Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCommunismCommunist PartyFranceLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page December 20th, 1919 THE COMMUNIST The French General Elections portion The prodissentient Social Patriots standing in Paris obtained only 191, 481 votes altogether, and four of them were elected, whereas the Socialist party child, alias Georges Mandel, who has been elected only 10 deputies for two million votes.
By Robert Dell Clemenceau evil genius for many years. The Social Patriots are ineluded in the table above Jeroboam Rothschild has for the moment succeeded (From The London Daily Herald. in the bourgeois Opposition in his design The peasants have combined with Where the system of block voting (scrutin de the bourgeoisie against the proletariat, as on liste) operated alone, the results were still more OST of the British Press has described the more than one occasion in the 19th century, not extraordinary. In the suburbs of Paris the Cieresult or the French General Election as a ably in 1848 and 1871. On the one hand the mencist Coalition polled 2, 102, 411 votes, and the Tietor de Loderate Republicanism. The frightened by the bogy of Bolshevism. on the Socialists 1, 576, 602, and the Coalition returned all Republicanism of the motley crew of Nationalother hand they were bribed by exemption from the 14 deputies, because all its candidates were ists, Clericals, and other reactionaries, who have the income tax and from the laws against supported by more than half the voters. Some enlisted under the banner of Clemenceau, is, 110, 000 electors are thus entirley disfranchised. In indeed, Moderate, both in quantity and quality profiteering. But Jeroboam Rothschild success will be his ruin and that of the French the Gironde the Clemencist Coalition also returned but this is not a victory for moderation. It is bourgeoisie. The proletariat will not sit down all the 12 deputies, although it was supported by the victory of extreme reaction. The election under the injustice inflicted on it, and the first about 81, 100 voters out of a total of 159, 014, so has placed the destinies of France in the hands concession Clericalism will enrage the peas that its majority was about 3, 000. In Seine etof Chauvinists and militarists of the type which sants. The heterogeneous majority, agreed in Oise all the 12 Coalitionists were returned, almade Franse a menace to Europe during a great nothing except hatred of the proletariat, must though only seven of them had a clear majority of part of the nineteenth century. It means social either go definitely to the right or fall to the voters. The reason was that the five seats and political reaction at home and an aggressive pieces.
left over were not enough to go round on the policy abroad.
An example of the way in which the system system of so, under a clause of the law, Clemenceau has been a wrecker throughout has worked may be found in Paris and its they were all attributed to the list with the his political career. When he was Prime Minister suburbs, where the Socialists polled one third of largest average. Very nearly half the voters were for the firt time he broke up the Bloc the the votes and have less than one fifth of the thus disfranchised.
Coalition of the Left and disintegrated the Radideputies. The following table will make the situ In one case, that of Houte Vienne, the Socialcal Party, which has since declined steadily in ation clear: ists carried all the seats (five. but everywhere power and influence, and is now reduced to nullity.
else the block voting told in favor of the Coalition.
Now that he is Prime Minister for the second Deputies Just elcted.
As was anticipated in the Daily Herald. the time, he has completed the discredit of Prench proVotes parliamentary institutions and disintegrated the polls as a rule were light. In Paris and its Clemencist Coalition. 5, 715, 508 36 29 bourgeois Republic. For this general election suburbs about 74 per cent of the electors voted, Socialists will be the death blow to the present regime. 3, 578, 585 10 19 but in other departments containing large towns the poll was much smaller. For instance, it was It has created a situation from which there is no Bourgeois Opposition. 797. 544 issue other than those of open reaction. a coup Royalists (Action Fran64 per cent in the Nord and 65 per cent in the district of Marseilles. Undoubtedly a large prod etat learn to a military despotism or revo caise. 324, 127 2 Various other lists. 179, 749 portion of the abstentions was due to anti parlution liamentarism; it was expected.
Inevitably, the result of the election will 10, 595, 513 strengthen the revolutionary and anti parliaIt has to be remembered that the proletariat 54 54 mentarist elements in the French proletariat. in France is in a minority. The rural population It is difficult to discover the exact number of should not be surprised at a demand from a large is about 48 per cent of the whole, and there is a voters for each list, but, taking the averages, larger proportion of persons living on unearned section of the Socialist Party for the entire withabout 389, 000 electors voted for the Coalitionist income (rentiers) than in any other country.
drawal of the Socialist Deputies from the Chamlists and about 250, 000 for the Socialists. The ber as a protest against an electoral system Futher, about a million and a half young men total number of effective voters in Paris and the were killed in the war, of whom the great mawhich is a caricature of representation. Milsuburbs was 13, 216; there were more than 20, 000 lerand is mentioned as the probable successor of jority were workmen or peasants.
