BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyLeninRadekSocialismSovietTrotskyWorking Class

December 27th, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Three Communist Party Control and Soviet Institutions HE article by Comrade Sorin originally T!
Communist Party, Comrade Sorin advises appeared in No. of The Communist, By Nicholas Hourwich riot to forget the basic Communist position the official organ of the left wing of the Rusthat THE COMMUNIST PARTY IS ALsian Communist Party (the Bolsheviks. is(Comment on Vladimir Sorin article under WAYS AND EVERYWHERE SUPEsued in Moscow under the joint editorship of above caption in The Communist, RIOR TO THE SOVIETS Bucharin, Karl Radek. For only the Dec. 13, 1919. Obolensky Communist Party constantly and invariably and Smirnov. Aside from this group of functions as the champion and the represeneditors, the staff of regular contributors Soviet Institutions, The author of this article points out the tative of the interests of the world proletarcomprises, among many others, the names of the following prominent comrades: abnormal and yet, as he proves, entirely iat, of the international working class; while the Soviets are the representatives of the Antonov (Trotsky predecessor as Comnatural phenomenon that the Soviet officials labor democracy in general, and its interests, misar of the Army and Navy. Bela Kun. especially those of the lower or middle particularly the interests of the pettyAnna Kollontay (Commissar of People ranks in the governmental hierarchy. are Welfare. Lomov (Commissar of Peo manifesting a certain professional conservat bourgeois peasantry, do not always coincide with the interests of the proletariat. and ple Economy. etc.
ism a fear of perturbations. an inclination also because the Soviets might assume Incidentally, we reproduce its title page taward compromises and following from (which Lenin points out in the abovebearing the following inscription. this a desire to get away from Party Conmentioned article) counter revolutionary trol. It should be noticed that all this character, as was the case in Russia in the THE RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY is said of the Sovict officials living and actperiod of the coalition governments in ing in Russia in an electrified, revolution(BOLSHEVIKS)
1917 and as it is at present in Germany unary atmosphere under the immediate inder the Social Patriotic triumvirate of ScheiWorkers of the World. Unite! fluence of the dictatorship of proletariat!
demann Ebert Noske. COMMUNIST How much more will these negative characteristics tend to develop in the foreign The Communist Party, being relatively Weekly Journal of Economies. Politics soviets, removed as they are from the rela better safeguarded against disintegration and Sociology.
tively neutralizing environment of the should strengthen its control over the SoOFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE LEFT revolution. viet factions and make the Soviet officials COMMUNISTS The author lays emphasis on the un accountable and responsible to the Comprincipled part of the public and which has munist Party such is the conclusion of This journal is being published in the now wormed its way to the Soviet instituComrade Sorin, to which we subscribe Printing Establishment of the Russian tions and designates as the most reaction whole heartedly.
Federated Socialist Soviet Republic. The ary element of this group every variety of And these concluding words of the article: editor in chief, Bucharin, is a member technicians and specialists, who undoubtedly Our Comrades like to reproach us the way of the Central Executive Committee of the do not sympathize with the power of the we introduce disorganization into the SoRussian Communist Party (at a recent ses Soviets. Let us note, in connection with riets and so are enemies of the Soviets from sion of which he was wounded by a bomb this grouping, that, as was recently reported the left. How familiar are these accusathrown by a counter revolutionist) and is by a correspondent of so impartial (in this tions to us! And perfectly right is Comrade chairman of the Moscow Soviet of the particular instance) a paper as The New Sorin when he says these accusations are Workers and Red Army Delegates.
York Times, that precisely the technicians based on utter incomprehension.
This data is offered to show that this and the large variety of technical societies Indeed, here in the environment of our journal represents the views of comrades comprise that professional group, in whose splendid American isolation making it as standing in the front line of Communist environment and under whose protection casy to communicate with Russia as to reach thought and action, whom 110 ULIC; differing the counter revolutionary plotters are con the man in the moon and because here sve radically as he may from their position on ceailng themselves.
are deprived of such a chance to defend our the question of control, will be able to ac What sort of an antidote does the writer position as is afforded our comrades of The cuse of not thoroly understanding the recommend against these undesirable tend Moscow Communist, this incomprehenprinciples of Communism or of being dis encies; what are his deductions?
sion of our comrades from the right loval to the Proletarian Revolution. Agreeing entirely with the spirit of Lenin sometimes assumes an intensely tragic After these preliminary remarks we shall article. On the Question of Slogans ap aspect. But we don doubt that the corenter into a discussion of the essential points pearing in the first issue of The Communist rect and not the perverted presentation of of Comrade Sorin article.
International. monthly organ of the Com. our position sooner or later, will penetrate munist Party of America. in which he into Moscow through all the ramifications points out the necessity of purging the So of our present isolation (due partly to existA detailed analysis of this article we will viets of vacillating and petit bourgeois par. ing political conditions. Then our true conpostpone for a later time; at present, we ties and in complete agreement with the ception of Communism, and not what shall confine ourselves to a few brief com procedure adhered to by Lenin and Trotsky amounts to a worship of sheer Sovietism, mentaries. the latter describes this in his speech On will triumph. The truth of Communism (not As the title of this article indicates, its the Relation of the Soviet Government and the fetish of Sovietism) must prevail!
object is to deal with the interrelationship the Middle Peasantry. and all other Com It is this Communist certitude that enbetween the Communist Party and the So miscars in that every measure to be carried ables us to contemplate with serenely the viet Institutions (in Russia and other coun out by the Soviets is previously subrnitted uitter incomprehension and tlie overti tries) and the question of Party Control over to the Central Executive Committee of the calumnies flung at ús by adversaries!
Women in the Third International T the first Congress of the Third Inter plished fact, and not less than half the total poses on those parties which adhere to the national the position of men and wealth of the world is produced by women. Third International the necessity of considwomen was debated, and the conclusion On the other hand, there can be no doubt ering a problem of the utmost importances the concentration of all their strength and given here was arrived at: of the important part which awaits working The International Communist Congress energy to draw the working women into women in the creation of the new comthe Party, the employment of all means recognises that the solution of all, the probmunist social order, especially during the to educate the workers in a spirit correlems which have been presented the final transition period, even in the strictly econo sponding with the new social order, and victory of the world proletariat, and the mic field, for what concerns the reform of with the new Communist ethics which they complete abolition of the capitalist society, family customs, the realisation of the reform must introduce in their social and family can only be attained by the close collaboraof family customs, and all the problems that life.
tion of all workers in the fight men and relate to it, the development of their work The dictatorship of the proletariat can women. The enormous increase of female ing ability, and formation into citiziens of only grow strong and thriumph by means the Soviet Republic, which must be inspired of the energy and active co operation of labor in all economic fields is an accom by sentiments of solidarity. All this im working women. Ordine Nuove.