CapitalismCommunismDemocracyFranceSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainTrotsky

December 29, 1913.
THE COMMUNIST The Menace of American Capitalism which have set the stage whereon Woodrow HE world has, for several years past, By Newbold, Wilson must play his part. British Socialist Party publication. the United States of America as one ordained The American Democracy to lead its people out from the bondage of coined and trundled his vague and indefin The United States of America is a federajear and suffering beneath which they have come. From all nations and all lands inen able phrases about Liberty and Democracy, tion of states, thirteen of which existed about Self Determination and Public Right, when she broke away from British sovand women have called upon Woodrow Wilson to save them and to set their feet in backwards and forwards before them. They creignty and thirty five more which at the path of peace. Probably, never has any knew the present and had forgotten the past divers times have been carved out of the statesman had such hopes built upon his before they had time to learn its story. territories west of the Alleghany Mountains which have been purchased or seized from sincerity, his capacity, his courage and his Hence they did not pause to ask him to exresolve. It was not that he was greater than plain what precisely he meant by these Spain, France and Alexico and whose lands have been obtained from the aboriginal many a leader who has been before him, but amiable abstractions which, throughout its that the world has been bound together in history, have been the one great contribution inhabitants by every exercise of bargain and common sympathy by common intercourse of American Democracy to the leaden chicanery. The War of Independence was to a degree utterly inconceivable at any footed progress of hunan emancipation. no popular uprising but a sordid quarrel earlier epoch. He is the one ruler who, They recognised a difference, a most pleas between the landed, mercantile and man.
throughout the war, was able to bring to ing biit, not necessarily, a fundamental dif facturing classes of the thirteen colonies and international affairs an attention little ai ference between his speeches and those of the government of the mother country. The fected by the traditions of European state Wilhelm II. and Georges Clemenceau. They American Constitution was the sandiwork craft, and who has, at the same time, had at looked upon the surface and looked no of a family circle of land speculators and his disposal vast reserves of political power. decper. They missed the sabre rattling of bankers who carried its adoption in face of His moral authority seemed to depend upon the old diplomacy and in contradiction intense opposition by the threat of with his purity of motive and his nobility of utter to the Anglo French model read what they drawing credit from those who failed to ance and not upon the peculiar circumdeemed to be a plain statement of facts in support its ratification. According to Adams stances of his country situation and social a series of elegant notes and declarations it was the work of the commercial people evolution. True, he is a fine character and a duly laid upon their breakfast tables. in the sca port towns, of the planters of the great figure in the history of political so Wilson is, essentially, an American in his slave holding states, of the officers of the ciety, one of those men who stand forth metliods. Not the American of the middle Revolutionary arny, and the propertylike Cromwell and Charlemagne, like Abra of the nineteenth century with his crude holders everywhere. It was drafted in ham Lincoln and Gladstone to be numbered lithograplis and his shady prospectuses, but secret session in such a way as to protect amongst the mighty statesmen of the carth.
the American businessman, college trained the rule of the dominant class cf the perior He is worthy to stand silhouctted against and admirably tailored, ready with a sauve and there was slipped into it a clause iorthe skyline in the tremendous setting of a tongue to take you for a pleasant afternoon bidding any State pass legislation in revolutionary drama. He fired the imagin enlightenment and entertainment around pairing the obligation of a contract. This ation of the Democracies of the world and his elegant departmental store. Wilson is unprecedented safeguard, the world of twe in him they reposed a trust terrible in its admirable as the stately commissionaire bank attorneys, has made legislative retorn responsibility deputed to attract the world custom to the the plaything of the Courts from that day The World Quest of Peace monster emporiun, known as the United to this.
The war has been a strange episode. It States.
The Supreme Court of the United has awakened an idealism amongst the Al Prior to this, no President had gonc States early arrogated to itself the right of lied Nations which had evidently been put abroad during his term of office. On this deciding what laws were or were 110 conto sleep, but had not been killed by the occasion. Wilson did not shatter the tra stitutional, and only last year, under this sordid everyday practice of commercialism, dition without causing considerable and not usurped power, this body declared void the hawking its saleable commodities from too favorable comment, but never before bad new Child Labor Law restricting the cinmarket to market. The peoples have often the United States adventured its dominant ployment of children in the Democratic in the past risen in revolt or wrestled in interests in the cross currents of world South. The Constitution has been balanced agitation and in elections against many a politics. Since 1915, the had exup to now so as to equate State Rights and real and imaginary tyranny, always strive tended its economic power into Europe and Federal Authority, the workers generally ing to recover their lost liberty, that wraith had since that time, offered seven and a being let down between the two by skiliul of goodwill which for ages has flitted mock half billion dollars of its official credits to jugglery with inter state and ita state ing before their puzzled gaze, that back ofthe States associated with it in the Crusade laws and regulations. The President is the the brain ntal image transmitted to them for Democracy. Close on the heels oi this head of the Federal State, clected txy the in legend and in story, through conscience economic force came its political custodian, vote of the people. The states have cach and through instinct from their coinmunal escorted by lines of material warships and their Governor similarly elected by the past. This yearning for they know not aeroplanes, to give his idealism shape and people therein. There are Assemblies and what has called them on this occasion to do sanction at the Congress of Paris. Ile Senates in each State and from cach State battle for their country and its professed crossed the Atlantic and came supported by representatives are sent to sit in the Federal ideal, bringing to the conflict the passions a terrific weight of material power greater Congress and the Federal Senate in Washand the prejudices of the long dead centuries than any conqueror of the past. lle was ington. The State Governors a ypoint the of kith and kin. It is no mere unworthy in Europe as commander in chief of his State Judges to their several Courts (though reversion to a brutish origin which has armies and navies, utterly autocrat in in some cases elective for long terats. The swept the nations on to carnival of Government. independent of Senate and President nominates the Judges on the slaughter and destruction, but a bursting Congress, executive head of the mightiest Federal Circuit and Supreme Courts subthrough the bonds oí a property civilization capitalist state in the world.
ject to ratification by the Federal Senate.
in pursuit of the ultimate Brotherhood of Man. The solidarity inherent in the herding Leon Trotzki came to Brest Litovsk with These judges of the Supreme Court of the no armics and no armaments, delegate of instinct has escaped from the toils of buying the first Soviet Republic. trusting only to A, sit for life and whilst in theory, and selling, of making money and dissipat the millions of mankind.
they can be impeached there is no case of He has been ing its equivalents. The peoples have no this course being proceeded with. Their scorned as a materialist. It is Wilson who number can be increased by legislative edesire to go back, yet they hesitate to pio is the great idealist.
neer into the great unknown. They have lion but, otherwise and the former course Let 115 enquire further into the circumílung themselves in masses against barbed is most exceptional the composition of this stances attendant upon Americas appearentanglements under a rain of machine gun final Court of ppeal can only be altered bullets and through clouds of poison gas, of her President and his suite, including, is the Courts which really matter in the inance at the Peace Congress in the persons by appointments on resignation or death. It yet they look at the intermittent street bat amongst others, McCormick, Charles tles of Soviet Russia and shudder at the Schwab and Mr. Leslie Urquhar bosom ternal governance of the United States and dangers which may await them on the road crony, Mr. Hoover. Let us look around and the prospect of an International Court for a it is their tradition which makes so grave to a reasoned and sane social system, Woodrow Wilson had a plausible solu make ourselves somewhat more familar with of America supposedly popular Democabout and behind the presidential seat and League of Nations established on the mode)
tion of their troubles to lay before the peoples.
the forces which have determined the course racy.
He spoke in generalities. He of United States policy and the interests (Continued on page 8)