BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyRosa LuxemburgSovietWorking Class

December 20th, DIA Page Two THE COMMUNIST chance to acquit in suhteko interesentieg from Germany, a split within forestation THE COMMUNIST within the process of legal defense outside The Split in the Communist the substance of the case. There are many National Organ, Communist Party formalities to be complied with by the proseParty of Germany LOUIS FRAINA. Editor.
cution, and it is the play and counter play CCORDING to authentic information TSAAC EDW. FERGUSON, Aeteng Editor.
formalities which give the jury a Published Weekly, and owned and controlled.
of the Communist Party (the Spartacides)
by the Communist Party of America.
ality in our program. Those who are so positive that the class war is already so far occurred at the national convention of the party held recently. At the convention the cents a cops, 00 six months. 00 a year, advanced in the United States that such differences on parliamentary action and in Bundles, 10 or more, Sise a copy.
juries are inconceivable overlook the condustrial organization were brought to the Address all communications siderations that a revolutionary crisis is ac1919 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill. companied by an increasing fear of using foreground and caused the withdrawal of extreme measures against the proletariat about one third of the delegates. How far Legal Defense and by a rather general slackening of loyalty the split will affect the general membership toward the decadent order. We can make can hardly be foretold, but all signs indicate HERE is a good deal of nonsense going our estimates of large social groups and that it will be in about the same proportion. T The differences that brought about the the rounds concerning legal defense of their action, but these general estimates canclass war prisoners. In a recent editorial not be taken as absolutes against every unit split existed for a long time and became on deportations, we stated that our fight in in the groups more determined after the death of Lieb.
the courts is not founded on concern about The theory of voluntary martyrdom is knecht and Rosa Luxembourg. They re volved around the question of the Communlegal precedents nor on illusions about the one that belongs to revolutionary romance, its Party attitude towards parliamentary principles of American liberties. We not to Communism. Because imprisonment action or rather the particiration of the recognize fully the class character of the and exile are used for lower class represcourts and of their principles.
sion does not mean that we must at once party in election campaigns. Liebknecht IVe also pointed out that we yield nothing proceed to seek imprisonment and exile and Luxembourg and the elements identified to the courts and compromise nothing, This is of the same rationality as wanting with them were of the opinion that the There is no bargain upon which the Com extremes of poverty and suifering because party is primarily a political party, therefore munist Party could accept deportation, as it is the background of economic oppression the party should use the forum of the parliawas implied in the Soviet Bureau offer by which allows revolution ment for propaganda whenever possible. On to stand forth.
letter of Martens. Linless that offer means the other side there is an element that ral Communism is the expression of the adlies around Fritz Wolffheim, editor of the simply a guarantee of safe transportation vanced proletariat, not of the degraded proafter every recourse of fight against deport letariat. Communism is the proud voice Communistische Arbeiter Zeitung in Ham.
ation has been exhausted. To accept an ad of the proletariat confident of new social burg, who is opposed to any kind of parliayance bargain of this nature would be to destiny, assured of leadership in bringing mentary action and even repudiates the op.
vield at least a skirmisli in the class war to forth the new civilization. The Communist portunity of propaganda during election a flourish of Russian nationalism. Te yield seeks not misery and martyrdom, like the campaigns. This element asserts that the nothing ascetics, but struggle and triumph, li that chief task or the party is the organization of The Communist Party is contesting the struggle, at some stage, involves imprison the workers for economic action instead of proposition that membership in this organiz ment and exile, Communists will not shirk it political action, They want the whole ation is at all a legal basis for deportation; That is not to say that the Communist will activity of the party to be directed toward and this contest will be carried to the ultim not try to make every possible adaption of capturing the means of production through ate limit, regardless of whether those against strategy to avoid casualties, short of the the shop councils, organized into the Allthom charges have been brought prefer to compromise of Communism itself.
gemeine Arbeiter Union. an organization live here or to go back to Europe. The Communist Party means to live here and that by the party going underground. The That is, indeed, precisely what is meant very similar to the Industrial Workers of the World, at least as far as the politiem is the decisive issue involved. The ComCommunist Party seeks effective action, 1100 indifference of that organization is con munist Party means to live here and to meet glorious sacrifice. In the interim, while cerned. They want a mass organization, the class challenge all along the line, surthere is open propaganda, it is precisely on capable of taking over the means of prorendering nothing, compromising nothing.
the theory that such propaganda can be carduction, while they ignore the fact that the That the courts represent the highest in ried on without too much cost of personal political power of those who own and com trenchment of bourgeois class rule means, penalties. In other words, the very existtrol these means must first le crushed isebeyond a doubt, that our opposition here is ence of open propaganda is of itself an ac for the workers can really take over the at its weakest. We have nothing to work ceptance of legal defense for all it is worth management of the industries.
with except the very technicalities upon in avoidance of personal penalties.
For months these two questions: the par which the prosecutors themselves depend; Nor is it a foregone conclusion that even ticipation of the Communist Party on the except that in a vague, remote and guarded parliamentary battlefield, and industrial or say the jury is yet a link between the of an illegal propaganda will not yet be an open ficial process and the outside mass life. The propaganda in the United States; that there ganization, were discussed in all the locals jnery, too, is of the bourgeoisie, but generally will not be frank acceptance of the penalties became more intense niter the death of the and branches of the party. The discussion of the smaller bourgeoisie out of which some as worth the results. This is all a problem are apt to waver in bourgeois loyalty as the of strategy, of generalship, of the morale and two most influential individuals of the Spansocial crisis advances and becomes more temper of the organization and the judgtacans, Liebknecht and Luxembours, and eneral.
ment of highest effectiveness. There is no this may be the reason why the differences There is principle involved in Communist doctrinal solution of such a problem.
oi opinions could not be harmonined. Wlien party legal defense, most certainly. That It cannot vet be claimed that we have the convention opened a resolution was inis, in so far as the defense involves a state demonstrated to the American working class or the party in parliamentary elections troduced which declared the participation menit of the program and purposes of Com the class character of the courts. The war part of the program of the party. After this shunism it must be a statement free from cases were, to the overwhelming multitude, confusion and contradiction. Communism war cases, 110t class cases. It will be some resolution was adopted by two thirds another thing outside. If the inequivocal the class nature of the and Con membership calling upon it to align cael cannot be one thing in the courtroom and time before there is general realization of majority, the minority of 18 delegates with drew and issued a proclamation to the tatement of the program of Communism it munist prosecutions as they occur now withself becomes criminal it must still be the out the camouflage of war emergency. That with the minority. This minority group unequivocal statement.
realization is possible only when the results stood under the absolute control of Fritz No one can say at this time that the are obtained against us in the courts in Woiiiheim of Hamburg and to hunt was promulgation of Communism is of itself spite of every recourse of defense, and when consigned the draft of a party program and criminal. The fact that laws may be found they are stined consistently and repeatedconstitution.
to exist or may yet be created for the express is in spite of such recourse, purpose of making the promulgation of Communist principles punishable as a ielony able propaganda value for our party. It has Legal defense, therefore, still has measurTak Curs Wor bin. the probability of such laws does not not such value as to be pushed to an extreme alter the fact that no decision states this now of expenditure of funds and of personal sae.
to be the law.
rilice. But the time has not come for abalExen so, assuming that there are laws in donment of our comrades to silent acceptsotse States which make our program inher.
ent y illegal, there are many possibilities upon them through the courts, ance of all penalties that may be inílicted His Man Friday WOGOROWME MAESTY CORLD CANT OPPOSE YER, AND Titot Swi. LERED IT WHOL, MS Vi