BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyItalySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

THE COMMUNIS November 29th, 1919.
Page wa liberties. We understand well enough that THE COMMUNIST Aliens these principles are definitely cut off by National Organ, Communist Party, the class one that there cannot be free continue to cities for come tall.
LOUIS FRAINA, Editor, ISAAC EDW. FERGUSON, Acting Editor, residence for those who challenge the sys the National Geographic Society on im tem of Capitalism with the revolutionary migration to the United States. This country Published Weekly, and owned and controlled, challenge of Communism.
has absorbed 33, 000, 000 aliens since we beby the Communist Party of America.
But we yield nothing to the courts and came a nation. The present makeup of the cents a cops, 00 six months, 00 a year, the government. We make no agreements, population is as follows: Bundles, 10 or more, Slo a copy.
no compromises. We fight every inch of Foreign born.
14. 500, 000 Address all communications the way, challenging the bourgeois forces Children of foreign bor parents 14, 000, 000 1919 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill. in every use of their formal and informal One parent foreign born. 6, 500, 000 powers, their institutionalized and their Negroes. 11, 000, 000 non governmental powers. We raise no Native white Strike Strangulation. 54, 000, 000 illusions about proletarian rights as HE strikes are being choked to death. against the power which it challenges unto 100, 000, 000 are. Little over half the population is of native as beggars are supported, by charities, by We fight, in the courts and outside, by every white ancestry. Even the President counts the alms of sympathetic workers. Technical trick of the game, and by every strategy but one ancestor born in America ly speaking they are part of an organization which we can invent.
The preponderant immigration since 1990 of three million workers an organization Of course it is not worth our while to has been from Austria Hungary, Italy, Ruswhich could easily rally to itself other mil make an undue expenditure in meeting every sia and the Balkans. It is these immigrants lions of workers. Actually it is a contest petty attack, such as this attack by deporta who have been must backward about be.
of the infant steel union against the power tions. That is a matter of expediency. If coming citizens, because the opportunity ful Steel Trust. With grim cynicism, Czar we do not defend, the alternative is not to and inducement has been least in their case, Gary measures past and prospective profits make bargains with the official representa The earlier homesteading and Englishagainst time and the gnawing of hunger. tives of the capitalist power. There are two speaking immigration quite naturally ac.
There is passionate sympathy with the steel other possibilities. One is to accept the cepted naturalization as an advantage. The workers on the part of millions of workers. Penalties without challenging the process. newer immigration was definitely destined It finds no outler in action. The of As to the penalties involved in the depor for the heavy labor in the big factories, in is a barrier against action.
tation cases, there is to consider what is the mills, mines and forests. Today this is The coat strike is likewise in the hands of summarized in The Literary Digest (Nor migration constitutes the bulk of the labor the coal operators. The government gave ember 22. in the basic industries.
them the upper hand by its court inter The Government, according to the New The alien laborers of today only know the ference. The strike leaders came to their York Globe is watching the Mexican and government as the class weapon of their exknees, and now the operators are using the Canadian borders to prevent the escape of ploiters, that is, the aliens who have not process of stalling a settlement, deliberately revolutionary leaders irom the net that is become hopelessly stupefied by their endless, calculating the break in the morale of an closing about them. But many of these hopeless labors. Citizenship means nothing army without a guiding stail. All the settle alien firebrands are Russians, and as the to them.
So far as they reckon its adment will ever amount to is a saving of the United States at present has no official rela vantages, the odds are in favor of the old face of the Administration The funda tion with Russia the question of deportation countries. Because their real allegiance is mentals of the strike will be shelved until presents difficulties. Says the Globe: a class allegiance, and their real advantage the miners find new modes of expressing There are two things the government can is with the proletarian revolution.
their mass power, new leadership and a new do, however. It may send the Reds to the Curiously enoughz and not so cariously.
determination Riga front and tum them loose, letting them either, when the underlying philosophy is It is not out of the question but that part find their way to the Bolsheviki as best considered this is the time chosen by the of the miners, at least, will take matters they can. The other way is to take them to Socialist Party for a reierendum compelling into their own hands at once, developing Siberia, by way oi Vladivostok, and turn American citizenship as a condition of memindependent organization out of the strike them over to Kolchak forces to dispose bership, that is, the acquisition of citizenship itself.
of as they see fit.
within the time of the naturalization law.
Few of the newspapers had the reserve to Add to these two things the fact that This at a time when courts all over the soft pedal the howl oi glee with which they the Department of Labor has recently country are denying citizenship to all sugreeted the surrender oi the United Mine jumped deportation bail irom 1, 000 to 10. spected of Bolshevism, or anything akin to Worker officials. There will be a howl of 000, and there is the uncanny sensation of it when citizenship is denied miners in another character when they see coming out deportation as another name for official Pennsylvania for being on strike! One of this a unionism equal to this kind of murder. It is not only Russians who face Kansas judge set aside a judgment for combat.
this jeopardy, but in iact all the deportees damages in favor of a plaintif when it was It will come. Even the African slave had to nations where there is actual or potential learned that he was a member of the I, his John Brown and Harper ferry. And civil war in the present stage of the class on the ground that a member of the then his Lincoln.
conflict, deportees to any country, had no standing before a court of The American miners are spending a few The Communist Party is warranted in law (shades of the Dred Scott decision days above the ground. They will see the making a considerable expenditure of money again come to life. sunrise in the far East. They will watch its and effort against deportation.
The Socialist Party means to fight the triumphant course. They will ask: If in If the technical deiense fails, if there is no class struggle strictly within the capitalist Russia, why not here?
escape in law or iact, the second course be rules of the game. The Communist Party Strikes can be strangled, but not the mass comes imperative not to get caught. That does not. It means to develop the most eflife not for too long a tine.
does not mean a cessation of party activity, fective methods of struggle possible for nor the least change of propaganda. It working class victory.
means to keep down the toll of victims by The Communist Party will urge citizenchange of party methods of propaganda.
ship upon aliens, when it has working 7 ITTY writers and cartoonists cannot The point of principle is that we stand class governmental advantages to offer, get over their own wittiness about defiant so far as the charge is concerned when it has working class freedom and aliens who oppose American Capitalism not The strategy depends upon events.
democracy to offer and it will noc urge wanting to go back to their own country not by way of deportation at any rate.
Every activity of the government which citizenship sooner.
exhibits its class character is an important And the Communist Party will welcome Some of the Socialist editors are quite in item ci our propaganda. There is nothing the help of aliens in its work of propaganda sistent that these aliens will go back volun more glaring than deportation, which unand organization, realizing the supreme imtarily, if only passports are giving. That masks most eiiectually all the hypocrisies portance of the foreign language agitation does not meet the issue.
about American liberties, which sets up The Communist Party is fighting depor. with actual transfer of some of the spies) tions upon party membership other than and education, without imposing any conditation in the courts, regardless of whether the Russian czăristic regime in the United faithfulness to the Communist cause.
the particular member wants to return to States.
Europe or not. Nor is the Communist That the Socialist Party means by this We must use deportation without letting step still further to purify its pure political Party concerned about the legal precedents, it hurt our members more than is absolutely action is obvious. It is preparing itself for about the principles of American political unavoidable.
its dastardly role of betrayal.