BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyImperialismItalyOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

Pare Metro THE COMMUNIST November 22nd 1919.
The Communist International Revolutionary Youth of ScandiDavia unite of reilutionary organizations of the Socialist onth of the three countries of Ccandinavia was held at Ilillered, Danmark.
a few weeks ago. There were 30 delegates from Denmark, 20 from Norway, 30 from Sweden, and a goodly number of fraternal delegates from Denmark. permanent organization was inaugurated for the three countries, with provision for regular conventions and for a Board of Scandinavia to act as a unifying organ for all of the local organizations. Onc provision typifies the spirit and aim of the organization, namely: Large mass mcctings are to be held each year at the boundary lines of the three countrics.
After a full discussion of principles and tactics, the Convention held that the Youth International should stand on the saine political platform as the Third International of the World, in order that the young worhmen might employ the saine means of combat and forms of organization. The resolution in favor of the Third International was adopted by vote of proletariat has all its the Team which the to The details of the report give every evidence of a Convention of the highest intelligence and magnificent spirit, and of a substantial organization of the youth of the Scandinavian countries.
Minority Resolution of In September vi this year ise 14th Cotiference of the French Confederation of Labur took place at Lyon. Below is the text of the resolution of the left minority of this conference made public by Comrade Koron in the namc of this minority.
Drue to the order of the day accepted by the conicrence this resolution could not be debated or put to a vote.
Able necessity of class war and the carrying ernment alonc. Now the Nuskis condenin on of this was to a logical end: the extor.
minution of waxe slavery.
the Communists as traitors, because they did We once again affirm the following: not want to sit any longer with the oppoin our lily activities we Syndicalista aim: to organize the manifestations of the nents of progressive thought. lnhle to carry workers towards the battle for the immedi out any real working class policy they want atr Litterment of the workers life, that is for the diminishing of the working day, inthe Communists to bear a part of the responcrease in the wages, and towards other sibility for the incapacity of the administrasirpilar problems.
But this sort of battle is only a part of tion. But this is not treachery on the part the ſimblem of Syndicalism. It prepares of the Communists. It would have been for the emancipation of the whole working class which can be only carried out by ex.
treason if they had remained in the council, proprinting the capitalista, Thc weapon of which is regarded as of a reactionary this fight is the general strike.
The Conference considers that at the pres.
ont tine syndicates are fighting unites, but in the futur will be the units of production The British Socialist Party and distribution, the basis for the reorganization of society.
In a recent issue of The Call. official orThe Revolutionary general strike may only be the result of many partial Atrikes.
gan of the British Socialist Party, John always increasing, uniting into one whole, Maclean lays down this program: or it may come out of other unexpected circumstances which one must know how to At this stage we of the can play use cleverly. Vith the circulation of ideas of liberation and in view of the revolutiona supremely important part. We can call ary situation caused by the war, no wobinto being workshop cominittees with a bling, no passive position. Do opportunism should be allowed.
right class bias; we can provide them with All the revolutionary a program lentical with that of our South Wales comrades for the mining industry.
The Congress, knowing the clear wish of Let us urge full socialization of mines and the governments to crush the proletarian and other trustificd industries, full industrial revolution, no matter where it occurx, censures the General Confederation of Labor control by the workers involved, though because it did not keep its word given to modified to permit of the use of the co operthe workers of England and Italy and halted before the stop which could have naved the ative movement, control of the education of Hungarian Workers Republic. The Con the workers, a thirty hour werk, fifty per ference declares that such weakness is only another result of the policy carried on by cent. increas: in wages, commurally prothe Committee of the Confederation com duced houses, withdrawal of British troops inancing with the year 1914.
