CapitalismCommunismDemocracyLiberalismPrivate PropertyStrikeWorking Class

Page Six THE COMMUNIST December 6th, 1919.
The Drift of Things J. OGDEN ARMOUR expressed himself by the professorial editor of the New Re to prove that the United States is different, on Mexico without the intervention of his public which might produce some other con though American capitalism is today commore democratically, astude political syco clusion? Whom is the Professor kidding? pelling the cataclysmic mass protests which phants, with this highly candid result: Doesn he know that we all know that he are the first stages of the revolution.
only wrote the eight pages as a sedative for It high time the United States the nerves of revolution scared gentlemen. Free Speech Victory.
used the strong hand in Mexico. The only way to handle those fellows is and that he dispassionately framed an article at the end of a gun. The trouble for that express purpose? Indeed, the only USTICES HOLMES and Brandeis disnever will be settled by talking, al thing convincing about the entire eight sented from the Supreme Court decision though it may be easier to talk than to act. The easy way is usually the pages is the title. Why the need to allay sustaining the convictions in the case of the wrong way, and the hard way is are themselves the first stages of the revolu United States vs. Jacob Abrains and four usually the right way and the easiest tion.
others, the notorious prosecution under the in the end. Americans have invested The dispassionate argument? There are Espionage Act for protesting against the inin Mexico and should be protected.
many farmers in the United States and tervention in Russia. It was a scathing The situation reminds one of Cuba. It these are the anchors of capitalism. The issent, as this sentence indicates: In this was a land of unrest and trouble until America took a hand and estabindustrial workers to be reckoned as the case sentences of twenty years imprisonlished a stable government, put Cuba revolutionary force constitute only onemen have been imposed for the publishing on its feet and made investment of third of the population, contained largely of two leaflets that believe the defendants capital possible by assuring protection of that capital. Today Cuba is within a small section of the country. As had as much right to publish as the Governone of the most prosperous countries yet tenantry prevails on but 40 per cent of ment has to publish the Constitution of the in the world. But the United States American farms. But we can depend on United States now vainly invoked by them.
didn make it prosperous by writing the farm owners to hold the tenants and The author of this sentence and many notes. The sooner we use the strong farın laborers in line. Therefore, no revoluother strong sentences in this dissenting hand in Mexico the easier it will be to make it a decent prosperous country tion, not for a generation at any rate, during opinion happens to be also the author of the which the proportion of industrial workers opinion in the Debs case, when the court Cuba and the United States are decent, and tenant farmers will go up.
was unanimous. It is absolutely incontestprosperous countries, but it appears that able that the logic of the dissenting opinion the decency and the prosperity are shared Just like an equation in algebra. Of course in the Abrams case should have led Holmes by very few all history is just like mathematics. With and Brandeis to dissent in the Debs case. Ogden was thinking in such straight the special proviso that the dispassionate There never was a more palpable adjustment lines about the meat and cold storage and Professor might command the social digits of legal reasoning to time and circumstance.
rolled oats business in Mexico that he for to move according to his will, his nice equaThe class issue could not be ignored in the zet even to mention our national honor tion might prove out. However, we have challenge which Debs made at Cleveland, it and the lost lives, the propaganda specials. some misgivings about this two thirds force could very well be ignored, and the occasion What a stirring war slogan: To make being thrown against the one third quanti could be used for an attempt to resurrect the Mexico safe for American capital!
ty. The fact is that more than two thirds fiction of free speech under the capitalist of the two thirds have no private property democracy, when five negligible aliens and IS REVOLUTION POSSIBLE. asks interests: and it is not so clear but that two inconsequential leaflets against the even the farm owners mignt, under a new ufo answers Alfiu Johnson in the New uinpopular Russian intervention were all that Republic of November 26th. After eight dominant proletariat lather than do the social opinion, prefer to make terms with a was before these Liberal jurists. Nor was pages comes the reassuring conclusion: there ever a more cynical example of the The general economic system founded upfighting for the ousted finance oligarchy, treacherous vice of Liberalism.
which after all has not their profound devoon private property is in no present danger Quite consistently, the Liberal journals tion.
in America. Any future danger to that are making a great ado about the dissent.
system is remote vhich is the result of a But if we go on we might appear to be Quite as consistently, the government prosedispassionate examination of the facts in the making a case for the acquiescence of ninety cutors backed up by the decision of seven per cent of the population in the proletarian judges, not merely by the dissent of two, Of course we are not dispassionate, which revolution, though it be consciously de whose dissent is hopelessly compromised by makes our opinion worthless. Nevertheless termined upon by much less than one third their class stand in the Debs case. are prewe have a suspicion that, in spite of our of the population. But why go on? Our paring to avail themselves of the full force revolutionary exuberances, we are quite as examination of the facts would not be dis of the drastic prevailing opinion.
dispassionate in meeting Professor Johns passionate, by our own admission. We The working class will win free speech by on query as he is himself. Could anyone have a pre conviction that revolution is its own dissenting opinion, expressed in imagine any treatment of the facts in the possible. We see it happening all about us, revolutionary mass action, and not any case, and any selectie out of all the facts, and always there are figures and arguments other way.
You Must UniteWorkingmen. Continued from Page defeated by the united capitalist class, of whose rule and power the way and betray the workers, who block united action, must the government the State is the visible expression.
be swept aside. Strike councils with delegates from every WORKINGMEN. YOU MUST UNITE!
industry, whether the workers are organized or unorganized, YOU MUST STRIKE TOGETHER!
niust be united in a district council and the district councils in a national council.
The capitalist system is breaking down. Its contradictions Create your own organs for the struggle against capitalism, are of such a character that it becomes increasingly difficult to workingmen!
make it work. In place of supplying food, clothing and homes to Send men who work with you and strike with you to the strike live in to the workers, it is producing misery and hardships. It councils. They will represent you. They will not betray you.
is the capitalist system which is responsible for the high cost of They will unite all the workers locally, in the district, and naliving. It is the greed of the capitalists that threatens us with the suffering from cold because no cual is being mined.
tionally. Then you can act together. Then you are invincible.
capitalism that is responsible for the threatened railroad strike, ORGANIZE THE STRIKE COUNCIL!
which may bring hunger and even starvation to the whole country.
The capitalist control of industry will result in more and more strikes, more and more struggles of the workers to force from the Your power will be greater than that which the capitalists capitalists the means and opportunity to live happy, healthy lives. have through their control of the government. You will have These strikes can only succeed if the power of the workers is your own organs of working class government.
united. The workers must strike together. The capitalists can Then you will beat the capitalists; and victory, and good food, beat the strikes oſ sections of the working class. They are powergood clothes, good homes, a voice in the management of the shop, less against the united working class.
and the opportunity for happy, healthy lives will be yours.
The conservative and reactionary union officials who stand in NITE THE STRIKES!
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