
The Communist All Power To The Workers. DECEMBER 6th, 1919.
Five Cents Ve. No. 10.
to and you forced back to work on the terms of your employers?
That is what is happening.
The Steel Workers had been bullied, oppressed and robbed for decades. They had to deal with the greatest industrial organization in this country an organization that stood in the front ranks oi capitalism and consistently held to a policy of treating the workers as slaves.
When the Steel Workers went on strike to force recognition of their claims to decent working conditions and a voice in determining these, they struck a blow at the very heart of capitalism in this country.
The Steel Workers are fighting the battles of all the workers.
Their victory would mean a tremendous gain of strength for all the workers. But they are left to make the fight alone and the capitalists are already gleefully shouting that they have been beaten, Now the Coal Miners are on strike. After using the injunction to try to break their strike the government offered them a pitiable increase in wages, which even their conservative and courageless officials were compelled to refuse.
Miners are being forced to call off their strike and accept defeat by government dictation. The government, acting as the representative of the mine owners, is using all its power against the mine workers.
The miners have shown a splendid courage and solidarity in staying out in spite of the coercion of the government and the betrayal by their officials, who called off the strike because of the government injunction. But again they are fighting alone. They are not united with the Steel Workers. The Railroad Workers, who threaten to strike later if their demands are not granted, do not come to the aid of the Steel Workers and Mine Workers now.
What is true of the strikes of the Steel Workers and the Miners is true of many other strikes. Hundreds of workers in all parts of the country are on strike. The workers are being driven into industrial struggles in greater and greater numbers. The hardships which the capitalists and their profit system inflict upon them are stirring them to action. But the strikes are not united Each group of workers strikes separately and are separately (Continued on Page