BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsGermanyLeninRadekSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

November 29th, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Seven The Party Organizaton Ruthenberg, Executive Secretary, 1219 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
have a large circulation as it covers a subject in regard to which there is a great deal of interest. Prices will be announced next week.
Organization and Defense Organization News.
Literature Bulletin No. HE recent attack on the party organization through arrests and deportation proceedings threatens to make a heavy drain on the treasury of the party. The party has issued a literature bulletin in The comrades who are the victims of the ruling class must be defended to the which is listed the literature which the organizaextent of our ability. They have the right to expect that the organization they tion is handling at the present time. In addition served will stand behind them.
to this information there is a suggestion how to organize a branch for the work of selling To meet the situation the Executive Council has decided to combine the literature. If you do not receive a copy write Organization Fund with the Defense Fund and issue a call for contributions for for it.
these two purposes.
Many branches have already responded to the call for contributions for the Organization Fund Other have not yet contributed. Whether branches have or Proclamation of E, have not contributed it is their duty to answer the call that is now being made. Continued from page Every comrade will contribute something to the Defense Fund if called upon.
Where branches have funds in their treasury and they themselves have escaped to the Hungarian, Lettish, Lithuanian, the attack of the ruling class, they are urged to make contributions from these Polish, Russian, South Slavic, Esthonian funds.
and Ukrainian Federations, strong Jewish Subscription lists will be mailed to all party units within a few days. Place and German Federations have been creatzo.
these in circulation in the branch and also secure the contributions of as many nucleus of Italian and Scandinavian bran.
other workers as possible.
ches are already in the party. The wom: We started to raise an Organization Fund of 25, 005. Several thousand col ci organizing the Finnish Communist els lars have already been contributed for this purpose. For the combined purpose ments is just beginning. The American we should be able to raise the entire suin in a short time.
branches in all the large industrial centre Let us show by our action that we can deiend our own.
oi the country have joined ur organization.
and as the test of action is disclosing the character of our organization, smalle: Pamphlet No.
branches throughout the country are gradsThe English Branch of Williamsbury, has Pamphlet No. issued by the Communist Party ally coming into the organization.
is now on the press. It contains the report of a The organization has proces by is actions applied for a charter.
debate between Ferguson and Herold Lord that it not oniy has power but that it. Varney on the subject: Resolved, That the Comready to use its power to atervening in munist Party offers a more complete program The Dorchester, Mass. Scandinavian Branch has the struggles of the workers and giving for the emancipation of the working class than joined the party.
the The debate was conducted in a the Communist meaning and parpose. Os spirit of friendship and effort to develop the organization is not a mutual admiratios An italian working class organization at Jerser position which the and Communist Party society of hair splitting theoreticians, but City, which for many years maintained an cecupy in the struggle for the emancipation of militant fighting organizion that finde independent position because there was no organ the workers. This pamphlet will undoubtedly its place and work in the heart of the everyization it could consistently join, has found in the Communist Party the organization which exday struggles of the workers. We hav preses its principles and has applied for a char PAMPHLET NO. NOW READY. iaid a sound theoretical basis for our part By KARL RADEK ter.
Now we carry out the the res into actio The Development of Socialism from Let us iulfill the promise of this beScience to Action.
An Italian branch of the Communist Party has sinning The development of Socialism from utopibeen organized in Chicago and has been granted anism to science has been presented in the Let us cach give the best elave to charter.
writings of the men who formulated the to the building of our unit Commun principles of Scientific Socialism. The Pussian Revolution developed these theories on International!
the fieid of action, Kari Radek is one of the Greek Communist branch is also being foremost men in the Communist Movement On with the struggle! ONTO VICTORY!
formed, made up of the most active members of of Russia. It was he who represented the the former branch.
Bolsheviki in Germany during the uprising of the Spartacans. This pamphlet by RaIn this connection it is amusing to note the dek will hold a place equal to Engels SuLeaflets claim of the that the Greek comrades cialism: Utopian and Scientific.
chose the after a debate between KatterPrices: Several hundred thousand more of the feld and Ferguson. When the discussion at this Single copies. 10 25 copies leaflets are on the press, de to the ilooding 00 particular meeting was over, the chalyman asked 50 copies 50 in oi reorders, particularly Your Shop aici those who understood English to raise their 00 Break the Blockade.
hands. Five members responded, the meeting consisting of less than twenty. Evidently at a subsequent meeting, Comrade Hassan, organizer FIRST ISSUE of the branch and a ite, obtained a majority of one, whereupon the Communist 66 members proceeded to the organization of a new Greek branch.
Critical and Scientific Magazine of the Communist Party of America. Ninety six Charter applications from Federation branches pages of special articles and editorials.
are still coming into the party headquarters in bunches. The thousand mark in the number of Features of First Issue: charters issued will soon be in sight. The Proletarian Revolution and the Betrayer Kautsky. By Nicciai Lenin Another Branch Joins. The Red Army By Leon Trotsky Communist Party Problems By Louis Fraina The Lettich Socialist Labor Party Branch of Philadelphia, et a meeting heid Nov. 13, voted Dictatorship and Democracy By Maurice Sugar to sever its connections with that party and to The Communist Party, Manifesto and Program. By Bittelman join the Philadelphia Lettish Communist Branch Unionism and Reconstruction in Russia By: Koseleff in a body.
This is the second branch which has Other articles and 28 pages of Editorials broken away from that organization to join the Communist Party, the first being the Mount Send orders at once. Single copies 25c. Bundles of or more 15c Olive, Ill. South Slavic Branch.
SEND ORDER TO The Philadelphia Lettish Branch at the same time that the vote was taken appropriated 50. 00 COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA of its íunds as a contribution to the Organization 1219 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE CBICAGO.
Fund of the Communist Party.
109 copies