BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLeninSocialismSovietSyndicalismTrotskyViolenceWorking Class

November 22nd, 1919, THE COMMUNIST. Eleves At the time this issue is prepared for press Comrade Ruthenberg is still on trial at Cleveland, on the charge of assault with intent to kill, arising out of the great May Day demonstration in Cleveland. News from the trial is that the prosecution is having a hard time making even a pretence of showing for bringing this outrageous charge. Later: Verdict of Not Guilty directed by Court. Organization news will be brought up to date in next issue, and details will be given of the meeting of the Central Executive Committee. In the meantime charter applications, as well as organization and defense donations, are coming in unabated.
The Russian Press on Versailles Treaty Leaflets Several hundred thousand niore of the Continuerl from page 9)
max. by Puree and violence against the leaflets are on the press, due to the flooding Fur; a countries, but it also elevate: intu smaller wations, decide whatever is most in of reorders, particularly. Your Shop and las se ti dy colonial system that isas lain profitable to Allici capital. Break the Blockade ai. yrs over the whole world for the This peace treaty is actually a league of past eventy years. The Versailles peace violence which makes war and the exploitaEvery Communist organization, erery will become a symbol for slavery, not only tion of the smaller nations by the great one.
Communist arty member should hecome for the German and Austrian proletariat. a lan.
a unit in the organization for the distribu.
tion of party literature and increase the but a! the workers in the whole world. Russia will not belong to the League of knowledge of the party principles by plae.
joul: people of the world who are op Xations. The peace conference las decided ing boots and pamphlets in the hand of the workerk. To p::blish and distribute this presel, European capital. The whole to put the Russian question aside for the literature is one of the great functions of prol: the world, and all the people present time The Russian question our organization, for as knowledge and un.
derstanding increascx ainong our members of world who have experienced the which long ago became a giant exclamation and the mannex, our power grows heax: band and the galling chains of Eng. mark. will not be triel by the conference.
These Are Ready lana Anicica s, and France colonial. Its examination. radio froni Paris THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUlies, will like up the struggle against this says, will be handed over to the League of TION IN RUSSIA.
Cart Xations when opportunity allows.
course they will not discuss the Russian Faited by Fralna.
Paper, 450 Pages.
Konze call the League of Nur question. That will he decided by Fuch, and Single copies. 00 a league of violation.
with his help. by Kolchak, Denikin. et al. copies or more, cach. 65 Cloth: The peace treaty, he adels. with its If they succeed in crushing Soviet Russia Single copics 50 vivie. character, is without comparison in that would be the opportunity of which the or more, each. 00 This book contains the story of the Rashist. jei it tries to proclaim co operation radio speaks. Aiter that they would begin sian revolution as told by Lenin and Trotzky among the peoples.
The following parato discuss the question. They are prepared in their articles written as the events took place.
graphs regarding the war tribute and the to speak with the Russian bourgeoisie, but o xtlustrate this cooperation in the Rurssian workers and peasan: they fil THE SOCIAL REVOLUTION IN the League of Nations only selected counttend only to shoot.
ries are c! uded. All resolutions of the The Imperialist: assembled in Versailles By LOUIS FRAIYA.
have decided tu larre mos be unanimously accepted. That Single copics. 15 et in judgment 1101 10 cupips. 25 is to decision can be made against the will the originators of the War. They 25 or more, each. 10 oitt. Speat powers, and no pressure can be all fall upon Wilhelm the Second. They REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISM CSGT de them. It is very plain that it will sentence Wilhelm thic Second writes By LOUIS FRAIX.
Berzman, in Izvestia. England who has Single copies wil. tíor these powers to win sucli 99. 50 10 copies. 00 ani. in their ability to compel the trodden 11pon the Hindus. Buers, and Aumates to subordinate their own stralians: France, whose capital till Fifty or more, each.
wills vanced oier the bones of the. Ngerian. Biel. Manifesto, Program, Constitution of The 1cge of Nations proclaims that gium. of whose humanity the people of the the Communist Party and Report to it out the armies and make an end Congo can tell most ubelievable things!. the International.
to 1: But even this promiso contains Wilhelm is guilty. and aiter (arl, :11 Single copies 10 26 cupiex. 00 The armies will be wix. and Nicholas he will suſier their inte.
50 copies. 50 limi::d 16. the minimum, as the national Krupp is guilty, but it is neither the day 100 or more cach. 06 sulet: mands. Again we shall hear those or the responsibility of Clemenceau and the Ten thousand copies of this pamphlet have already been soil. The title speaks sary od phrases about self defense, and Illics to sentence them. They themselves for itself.
9444 naturally, the question of 11:a.
are guilty and they too will be sentenced Senil oriler and remittance to 1219 Blue Island Ive. Chicago, IIL tion will be treated in the interet 0111t time.
of the prevent victors, and the minimuun ar. will be decided according to the disFIRST ISSUE pret the makers of cannon and 1111193 copies 00. 30 ains reptions.
nition. The Communist International Critical and Scientific Magazine of the Communist Party of America. Ninety six pages of special articles and editorials.
110: wat eatures of Fint Issue: Hang carcely reached the point of talk of reconciliation, the authors of the Pret:cary begin already to speak about Of course these wars cannot Tugis ithe certain preliminaries are comjiled with. nevertheless it is always a war.
imally, that will decide the future destiny of the world, according to thein. tui arbitration has been apa. in:e1 to decide the conflicts between the powers.
indy unanimous decisions will oblige the the Icague to refrain from wat 11 colher words the new treaty give every Kreat power the privilege of declaring war Kainst an adjacent state and forcing it to nl mit itself to the will of the great power. Accordingly all the paragraphs of the treaty in reference to the league of Nationis mention the establishment of all donadtruct of the great power which mening The Proletarian Revolution and the Betrayer Kautsky By Nicolai Lenin The Red Army By Leon Trotsky Communist Party Problems By Louis Fraina Dictatorship and Democracy By Maurice Sugar The Communist Party, Manifesto and Program By Bittelman Unionism and Reconstruction in Russia. By Koscleft Other articles and 28 pages of Editorials Sind orders nt once. Single copies 2uc. Dundles of or mure 15 SEND ORDER TO COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA 1219 BILE ISLAND AVENUE CHICAGO, ILI.