
The Communist All Power To The Workers!
yel. No. 19.
DECEMBER 20th, 1919 Five Cents AMERICAN PROLETARIAN WORLD REVOLT PUTOCRACY GA: GOMPERISM The Modern King Canute Civilization and Revolution.
VIEVNA bustong been suggestive killed in battle folosit cars filthighest eiwili au ysmal dieptbost of the dark mass life comes new momentum, a new power, a new. art capitol of the world. Abysmal degra the rate of ten columns a minute 6, 000 an progress of life. Revolution is the life dation of human life going with the world hour. the young dead, stopping neither day principle of society. From one revolution war, staggering atavism rampant every nor night, would require sixty three days to to the next sone threads are carried over, where, has dulled the mind to new sensa pass a given point! There is no way for the and out of these threads, saved against all tions of horror. Yet to read of cannibalism mind really to grasp the destructiveness of storms and mishaps, is woven a pattern of in Vienna, as the second decade of the 20th these years, a destructiveness which will not life ascendant.
century draws to a close, makes the mind spend itself for generations. destructive Well then, men will speak and women will reel. Can it be that these five years of the ness that will be refreshed with new cat speak in bitter scorn of this murderhighest development of bourgeois civiliza aclysms so long as the effective causes re civilization, and in rapturous hope of the tion have not hopelessly crushed the human main active.
new human life that comes now out of the spirit and destroyed all sanity? What is This civilization demands that men shall heart of the great new working masses, there left to give balance to life?
pay it homage or stop their mouths and the workers banded in armies for machine It is past belief that there is still so prom minds! Oh, the cringing cowardice of the manoeuvres. They will hurl the challenge found and universal a fearfulness over the tens of millions who bow in submissiveness! of destruction against the mad system of cost of revolution. All the revolutions of Oh, the revolting pettiness of those who see destructiveness; and these voices will prove all of history have not cost more than the in all this only their own small purposes of to be the prophetic prelude of the slow but losses of a few days of the warfare which is immediate security!
ponderous gestures of the dark massesthe life principle of bourgeois civilization, To be respected within the social scheme dark but with inner light of the new Civilithe technical advanced Warfare of the of this civilization is to be marked with zation.
machine age. After the war. then the peace approval of its savageries and bestialities. With the proletarian revolution will come of starvation and cannibalism!
There are no free souls in the world today the release of the material and intellectual Yet so many can yield their minds and except in the ranks of the revolution! The powers of the 20th century to the service souls to small purposes, lest their pittance noblest of all are in the bourgeois prisons. of a social system which seeks, not profits, oí miserable possession be ever so remotely The noblest are meeting death in the revolu but highest human potentialities.
tionary struggle.
Only the Communist revolution can save The calculation was made of only those At one period and another. out of the us from capitalistic destructiveness.