CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyInvasionStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

December 6th, 1919 THE COMMUNISI Page Two new TIONS that slow, too cumbersome and too conspicuous miners and against the whole workii THE COMMUNIST methods of Congressional action (and even class of America is to be carried into the National Organ, Communist Party.
these are not so open but that there are mines with bristling bayonets. With the LOUIS FRAINA, Editor.
dozens of ways of putting things over with steel workers the military intervention was ISAAC EDW. FERGUSON, Acting Editor.
out anyone knowing how it happened and not even given a fourteen point camouflage.
The steel union is not considered so Published Weekly, and owned and controlled, who did it. The work of American militarization in strong. Besides, who cares about the by the Communist Party of America.
the interests of foreign investment begun American standard of living of hunkies? cents a copy, 00 six months, 00 a year.
in 1917 would be nicely rounded out by a Bundles, 10 or more, 3c a copy.
prolonged intervention in Mexico; and in The Great Fourtcener is doing remarkable Address all communications the meantime the direct investment gains service in tearing away the veils of bour1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
for American capital would be enormous. It geois democracy. The fourteen peace points is an inviting prospect, indeed, from the in contrast with the brigand performance at viewpoint of finance statesmanship. Versailles have effcctually disposed of the War with Mexico?
deinocratic buncombe going with the world HE drive for an invasion and conquest war.
Fourteen Points The fourteen percentage points veil in ever so transparently the government onEnglish finance capital, now proceeds at a OURTEEN points this time fourteen slaught against the coal strike. This new feverish pace. In fact, the pace is too fast percentages points aimed at the heart fourteen poin: camouilage ought to bring to be kept up. The Junkin incident is al of the miners strike. This is the new edition quick and sure enlightenment to the worktogether too flimsy to serve as the pretext of Wilsonian camouflage covering 100 ing class of the United States about the for the war, but it is sufficient for an intensi service to the finance oligarchy. neutrality of the government in the laborfication of the war propaganda, a propagThe operators themselves offered 20. capital life and death struggle.
anda which becomes more and more insist the highly conservative Secretary of Labor The question now is as to the intelligence ent, which uses its paltry materials to the proposed 31. Now it is 14 insisted upand courage of the workers of the United on by the Department of Justice and the De States. There are methods of working class utmost. complication in the further development of this incident, or some partment of War, with Garfield as the Wil action equal to the occasion. There is the allegation of affront to American national Sonian mouthpiece.
possibility oi organization more powerful than all the forces, direct and indirect, oi honor and there will be realized the Hearst NEGOTIAdream of a three years adventure of an army capital. But that organization must take of 500. 000, with the finish of a Mexico anaccount of the entire mass oi the workers; nexed to the United States, to be civilized it must lose its craft and caste lines of separ14 increases by a protected exploitation of Mexican ation; it must how to the line of the class resources and Mexican labor by American struggic, and it must take on the aggressiveand English capital.
ness of a program for complete social conThe feature item of the propaganda is the trol by the working class.
loss of cight American lives in Mexico durThe issue is rapidly becoming clear drawn ing the past six nonths, though there is no between industrial absolutisin and Communshowing of responsibility for these deaths The trump card oi the Administration ism between imperial capitalista enforcing on the part of the Mexican government or operator combine is that the price of coal is a standard of slave subsistence and a workof official condonement. Certainly Mexican not to be raised. This is counted upon to ing class array which opposes itself to the law and order during the past six months warrant anything done by the government entire institutionalized power of capital. The could not have been so frightful a thing as against the strike. It is the public that is issue is a more abject slavery versus revoluthe law and order which has availed. in. the being protected as usual.
United Stes, with its constant lynchings, Son 1n e NaAdo, with shocking disre On the capitalist side it is the Lus raidings, massacres, and daily toll of ban gard of the etiquette which should govern who call for a stop who appeal fcantically ditries and murders. Quite a few national gentlemen on such occasions, has seen fit to for a postponment, a side tracking of the ities might make a reckoning of eight lives gire sharp reminder of what he learned irrepressible conflict. On the labor side it and more lost in the United States during about the proits of the coal operators while is the archaic Trade Unionists and the Sothe past six months because this govern he was Secretary or the Treasury. The cialists who heg delay, pointing to past ment is incapable of maintaining order. figures were public records all the while, and gains and insisting upon the stupor and How cor venient it would be to precipitate there is much more, ever so much more of weakness of the general mass of the workers.
another war at this time as the solution of this nature concerning which dc. idoo has They refuse to admit the virtual emptiness the vexatious domestic problems! Think heretocre retained his gentlemanly poise.
vi their claims to gains; they refuse to acof the patriotic shield for the instant But it is now open season for presidential cedle to the clear record of paltry concesmilitary suppression of all unrest. backed aspirations; the operators will understand. sions as the price of eternal servility. They up h, a new series of war laws to jail or Garfield suddently emerges as the inasterrefuse to see that imperial capitalisma is now deport all who do not shout in tune with ful exponeat oi the strong arm as suddenly cletermined against the least enforced conthis ontriotism. yet refuse to keep their as Professor Wilson and little Mr. Baker un cessions through unionism or parliamentarsilence!
derwent the metamorphosis into mighty isni, because it is evident that the time has The precedents established by the German warriors some month ago. These men of come for the showdown.
war could be a starting point for the ampli liberal words! Garfield easily sweeps aside Imperial capitalism senses that it is 110 ficati of the strong arm policy. Threat the item which had been given uniortunate time for compromise. It goes the inevitable of cascription and use of conscription publicity for several days, that it would take way of military mastership; it siemands the would take care of the aggressive youngs about three times iourteen percent just to martial regime in industry, it demands a ters t. Tabor movement. The universal equalize the miners wages with the advance government with a powerful trip hammer com cloty military training project would in cost of living.
executive and entirely acquiescent legiscom is under easily acceptable auspices, It is the public that is to be saved. This lative accompaniment and it is getting without fear of political retaliation by a happy idea oi not allowing the coal to just exactly what it wants in the United mido caressing in time of peace go any higher why was this not heralded States.
its militaris11 Radicalism forth just a bit sooner, let us say just before On the labor side it is the Communists woull Em 2011resly hounded under the Espion. se. and its elaborations. Liberthe last 100 perhaps 200 jump in re who meet this challenge. It is the Communturn on capital invested in the mines? ists who realize that the everyday struggle alist not crawling out of its cowardly Strange that the beneficent regard for the of labor against capital must take on the Fole to lead the middle classes in protest public should coincide exactly with the organisation power and the conscious puragain the core extreme policies of finance moment when the miners make their unam pose of the proletarian revolution. There capital, Souickly return to acquiescent bitious demand ior a living wage! But, of inust be a new mobilization of labor, meetsilence ces active promotion of the course, the public will be highly clated that ing the challenge of unified capitalism opermilitaransion of the investment it is remembered now even on the govern ating through the servile government. bor field. Theding about big cost of living ment own showing that it means to compelmust its overwhelming mass power and covering would be pu: test for a a cut in what was already the miserable against the whole social architecture of capwhi and te would be allowing American standard of living among some in through of the public treasury. Goy three million men, women and children italisir It must clear the ground for the ernment by administrative chies and boards whose living depends on mine wages.
new chcial structure of Communism, to be would make further inroads upon the toogiven as ured start under the protection This fourteen point assault against the of Dietorship of the Proletariat,