BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyGermanySocial DemocracySocialismWorking ClassWorld War

THE COMMUNIST Perepber 20th, 1919.
Despite of All!
on a a Oh, their domination cannot last long the Spartac. general attack Karl Liebknecht Last Writing. and they will be tried. Down with the Spartacans. such By their action anger is aroused in milare the exclamations ringing down the lions of hearts. anger and resentment.
streets, Catch them, whip them, stab tomorrow, for their defeat will teach them a lesson. The German proletarian does not The Proletarian Revolution which they them, shoot them down, string them up the plotted to drown in blood, despite of them, lamp post, grab them, trample them down possess a revolutionary tradition and experience. And this practical experience which will rise in gigantic stature. Its first word with your feet! Brutalities are committed will make possible his future successes he before thich the crimes perpetrated by the will be: Down with the murderers of the well be able to acqiure not otherwise than workers, Ebert Scheidemann Noske!
German armies in Belgium pale into insigniby actual attempts, through mistakes, The vanquished to day learned their ficance.
lesson. The Spartacans are smashed. istri through youthful and painful defeats and They cured themseves from the failures. For the vital and moving forces of false hope of finding salvation in the supumphantly announced in all the newspaper the Social Revolution, the irresistible growth port of the soldier masses which were preoffices, beginning with the Post and endof which is the natural law of social develop viously led astray. They cured themselves ing with the Vorwärts.
ment, every defeat gives rise to new from the illusions that they can rely upon The Spartacans are smashed! And their source of new impulsive power.
And defeat will be consummated with the saber, the leaders who now proved themselves the revolver and the rifle of the restored old through defeats and after the defeats the impotent and without ability. They cured Social revolution inarches forward to victhemselves from their trust in the IndePrussian police and with the disarming of tory.
the revolutionary workers.
pendent Social Democracy that disgraceUnder But what is to be said of to day victors? fully left them to their fate. In the future The Spartacans are smashed!
In the name of their base aims they comguard of the bayonets of Col. Reinhard; they will themselves direct the battles and under the cover of the machine guns and mit their base and bloody deeds. For the win victories, relying solely upon themcannons of General Lutvitz will be carried retention of the power of the outlived selves. The slogan proclaiming that The generation, in the interests of the mortal emancipation of the workers must be acout the election for the Constituent Assembenemies of the proletariat.
ly, the plebiscite for the Napoleon Ebert.
complished by the workers themselves has The Spartacans are smashed!
And at this very moment they are already nolv acquired, due to the bitter lesson of Oh yes, undoubtedly! The revolutionary themselves vanquished, because they are this week, a more profound meaning workers of Berlin sustained a defeat. Unalready to day held in prison by those whom And soon experiencing the whip of milidoubtedly! Hundreds of the best of them they wanted to utilize as a tool for their tarism restored anew, even the irregular were killed! Undoubtedly! Hundreds of purposes, but whose tool they have them soldiers will with sufficient clearness underselves become long ago.
the most loyal of them have been thrown stand what a dastardly role was assigned to The firm still exhibits their name. Butt into prison. them; and they, too, will awaken from the the term of their further existence is cut intoxication which seized upov them at the Undoubtedly! They have sustained short.
defeat. because they were abandoned by present time.
the sailors, the soldiers, the Guard, the They are already nailed to the Pillar of The Spartacan Group is smashed!
