AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEngelsEnglandFranceImperialismLeninMarxParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

Page Eigtht THE COMMUNIST Recent Development of Japanese Labor Revolt.
On Which Side of the Barricade are You?
hold forth as our aim and ideal.
We believe that spiritual sumission fol.
lows material submission. If we desire to Continued from page 5)
obtain complete spiritual emancipation we workers in one factory aiter another thingh pieces. That is now happening in Japan in must seek to obtain fully material emancipout the country. On the fifth of October response to the world wide revolutionary ation. Desire for material freedom first re7, 000 workers in the Osaka Iron Mill started movement of all mankind.
veals in the minds of people the carnest des passive sabotage, and 3500 of the Kobe It is appropriate to conclude this review ire for spiritual freedom. Only where there Steel Works entered upon sabotage of with the manifesto of the new monthly is fervent desire for spiritual freedom there more violent character. Emancipation. grows firm resolve for material freedom.
This is the best method for winning labor The world is about to be re constructed. Therefore, we, the new men of the new age demands, because a strike without stike The dawn of the new civilization begins to must seek after emancipation from tradit funds and without support of well organized glimmer. The bell of Emancipntion rings ional, age long customary and reactionary unions is a dangerous fight against the capi to tell us that the dawn breaks our long old ideas. This is the real duty, mission and talists who command legal as well as finan dream. At this time the magazine. Eman raison etre of Emancipation. The EMANcial aid. The strikers may defy the law cipation is born!
CIPATION, indeed, is born with such high which condemns them. The company canWe proclaim: Emancipate humanity from spirits and ambition.
not fire the men without declaring a lockout the pressure of militarism and autocracy! This represents fairly the spirit of the in which case there is the obligation to mak: mancipate the nationalities of the world Tapanese ideas, and there are against a certain dismissal payment to the employ from aggressive Czarism! Emancipate the new progressive ideas and movement for ees. Thus under the present conditions in life of civilized peoples from chains of gold, ces well organized and powerful which are Japan sabotage is adopted by the workers iron and fire! Emancipate the workers from becoming more conservative, oppressive and as the best way to attain their objects. poverty and overwork! Emancipate women utterly inimical toward the new enlightenAt this stage of development we cannot from the iron heel of men! Emancipatement. When will the crash come between predict what counter move will be adopted young people from obstinate and superstiti these two forces? We do not know just against sabotage by the employers and antions old men! Emancipate all classes of when, but we know it will surely come and orities But this much is certain that the people from misrule! These are the prin that time will be the dawn of the social reva government publicly announced that it will ciples of EMANCIPATION that we will olution!
introduce a trades union bill to the coming parliament. By this declaration the government practically recognizes the labor union.
The labor movement of Japan has been (Continued from page 4)
assuming more and more radical character for the Soviets, said to Arthur Ransome, the and class consciousness. Even that yellowest correspondent of the London Daily News: then prime minister, who was trying to crush the CG. Being retninded of his of labor organizations. Au Ai Kai. has We are willing to starve another year for revolutionary past. having taken part in the changed from the autocratic rule of its pres the revolution and as soon as the Bolsheident. Banji Suzuki, to a democratic admin viki are left alone by the Allied bandits. Paris Commune. by a delegation from the istration under the new name of The Gener will be the first to pull them down!
labor unions, he arrogantly replied: Gentle.
mien, do not forget that am on the other al Federation of Labor. The executive work We are not blind to the fact that Russia is side of the ade!
of the Federation is entrusted to 25 director ruled by a political party rather than indust The Russian Revolution has crystalized including two women. There are still a few rial unions and this is, to my humble opinion. a new alignment in the revolutionary labor advisers, mostly bourgeois economists or Hovenient.
the cause of all opposition at home and professors from the universities, but the big broad. But the labor unions are co operatThere is no middle ground, capitalists and members of the House of there is only one alternative either with Peers and many others have been dropped ing with the Bolsheviki and the only phase the Bolshevist against capitalism and vellow of the revolution so far has been the marvel. Socialism, or with Imperialism it or have stepped out of their own choice since the organization assumed a class conscious ous re organization of the system oi produc masked defenders, hiding behind red screens.
tion. The mechanism of Russian industry Syndicalists. Socialists and Anarchists.
character. The Federation is growing steadily into the ONE BIG UNION of Japan.
was dislocated and sabotaged long before It will be a painiul blow to our Communist the Bolsheviki assumed the helm of state friends the world over to hear that the inAlready the Printers Union has joined and the Authors Union of Coinrade Sakai and power. Nay, since then the reactionaries dustrial Workers of the World is not with and wild visionaries from the left have conothers. It is a great change for the Federthem in the most critical and trying moments ation to invite the Bolshevik Socialist Sakai tributed much to its demoralization. Under in the history of the class struggle.
to address the annual meeting, to the ap single political or industrial group could such conditions it is doubtful whether any The revolution is our only creed, our only plause of the members present.
principle. Let us extend our hand of sol.
The Federation has adopted a rather dimake a dazzling success.
idarity and fellowship to our Russian fellow cal platform and manifesto in which it deFor two whole years the revolution has workers and join them in the heroic struggle clared labor and political agitation its work survived the vicious attacks of the imperial against the exploiters of mankind.
hereafter. In fact there are quite strony ist mercenaries from outside and counterradical and Socialist elements in the direct revolutionary obstruction from inside. Toa ing personnel. Indeed its official organ remarkable degree the new regime has over Mexican Communists MakeProgress Labor and Industry has been publishing in come the handicaps of the abnormal state of (Continued from page 7)
its pages the life of Karl Marx. This is an affairs and now can safely boast of its sinencouraging omen for the future of the Ja gular victory over capitalismi.
the United States and Canada, and also panese labor movement.
And if the Bolshevist government is will visited IEngland and other countries. For This hopeful change of the labor move ing to make concessions to the Allied plun years he was imprisoned in Leavenworth ment, however, does not by any means open derers, it is the fault of the revolutionary for revolutionary activities against Diaz.
the way for its peaceful progress. On the workers of the strongholds of capitalism, The national convention of the party, at contrary it will be prosecuted and obstructed America, England, Japan and France. We which a permanent organization will be efby the reactionary government which has an have failed to live through the struggle offected, will probably take place in February.
increased Prussianized gendarmerie to put the toiling masses of Russia; we have even It was originally called for November but down any labor or Socialist movement that gone so far as to sneer at their mistakes in the date will be postponed so that organtends toward the Bolshevik ideas.
the gigantic task the overthrow of capi izations may be effected in all the states beWhile the peaceful attempts of the Moder talist exploitation which they assumed upon fore the gathering.
ates are making some progress, the vast themselves. Their idealism and devotion to Locals in Mexico City, Tampico, Monmasses are profoundly interested in the the common cause of the working class has terrey, Guadalajare and other cities are very revolutionary aspirations of the Russian failed to inspire us with the lofty vision cap active, and study classes in the writings of soviet system. Like the Russian peasants able of obliterating the petty frontiers of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky are con they are slowly but surely making a mighty dogmatic differences.
ducted regularly each week.
stride from feudalism to Communism. One Those of us who remember the heroic Local Mexico City adopted resolutions sign of this transition in Japan is the utter struggles of the militants of the General demanding that the Mexican government loss of faith in the hitherto most supreme Confederation of Labor in France about refuse to accept the invitation of the and divine ruler of Japan. Take away idols 1906, the most revolutionary epoch of its Allied powers to join in the blockade of or fetish from heathen and the old order of picturesque history, will recall the fateful Russia. So far, President Carranza has not society will and must inevitably crumble to words of the arch domagogue Clemenceau. replied to the note.