BourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietTrotskyWorking ClassWorld War

Page Eigtht THE COMMUNIST November 29th, 1919.
The Revolutionary Movement in Roumania to a ANY will remember the tragic results (From Nova Ostina. the official organ of went underground. but since December of the peasant revolution in Roumania the South Slavic Communist Party, 13, 1918 they have become increasingly in 1907. The hero who suppressed that Zagreb, Croatia)
stronger. They are more powerful today revolt was the well known blood hound Brathan they were at any time during the ten tianu. The great business politician Take parasitic hordes fell upon the discontented The struggle for years preceeding the war.
Jonescu, then at the head of the government, masses who were demanding freedom.
freedom became proportionally intense and had not the courage to proceed against the Armed to the teeth, they marched into determined as the reaction grew. In Februrevolutionaries; he transferred the power Bucharest and succeeded, momentarily, in ary 1919, when the workers halls were restool to Bratianu, who, with King Carl. was resuppressing the will and the hope of the opened, the reaction resorted sponsible for the slaughter of eleven thous people. They closed all gathering places pigeons and agents provocateurs. The most and peasants. King Carl is dead, but Bra of the workers throughout the country, and clever among them visited all the meetings tisnu still lives and holds power, and is the the paper was immediately suppressed. This of the workers. It was their role to provoke foremost terrorist and enemy of Socialists in terrible regime aroused the workers of premature rebellion, and often they Roumania.
Bucharest and the surrounding towns. Prep shouted: Down with Ferdinand, Long live Leon Trotzky etc.
Until 1917 there was an orderly Socialist arations for a great mass demonstration movement with the weekly organ Rouma were made to take place on December 13. After such prearranged provocations the rtia Munciatore. published in Bucharest. 1918. But the reactionary hordes of gendarmes arrested the speakers and broke But since 1907, after the oppression of the Europe and the Roumanian counter revolut up the meetings. But soon the comrades Socialists by Bratianu, mentioned above the tionaries prepared to counteract the demon became aware of these methods, and they entire movement changed its form, but be strations.
adopted the necessary precautions against came much stronger. All the world knows At the very moment when the desuch interierence in order to forestall the How many times our comrades of Roumania monstrants entered the Calea Victoria (the plans of the reactionaries.
The Roumanian movement is now one were driven out of the country, but the main street of Bucharest) they were met number of arrests and the chicanery will by the Elite troops with a rain of bullets of the soundest arxian morements in never be known.
from mitrailleuses and machine guns. In a Europe. Christian Socialists, Social patriThen the World War came. With all moment sixty dead and numberless wounded ots, revisionists and traitors of proletarian interests are barred from tire movement. The their power our comrades opposed the covered the ground. The Roumanian reCriminal war Second International is dead for the Ro!
For two years (1914 1916) action had come out into the open. But our comrades fell as victims of the lieroic notwithstanding this last atrocious crime manian proletariat, and no one mourns it.
Because of the terrible persecution, the struggle against the bloody imperialistic of Bratianu, our comrades succeeded again Romanian comrades could not openly algame. lll in vain. The dark days did not in reviving their movement. Today a bitter spare the Roumanian proletariat.
life and death struggle persists in Roumania.
filiate with the Third International, but The 15th of August 1916 stands out as a and the bourgeoisie trembles like a decaying they adhere to it unreservedly: with whole day of terror in the memory of the Rou tree which is artificially propped up.
The heartel zeal they are striving for the dictamanian proletariat. On that day the Rou class war between the proletariat and the torship of the proletariat: and they stani manian battalions marched into Erclely, bourgeoisie has been declared: 10 Rouma really, at any moment, to make any sacr.
where ther were met by the Germans, and in nian considers a Magyar or Buigarien fice for the realization of the stupendous a short time, practically exter inated. The worker his enemy: he recognizes as his only aspirations towart which the International frightened Roumanian oligarchy; with enemies the bourgeoisie, the reactionaries proletariat is striving.