Oh, wait! We have not run and we are not Shame in history. Never before did the people militia. by those on whose support world witness such wonder traitors like they counted. And because their power was smashed. And though you may rivet chains paralyzed by the indecision and feebleness these who betrayed their own sacred cause, on us, we shall still be and remain here! And of their leaders. And because of the unbut who also crucified themselves on the the victory will be ours!
precedented outflow of the counter revolucross. Just like in August 1914 the German Under the crack of the growing economic tionary swamp of the inert populace which Social Democracy fell lower than any other, break down, as under the blasts of the swallowed them up. so now at the dawn of the Social Revolu trumpet declaring the Judgment Day, the Yes, undoubtedly. they are smashed.
tion it presents a hideous sight.
proletarian masses which are still asleep will History foreordained their defeat, for the The French bourgeoisie was compelled to awaken; the corpses of the fallen fighters time of their rising was not yet ripe. But furnish from its own ranks hangmen in June will rise and demand an answer from their nevertheless. the struggle was inevitable 1848 and in March 1871. The German bour contemptible murderers. To day we only and it would have resulted in a shameful de geoisie does not have to burden itself with hear the subterranean rumbling of the volfeat for the enemy, if Eugene Ernst and such a task. the Social Democrats are cano, but to inorrow it will burst and bury Hirsch had not surrendered without a battle performing ior it the dirty, bloody and them in its fiery ashes and burning torrents the police headquarters this revolutionary cowardly work; the name of its Cavegniac. of lava palladium. This struggle was forced upon and its Galife is Noske, the German work And then will come Spartacus who signithe proletariat by the Ebert gang, and with man. fies the soul and heart, the will and action sheer elemental power the Berlin masses The peal oi bells amounced this slaught of the Proletarian Revolution. Spartacus rose, throwing aside all doubts and cal er; music, the waving of landkerchiefs and who signifies the destitution and aspiration culations.
the triumphal celebrations of the capitalists to happiness and the true militant steadfastYes, undoubtedly! The revolutionary saved from the Bolshevik inenace, greeted ness of the class conscious proletariat. Sparworkers of Berlin sustained a defeat.
the victors. The smoke of the powder has tacus the spirit of Socialism and of the And Ebert Scheidemann Noske triumphed. not yet vanished; the flame of the slaughter World Revolution.
They triunphed, because the generals, the oi rorkers has not yet been extinguished: The Golgatha Road is not ended for the burcaucracy, the Junkers of the highest and the corpses of the killed have not yet been German proletariat, but the day of its cmanlowest rank, the church and the money bags removed; the wounded proletarians are still cipation is nearer. The Judgment Day for and all those who were frightened and reinoaning. but Ebert, Schcideinann and Ebert Shiedemann Voske and for the capitaactionary. who were threatened with hardNoske, anxious to show off their victory, are list rulers who are to day hiding behind their ships and restrictions, were on their side.
already arranging parades for the troops backs. High into the skies are bursting the And they triumphed by using shells, bombs which participated in the slaughter.
waves of the world occan it is for us with poisoned gas, and hand grenades.
The dragon sowing!
usual occurrence to be dashed from the Yet there are defeats cquivalent to victory Already they are cast aside by the work heights down into the depths. But our ship and victories more fatal than defeats.
ers towards whose International they dare firmly maintains its straight course and Besieged during the period of the January extend their hands red with the blood of proudly proceeds yonder to its inal aim.
Bloody Week, they valiantly carried on the of the German workers. With hatred and And whether we shall be alive or not struggle; they aspired to realize the grand contempt they are avoided even by those when it reaches its destination. dominating and noble aim of suffering humanity the who sacrificed their Socialism on the altar the minds of emancipated humanity, will spiritual and material emancipation of the of the world war. Discredited, excluded live our program. It will live, despite of all!
exploited masses; they shed their precious from the ranks of honest humanity, expelled blood in the name of a sacred ideal. And from the International, persecuted by the from every drop of this blood. of this hatred and curses of the entire revolutionary dragon seed for the victory of to day. in proletariat. they stand before the eyes of VERBOTEN IN THE USAY the place of the fallen will rise new avengers; the world.
And thanks to them, Germany is covered fighters in the name of the great cause which with shame. SICHED) NUTTS AND CUCKOOSLUCAS is as eternal and unfading as the horizon.
Fratricides, traitors govern The vanguished to day will be the victors for me. must write that down.
the German people. parchment paper Prussian Kultur Wins Out р.