CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyLeninSocialismSovietSyndicalismTrotskyWorking Class

December 20th, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Seven The Party Organization Ruthenberg, Executive Secretary, 1219 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, III.
HE COMMUNIST PARTY is an organization of Fifty are in charge of the propaganda and organization work and thus Thousand Vorkers.
disrupt our forces.
Can these Fifty Thousand Workers raise a fund of Flity Comrades, it is a real danger that threatens us. We have Thousand Dollars during the next few weeks. That is the question not had time to develop our full strength. In an older organization that is now before the organization.
a dozen workers would be ready and prepared to step in the places Within three months from the time of organization of the of those who become the victims of the ruling class. Even now party we are subject to the ruthless attack of the ruling class. we will not go down if the attack is successíul in removing those Viany of our comrades are under arrest. Scores are being held in positions of responsibility. Others will take their places; but for deportation.
ior a time we will suffer.
The persecution oi the ruling class has been particularly It is our duty to put off the removal of those comrades who directed against the officials of the National Organization. are responsible for the party work as long as possible. The Practically every one of the comrades in charge of the work of longer we retain their services the stronger we will be.
the national office is under some sort of charge. Most of them That is the importance of responding to the appeal for the are waiting for bail to be arranged.
Defense Fund of raising Fiity Thousand Dollars for the fight This attack is evidently intended to destroy the organization against the imprisonment and deportation of our party workers.
at its very inception. The party propaganda during the last few Comrades! We have said a Communist Party is not a party months has shown the powers that be that they have to deal with of hali hearted, halting, impotent membership. In the past a body of men and women who understand the existing industrial Defense Funds have been raised by long campaigns of appeals situation and who were developing a propaganda against capital and wheedling isin that was bound to bear fruit in a strong working class more Must we do that? Or will you respond quickly and decisively?
went for the abolition of the existing industrial system.
FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM FIFTY THOUSThe party propaganda did not deal with theories and vague UND MEMBERS! CAN WE RAISE TITAT IN TEN DAYS?
generalities. It dealt with concrete situations, with the problems TWO WEEKS MONTH, AND THEN GO ON WITH which the workers were facing in their struggle for more life. OUR WORK OF PROPAGANDA AND ORGANIZATION?
In place of the vague generalities of former Socialist propaganda When the time comes for the party workers to go to prison the party dealt with the realities of life itself and out of these without burdening the organization with costly defense, they sought to develop an understanding of Communist fundamentals. will be ready to accept their lot and go smilingly. The present SHALL THIS WORK GO ON? SHALL IT BE IN situation calls for a fight, for DEFENSE TO THE LIMIT OF TENSIFIED AND BECOME VIORE AGGRESSIVE?
The effort to deport and imprison the active party workers We call upon you comrades, to show your Communist underis an efort to stop it. By striking at the party officials at the standing the determination and the spirit that quickly accomTery beginning of their work the ruling class believes it can destrov plishes what needs to be done, by making a prompt response to the effectiveness of our propaganda. It hopes to remove those this call.
Organization News which is now nearing the 5, 000 mark.
Pamphlet No.
In an earlier issue of the Communist receipt The notification in last week Communist of 17. 98 from the Elizabeth, Ukrainian, Pamphlet No. 3, The Communist Party and the fter January 1, all organizations joining the Bayonne Ukrainian, Bayonne Russian, Stapleton a debate between Ferguson of party would have to come in as her branches and Ukrainian and Staten Island Russian Branches the Communist Party and Harold Lord Varney of each members pay the initiation fee of 50e, has was acknowledged as the proceeds of a picnic hela the will be really for shipment in another resuited in a new inilux of charter applications. for the benefit of the Organization Fund. This week If all the branches now using Communist Party should have read S171. 99. In the same issue This pamphlet is one of vital importance to our dues stamps make their applications by January 50. 00 was acknowledged from the Indicott, movement and should help materially to develop the number of units of the organization will be Ukrainian Branch. This should have read Enmutual understanding between the and well over the thousand mark.
dicott. Ukrainian 00 ani Detroit Ukraithe Communist Party. It brings out clearly the man No. 50. 00 respective part which the and the An English Branch of the party has been or YOUR SHOP have to play in the emancipation of the workers.
ganized at Reading, Pa.
Leaflet No. 3, Your Shop. has met with such The pamphlet contains 48 pages and sells at 15c Announcement has been previously made of the universal approval as a Communist propaganda per cops: 10 copies for 00; 25 for 50; 50 for leaflet that a ner edition has been printed and 50 and 00 per hundred. Sendi orders to the cirift from the to the Communist Party, above address.
as shown by the action of a number of branches the leaflet will be kept in stock permanently.
Branches which have not distributed it should of that organization in joining the party. The Pamphlet No. 2, The Development of Socialism Lettish branch of Chicago is another insend in their oriers at 50 per thousand.
from Science to Action is now being shipped.
stance of the same drift. This branch recently Leaflet No. 5, Your Must Unite Working This pamphlet, presenting the development of Somen! is not being sent out. It deals with the cialism from theory to the actual struggle is one combined with the Lettish Communist Branch of that city.
unification of the strikes and should be distributed of the most valuable of recent contributions to in the shops and factories everywhere. Order Socialist literature and should have a wide cirat the same price.
culation inside and outside of the party.
Steps to crganize State and District Organizations are under way in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
FIRST ISSUE The Cominunist International The first number of the monthly theoretical and scientific magazine is about ready to go to press. It is dated January and will be delivered to those who send bundle orders and subscriptions, Critical and Scientific Magazine of the Communist Party of America. Ninety six by January The first number will contain articles by Lenin, pages of special articles and editorials.
Trotsky and Koseleff on the work of the Russian Features of First Issue: Soviet Republic as well as contributions on the theoretical problems of the party in this country by the party ablest theoreticians and writers. The Proletarian Revolution and the Betrayer Kautsky By Nicolai Lenin The price of the magazine, 96 pages, will be The Red Army By Leon Trotsky 25c for single copies or 00 for twelve months subscription. In bundles of ten or more the price Communist Party Problems By Louis Fraina is 15c per copy. Send in orders at once in order Dictatorship and Democracy By Maurice Sugar to secure the first number, as the edition will be limited. Unionism and Reconstruction in Russia By Koseleff Other Articles and Editorials THE ORGANIZATION FUND Acknowledgement through the Communist of Send orders at once. Single copies 25c, Bundles of or more 150 contributions to the Organization Fund were discontinued for obvious reasons. The fact that SEND ORDER TO these acknowledgements have not appeared in the Communist does not mean, however, that con.
COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA tributions have ceased to come in. Many branches 1219 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL.
have recently sent in their donations to the fund. The Communist International