CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyMarxWorking Class

The Communist All Power To The Workers!
Tol. No. CHICAGO, ILL. NOVEMBER 29. 1919.
Five Cents Long Live The Red International!
is lebe die. Internationals!
Vive la nie INTERNATIONALE. TH First Congress of The Third International, at Moscow, March 6, 1919.
TH HE UNITED STATES is not at war way place in London, there was a meeting is the ruling class, held in the Red capitol with Russia. The United States is not of a few political exiles from the continent. of the world!
blockading Russia. Vor England.
Nor This little Communist League instructed SPECTRE IS HAUNTING EUROPE France.
two of its young members, Karl Marx and. the spectre of Communisni. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a But there is war against Russia. There Frederick Engels, to draw up a statement is blockade against the Russian people.
of the Communist principles. That doc holy alliance to exorcise this spectre; Pope Though this war and blockade seem about ument, issued early in 1848. is the most and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French io collapse, thanks to the might of the Red fateíul, the most impelling, the most inspir Radicals and German police spies. This isArmy.
ing political writing in all history. the opening sentence of the Manifesto of 1848. How little need be changed for the It is the League of Nations the Black At the Moscow Congress of the Third InInternational that carries on this war and situation of today! Not only Europe, but ternational, during five days of March, 1919.
blockade. And in fact it is not against Rusalso America; Asia, Australasia, Africa! No were gathered thirty three voting delegates sia. It is against the proletarian revolution representing nineteen nationalities. Other longer Czar, but now Democratic President. war and blockade against the Red Inter delegates were kept out by the cordon of Now in the place of French Radicals, the national!
Yellow Socialists of all countries!
armies assailing Russia. Since March, in SPECTRE IS HAUNTING THE The saine war and blockade were carried one country after another, new parties have on against Communist Hungary. War was been formed on the principles laid down by CAPITALIST WORLD. the spectre of the consciousness of ordered by the Black International against that Congress. Such a party is the com working class come to Communist Munich, and against Communist Party of America, called into being power, the spectre of a working class reuztinism wherever it asserts itselí through on September first, 1919.
solved to conquer freedom from wage ourt Germany slavery, determined upon the annihilation This Congress was held in the halls of The same war goes on in a smaller way of destructive Capitalism, inspired by taste what was two years before the highest of victory to carry everywhere the red flag, in every country of the world today: the citadel of the black forces of life repression. symbol of life triuinphant!
armies, the police, the jails all the powers The delegates were not exiles; they were of the capitalist world are turned against the leaders of powerful organizations of enDOWN WITH THE BLACK INTERRed International, even in its least manifes lightened workingmen some of them the NATIONAL!
tation of life.
actual military leaders of a powerful Red LONG LIVE THE RED INTERNALONG LIVE THE RED INTERNA Arny fighting victoriously against the TIONAL!
Black International, The Congress was ONWARD TO THE WORLD FEDERste in the year 1847, in some out of the held in a country where the working class ATED COMMUNIST REPUBLIC