Indignant at the cynicist of the sell.
and aid from all parts of the world, tre aloliclected knights of justice and right, who tion of the army and the navy and the estabmake of the French proletariat an international gendarme and crusher of liberty, the lishinent of a workers defense force, and Conference in reply to the appeal of the the transicr of the functions of Parliament Centrul Soviet of Professional Unions of Russia declares: only in the strenghtenine to Labor Central Coinmittee.
of the Russian revolution and its spreading Let us now issue a manifesto declaring a! over the world is the hope of tue prolt tariat, hurt and weakened by the five year our policy for the guidance of cur class, pro impleri ninons war!
realizing that capitalism is is the bet The conference appeals to the Russian workers: ditch and that we can rally or class to More courage, comrades. The blows given the delivering of the knock out blow.
to your liberty muke us indignant just as well. We declare together with you comrades: Army find Red Primer of Crime Workers of the world, take the fight against the imperialist murderers into your hands, the fight for the workers revolution TI HE army sleuths in the strike zone at of the entire world.
at Gary Tere raiding a Russiar. den.
Long live the International Soviet Re.
They found many reminders that the resident is an alien, but nothing incriminating for a long tiine. Then Look! Look! Here it is. There ouglit 50, 000, 000 to be enough in this to hang a dozen of IN PROFITS. Onc zealous agent held up a well thunbed volunic in Russian. intly The Araila Oil Company made 50, 000, 000. in net profite in Mexion in the last youn. it is popular. Probably it contained the over 0, 000, 000 year!
ordained procedure in dynamitings.
To headquarters at full speed, and an Did you ready of those prof Mr. ABOTION Workingen? No.
interpreter summoned. Read it to us what does it say?
Did you get any of the profu of any other, oil companie that are sucking the blood of th. Mrs. The interpreter opened it at random and scan people? No.
began to run over the sentences, translating Do you OWD sy od stack? No.
in fragnients: Este the workers of Mexico ever barned you? No. Then you put the blood on disa grave Thes, don bot Wall Strootpored meat is Wub.
and bury it near midnight burn up the ington bambooslo or bully you into Ww with Merlool rest Don Fight Your Mexican Comrades. We ve got om now! exclaimed one.
INSTEAD. That the master book. Read some more.
Horrors! More Blood.
STRIKE. That helps the blood. went on the in. Communist Party Of Mexico terpreter, reading fragmentarily. Pretty, soon, off she comes?
PO Box Des Morico City, Molino That micans an explosion! the sleuths chorused. Begin at the beginning, demanded onc. What the book called?
Noske Socialists to Communists The interpreter turned to the title page Our sister organ of Hamburg, Germany, and read: publishes the following note: Thc municipal The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by council of Brake (Oldenburg) was composed Mark Twain.
of zix Noske Socialists and three Commun He had been reading from Lucklcherry ists until recently, when the Communists Finn recipe for warta.
withdrew from that body, leaving the gov. Chicago Exaininer)
public. em.
The 14th Conference, in looking orer the position and actions of the General Confideration of labur during the period commencint August 2, 1914, recalls that war as a whole, and especially the last war, which threw the people of all lands into battle, was the result of competition between the capitalists in their aim to win the world market.
The Conference declares that in this war the General Confederation of Labor, in its various stepa in cooperation with the role enarnt carried on a policy contrary to its principles, a policy of compromise with the bourgeoisie directing the war.
The General Confederation of Labor al.
lowed itself to be associated in the war and in this manner took upon itself part of the responsibility.
Due to this it could not act independentie and with enough energy against the world of injustice and force which, not having cxkrminated the causes of the old quarrels, created or ones. It demanded also from the leaders a full amnesty and the renewal of right of citizenship.
Considering all this, the Conference cenrurts the Committee of the Conferation for the position takes and for their actions durin the war.
The Congress also condemn the policy of reconciliation of classes used by the Committee of the Confederat on, the present actions of which are nothing more than the continuation of that policy of participation in the Capitalist gorerament practiced duriar the war.
The conference believes that much policy in different in the case of the inevitable Arrements made between the borses and tho workers, which are also acts of participation.
But the polley condemned is the participation in the stablished Institutio constructed for joint tudy by the representatives of the workers and of the burkroitia of economic guestions, the solution of which will only prolong the existence of the prese entem. Upon the busin of the principles which still mis valid for French Syndieu.
innt, wurkut la tha Atlan program, the Conference onre mure proclaims the inevit