spoiled papers. Clemenceau in the Premiership. Formerly a portion of old men among the voters is thereIn Paris itself no candidate obtained a clear Socialist, he has been for years the hope of the fore larger that it has ever been before. It Pieaction. He is a hardworking man of despotic majority of the voters, so that was ap seems probable that the Socialists polled the implied in each of the three divisions. But the temperament lacking vision and any real qualimense jority of the workmen that voted, and system adopted is so excraordinary that its re that a large section of the proletariat abstained Lies of statesmanship, anci destitute vi tact. Just sults are far from proportional Thus the six the man, in fact, to precipitate the inevitable from voting on anti parliamentarist grounds.
The compete results of the election are not yet known, but 586 Deputies have been elected out of a total of 626 and the remaining 10 results cannot affect the situation. The respective poliBy Fritz Friedmann are the Communists. ON THE QUESTtical latels as follows: Under the caption What in a Name? PARTY. on page 4, Comrade Steklov ION AS TO THE NAME OF OUR Gain Losses the Communist Labor Party News prints the Republicans on the Left 123 36 writes: Radicals 57 following item. Guided by the above mentioned considerSocialist Radicals 78 85 Did you know that the official name of Socialist Replicans ations, the Seventh Congress of our Party 26 the Bolsheviks, the governmental party of Socialist 65 37 Soviet Russia, is The Communist Labor held in January 1918 decreed to change the Dissident See alists Party Of Russia. The Communist Labor name of the Party to The Russian ComProgressists 125 Party of America is travelling in good communist Party (of the Bolsheviks. Liberal Acien (Catholics. 73 42 pany. thank you.
32 This name also appears in some of We thank you also for that brazen lie! Lenin books. It also is mentioned in 586 There has never existed in Russia a party Bucharin pamphlet Our Program. which Most of these labels mean nothing.
whiclı called itself The Communist Labor is sold by the Communist Labor Party of The Progress the Clerical Liberal Action and Party of Russia.
In its issue of October America under the false title of The Prothe Conser atives are all supporters of 25. No. 21, the official organ of the Russian Clemenceau, and would all be considered reaction Soviet Bureau, Soviet Russia. published Russia This name, The Communist Party gram of the Communist Labor Party of ary by the most extreme British Tory. There is two documents in, which the Bolshevist no parallel to them in English politics. The Conof Russia. appears in most of the books of servatives are the rump of the old Royalists.
Party is repeatedly designated as The ComRussian authors and it is more than evident The success these parties is the most significmunist Labor Party. We knew most that this is the real name of the Bolshevist ant thing about the election. The Government certainly that such is not the true name of Party. Indeed, there is no plausible reason majority includes more than 200 avowed reaction the Bolshevist Party and therefore decided aries, who will almost certainly demand concesto have the term labor inserted in the sions to the Carch as the price of their support.
to send a letter of inquiry to the Soviet name.
This is the most reactionary Parliament elected in Bureau in order to clarify the question. In The falsification of documents, pamphlets France since the National Assembly of 1871.
reply we received the following letter: and the distortion of the name of The RusThe Sova Republicans are a little group to which Painlevé and Briand belong, whose 99. Referring to your inquiry of recent sian Communist Party is a new tactic of opinions do not differ from those of the Radicals date we wish to say that the official name of party propaganda. If that be the only means and Social Radicals.
Bolshevist Party of Russia is The Party of the Communists (Bolsheviks. to get a foothold in the working class moveAll these coups, like the Republicans of the Left, are di ded into supporters and opponents Yours faithfully, ment of America, then we may assure the of Clemenceau, so that it is impossible to say (signed) Weinstein, that they will have hard luck and the exact tuber of the Clemencist Coalition, but GWT Secretary of the Representative. remain what they actually are: a mere preit is probably about 450. The dissident SocialThis letter shows at once that the Com tense. We have no doubt that the really ists are the Social Patriot deputies recently expelled from the Socialist party.
munist Labor Party News states a lie, when Commumist elements attached to the This yeguis has been obtained by an electoral it declares that the Russian Party name at present will discover that they are in system der sately designed to deprive the is The Communist Labor Party. More the wrong place and will soon find their way proletariat osts due share of representation. Its over, the name of the Bolshevik Party is to the only rea! Communist organization in author was one of the most: sinister figures in still different from the name even as given this country: The Communist Party of French es, the tailor son Jeroboam Roths. in the reply above. In his pamphlet Who America!
What in a Lie?