.
tion that caused the proletariat to sustain tives, etc.
The General Workers Union toill be the trenerous defeats and to be overwhelmed The political difference between us and pioneer to make the economic battlefield by the reaction. Therefore the General the Syndicalists is clearly shown in our ready for the final political struggle.
Workers Union as a revolutionary organization desires to promote the unity of the economic and political struggle.
Against the General Workers Union are indebted to the People Russian ies. Throughout the country attached to the Red Army in May last were 1614. libraand nullify one another. Some intentionally following: ries and reading rooms, 674 schools, 211 overlook the political character of the Gen recent report of the Political Education theatres, and 221 cinemas. In Moscow alone eral Workers Union by simply denying it. Department of the Soviet General Staff de the Red Army Clubs, in the first three Others attack the Workers Union because scribes in detail the great educational work months of the present year, were able to of its political character, which is being done in the Red Army. This arrange 108, theatrical mances. 191 Of course, we do not overlook the fact work is in the charge of the local sections concerts, and 552 lectures. At every large that the Union is only a weapon in the of the Department, which are attached to junction station which the Red soldiers have struggle, but a very important one. The all military district commissariats, and to to pass on their way to the front, literature old time weapon of the Trade Unions has all units of the Army throughout the is distributed, meetings are held, lectures are been wrested from and rendered uscless for country, including the front. On May last delivered, etc. Propaganda circles are atthe proletariat through its iniection with the 133 army units counted in their midst tached to every unit, which carry the revocapitalist poison, so that its regaining any 64 centres of the Communist party engaged lutionary agitation right into the camp of new use for the proletariat is out of ques. in Socialist propaganda, 97 educational com the enemy, with the result that whole regi.
tion. That the new revolutionary organiza mittees, 50 clubs, 27 elementary schools, as inents of the Whites net infrequently go tion does not attach itseli umreservedly to many reading rooms, and 63 lending librar(Continued on page 8)
The Red Army