King Terdinand and Bratianu, fled to Mol and the herdes of Bratianu who brought the davia, while the Roumanian people were country to the verge of ruin, and for whose Bourgeois Democracy and Prole.
left in the trenches to starve and ireeze. capitalistic imperialistic ambition 600. X tarian Dictatorship.
This horror and the terrible conditions in people were sacrificed. Bratianu now tries (Continued from page 4)
general were not sufficient all our leading to popuarize the slogan Roumania Mare comrades were thrown into subterranean (Great Roumania. but very few are im persecution was the result of the participaprisons as Socialist agitators. Many of them, pressed by that sort of thing tion of the Mensheviki and of the SocialMax Vesler among others, were shot as anti On December 13, 1918. the persecution of Revolutionaries in the civil war on the side militarists the leaders of the socialist movement was of the bourgeoisie and against the proletaComrade Rakovsky was dragged from launched. On that day 65 of our comrades riat. Much as in Germany, the Scheideprison to prison during the night time, in were sent to prison in Wacaresta (a peni menn party revealed its sympathy in the order to keep the place of imprisonment tentiary for criminals and murderers) and civil war for the bourgeoisie as against the secret. The blood hound Bratianu declared were kept in the same tiers with men al proletariat.
that he would not be satisfied until he had flicted with typhus and othey infectious It is therefore quite natural that the purged the Roumanian people of Socialism. diseases forced directly into the jaws of majority at the Berne Yellow International But to his astonishment his unparalled death. This, too, was done by order of Bra came out in condemnation of the Bolshepersecution brought results exactly contrary tianu. More than half of the comrades died viki. This action was not, however, in the to his expectations. In Russia the revolu in that prison from typhus! among them nature of a defense of pure democracy but tion broke out and the Roumanian oligarchy the prominent champion of the Roumanian rather in the nature of a self defense of indilost the ground from under their feet. The proletariat, Jovan Frimu. All of them were viduals who realize that in the civil war they Russian revolution freed those of our com arrested ad preventia and kept incom stand with the bourgeoisie as against the rades who were still alive, and many of municado pending a final trial on charges proletariat.
them went to Russia. Comrade Rakovsky of sedition. After five months they had was among that number, and he is in Rusnot yet been brought to trial.
On the basis of these theses and after due sia at present.
Comrade Frimu died in May and was consideration of the reports of delegates But German hegemony and militarism buried at night time by soldiers, and his from various countries the Congress of the also came to an end in the Fall of 1918. family did not know what became of him. Communist International proclaims the Mackensen, with his hordes, left Buchar Everything was undertaken to free our chief task of the Communist parties in those est. In order to free themselves from the comrades and to have the dates set for a countries where the soviet system has not power of Bratianu, our comrades took ad trial. Bratianu was at that time in Paris, yet been established as follows: vantage of this propitious moment, to in occupied with forming the foundations for The enlightenment of the broad masses augurate an extensive propaganda among Great Roumania, and no one else had any of workers with regard to the historical polthe oppressed masses. daily paper, authority to act in the matter. This was Treasca Socialismul (Long live Socialism)
itical significance, and the practical necesthe third crime of Bratianu, the crime of sity of the new proletarian democracy was issued. Millions of leaflets and mani the bourgeoisie; the Roumanian proletariat which must be established in place of festos were distributed. Bratianu appre swore to avenge these outrageous deeds.
hended the great danger; he realized the bourgeois democracy and parliamentarism; Although weakened, the comrades at far reaching influences of the Socialist pro liberty did not rest a moment, but conducted The propagation and creation of saviets in all branches of industry, in the army.
paganda; therefore before his return to Bu an heroic campaign to re open the workers the fleet, as well as among agricultural charest he organized a reactionary army, halls, and they began again to publish their workers and small farmers, and composed of Coyars and other elements un daily paper Socialesmul. which is still fit to fight at the front. This sew army of The gaining of a reliable, conscious, being published today. The organizations Cominunist majority within the soviets.