BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyItalySocialismStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

Page Two THE COMMUNIST December The President Message strike. The radicals among the officials JUDGE MM DERSON Comment on a Commenter THE COMMUNIST The Italian Socialists in the Parliament and file. revolution within Ame refuse the oath and all homage to the unionism cannot be held off much long: National Organ, Communist Party monarchial government as the representLOUIS FRAINA, Editor.
atives of a powerful division of the ComISAAC EDW. FERGUSON, Acting Editor.
munist International. There is nothing to Gossip is only gossip, but how are we to Published Weekly, and owned and controlled, conjecture about what it all means. There account for the persistent rumors going by the Communist Party of America.
is only one question: how soon?
back over two weeks at least that the strike How soon in Italy?
would end on the tenth of December? Colos5 cents a copy, 00 six months, 00 a year.
Bundles, 10 or more, 31. a copy.
sal stage play, indeed, if all that intervenea End of the Coal Strike has been by pre arrangement! But even this Address all communications is well within the possibilities of an allian 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
NE item in the official conference on between capital and yellow labor again the President terms of surrender to the imorganized masses.
the miners tells the whole inner story of the ll make them HAT on the question of the peace wanted the question to go back to the locals, treaty and the League of Nations by means of a delegate convention. The Nothing. What on the President own war majority of the executive officials wanted venture in Russia. Nothing. What on the the decision made over the heads of the seething agitation for predatory intervention locals.
in Mexico? Nothing: What on the steel Tlie miners were not defeated. They will and coal strikes and the threatening railroad again rally their forces; they will yet find strike? Nothing, except a few pious phrases organized expression of the spirit oi the rank which mean less than nothing, such as a general democratization of all industry and a council of peace and amity, etc. etc.
What on the national debt and the billions due us from our bankrupt allies? That By Ruthenberg the bourgeoisie has the right to vote or not, Congress shall relax the tariff to ease up on but by the fact that the working class comour favorable balance of trade. but that From Socialist News, Cleveland.
pletely dominates the government and uses Congress shall go easy on the income and ENJAMIN KARR, who writes Comit in its own interest to wrest control of the profits taxes. What on the high cost of for industries from the capitalists.
living? That the farmers shall be coaxed to very much aroused by a speech made by In the United States we have the form of grow more foodstuffs and shall kept genAlbert Rlys Williams at North Church last a democratic government. It is true tow crally contented. Also, another conference. Sunday. So much so that he devoted his and will be true aíter woman suffrage goes a fresh, comprehensive survey made of rurentire comment last Tuesday to that sulinto clicct, that even under this formal domal conditions. Also, swat the profiteers and ject.
ocracy millions of workers are disfrantlave proper cold storage labels.
The first thing that aroused Karr was chised. They have no vote because of the Under the high cost of living theme comes the iact that, as he says, the more ardent character of their work. It will be true, the recommendation for federal licensing of his (Williams. championing of the Russian therefore, even with woman suffrage in efcorporations doing interstate business, and reds the better most of his hearers liked it. fect. that less proportion of the population this is typical of a series of recommendli that surprised this gentlemen he has not will have the right to vote in the United ations for an intensification of the program been in touch with working class audienStates, with its formal democracy, than in. tate Capitalism inaugurated by the war.
ces in recent months. He should know that Russia under the Dictatorship of thThe message is not worthy of serious in spite of all the lies that newspapers like tariat and disfranchiscinent analysis. Where it is not a rehash of former that for which he writes have been spread geoisie.
solutions, already prored cmpty by actual ing, the working people of this country unIt is not this fact, however, which detertest, it is mere verbiage and not as ornate derstand that in Russia something has hap mines the existence of the dictatorship of as the usual Wilson verbiage.
pened that is oi tremendous import to them, the bourgeoisie in this country. It is The capitalist press featured in glaring and it is only necessary to mention the not a question of the basis of the franheadlines the dominant theme of Vilsonian word Bolsheviki before a working class chise but of fact, and the man who statesmanship: down with the passionate iudience to secure a tremendous response. can deny that in practice the capitalists and malevolent agitators. Even here the This is true in New York, Chicago, San dominate and control the government of the message is not as strong as the headlines Francisco, cast or west, north or south.
United States is really more successful in would indicate, because it seems to admit The naive surprise which Mr. Karr exfooling himseli than seems possible. Even that punishing the evil agitators will not of presses on this point, is not, however, the Woodrow Wilson in 1912 was compelled to itself cure all the economic and social ills of important part of his article. He attempts admit the truth of the statement that the the nation.
to prove that Williams was unfair and part capitalists dominated the government of this This is an unfortunate admission. It isan As an illustration he cites the fact country.
shows a confusion of thought. Why not that the speaker said that if in Russia there The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie just blame it all on the agitators and let it go is a Dictatorship of the Proletariat in this is maintained by its control of the sources at that? Because the moment it is admitteri Country we have a dictatorship of the bourof information. The capitalists nec not worthat there are problems and causes, need for gcoisie. The latter statement is characterry about the workers having the right to remedies and all that sort of thing, how on ised as being absolutely untrue. It is un vote so long as they completely control the earth are you going to determine when true, Mr. Karr says, because there can be sources of information which determine how agitation for one remedy or another is pas nothing which justifies the name dictatorthe workers will vote. So long as all the sionate and malevolent?
ship in any country which has free elections. great newspapers, the schools, the pulpits Simpic. My kind is good and just; yours with universal sui frage, at the foundation and most of the magazines and periodicals is vicious and criminal even if my kind is of all its governmental institutions and are subject to the will of the capitalists, they worthless. Swat the Bolsheviki! Wilsonian power.
can well afford to permit the workers to re tatesmanship!
This is the kind of argument which writers main under the illusion that they are really such as he have been making ior many years. determining something when they go to the How Soon in Italy?
They attempt to delude the workers by polls to vote. The inet is, though, that thes.
inting to the form of government, ignos workers are merely approving wirat th enniss lave decidoi shall be done EMONSTRATION and counter lo iry the inct.
monstration in Italy, with tot It hay the Kur but it is true ied and deaths, means the crediteless et Loisi does not So the Red Army is in full progress. Of the dramatic monster the emer of his boscos attention to the terms stration oi the Socialist Bloe in the prese are characteristic of the lettre of the Army. to stop the ment against the King the pressure Dictators the Proictoria, Helias said tons and perunt the abject cat barely enough lives to know that such an in his writings on the subject that in some Brest Litovsk. In this criticisin Mr. Kare. ent lippened though it is historically countries this dictatorship may be estais. isso frank with himseli nor with his ea!
even more significant than the anti Kaiser lished without disfranchising the bourgeoi er. He knows as well as Williams, that demonstration in the German Reichstag in sic. Whether a Dictatorship of the Proie there was to Red Army at the time of (Continued on page 3)
March 1914.
tariat exists is not determined by whether