
THE COMMUNIST November 22nd 1919.
Page Ten The Drift of Things cminent TALTER NOLAKOV, WA disorganized convulsions between 195 und lation. Senator Jones, Chairman of Senate consulting engineer, was retained by 200 days per year.
Commerce Committee, predicted that ships the Dial ublishing Company to report on Mr. Polakov asks what is the answer to flying the American flag will almost cqual the cause of the present situation in the coal the situation in this industry, and as a tech. the tonnage of Great Britain by end of industry. This report appears in the current nical expert, not as a propagandist, he re 1920.
issue of THE DIAL. It is not alonc a revel plies to his own question: organization of ation as to the conditions which compelled production for consumption, not for sale and AX 1XCLO AMERICAN COMPANY the strike, but it is at the same time a most the subsequent division of revenues between puchased all German private and state inilluminating cross section of the whole capi those who HAD and those who DID. terests in the diamond field of what was formerly German Southwest Africa. The talistic system of production.
The points of fact brought out in a strik THE NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CON dispatch states: Some protests are cxingly decisive way, are the following: FERENCE BOARD issued a report on pressed over what is called secrecy of the Wartime Changes in Wages. In view of deal and allegations are made that the The coal operators do not control the the extensive and persistent propaganda purchase was affected through unduc inselling, which is donc largely through about war wages, it is well to note the actual fluence in political quarters.
jobbers. There is no co ordination, dollar and cents figures in the cight leading And, by the way, now hyphenism is therefore, between the mining and sell industries covered in the report. There is a appearing quite frequently of late: Angloing big percentage increase, but it requires no American finance. The cost accounting is of such character commentary to impress the standard of live With it, a vast and subtle propaganda that there is often ignorance of pro ing which lurks behind the figures. and inter society campaign for unity beduction costs.
Male Workers Female Workers tween the two ruling cliqucs in the name Sept. March Sept.
March The training of employees is not orof Anglo Saxon propinquity.
1914 1919 1914 1919 ganized, causing great waste.
Metal. 13. 18 24. 75 45 14. 50 Machine operation constitutes little over Cotton. 10. 00 17. 10 70 12. 75 ANGLO AMERICAN DANISH COR50, showing backwardness of produc Wool 11. 52 18. 61 70 13. 46 PORATION gets flaxseed concessions in tion methods.
Silk 11. 77 22. 69 49 15. 10 Lithuania. Other negotations look toward Wastefulness of time, materials and Boot Shoes 14. 70 25. 90 18 14. 69 waterway and railroad rights and there is possible output (coal left in mines. is Paper. 12. 73 22. 40 47 12. 24 even a film company with American capital.
notorious, 33 to 50 of coal resources Rubber. 14. 00 29. 35 25 14. 20 Self determination of small nations means being despoiled. Since 18 , this waste Chemical. 12. 85 26. 20 finance determination by the dominant imis figured at 7, 541, 550, 000 tons. Same perialisms.
ratc of use and wastage will exhaust the AN ALLIED MISSION is here to coal supply in 100 years.
establish a World Trade League to over THE VERSAILES PEACE TERMS Processing the coal at the mine, by con come Prussianism in commerce.
are now found to coincide with the ideas of version into coke, saving of ammonium The political weapon the League of Czar Nicholas, expressed in November 1914, sulphate, tar, benzol and other deriva Vations, is the shadow; the real power is in conversation with the French ambassador tives, would increase value annual the direct economic organization the world in Petrograd, Palcologuc but the Czar output to 8, 000, 000, 000 (as against chamber of commerce.
didn collect on his own bets.
present total of 2, 500, 000, 000. The two fundamental problems: 1) the Onc item is particularly illustrative of Electric power could be generated at suppression of labor unrest to bring about this diplomacy, that the Czar expected no mouth of mine for radius of 300 miles, maximum productivity note the language, only to hold on to Poland, but extend its is method of using vast supply of coal suppression of labor unrest, not the soluboundaries (very inuch as has been done, Icft unmined. There is also wastage of tion of labor unrest: 2) Arrangement of so far as Germany is concerned) and this 25 and more in coal after production system whereby Allied countries can get statement followed shortly upon the famous by improper metliods of firing.
long term credits in the a system manifesto promising restoration of inde8 There has been no attempt to solve the whereby the signs all the notes of pendence to Poland!
problem of storage, production being on the bankrupt European governments and basis of immediate needs and idleness backs up the signaturc by suppressing labor RESERVATIONS are the order of the the rule when there are not enough unrest. day. The Senate is making peace treaty recars to load the day output.
servations, firstly, to make a campaign Out of possible working days in year, THE NEI HAVEN JOURNAL (which has clements of popularity in its at maximuni production, work is carried COURIER. in its enthusiasm about the appeals for a home policy an appeal not on only two thirds of the time. The World Trade League, says: This compact substaintiated by the extensive legislative five day week nicans 13 to 210 more mcans nothing more nor less than the reand diplomatic preparations for foreign indays per annum than the mincrs were moval of the causes which in nine hundred vestment. secondly, to reassert the preroever called upon to work.
and ninety nine times out of a thousand gatives of the Senate against the President: 10 The six hour day is casily within the make for war.
thirdly, to play up the special American imrange of better managerial and pro Quick, Palmer, the Espionage Act! Or is perialistic interests better than was donc at duction methods. It is to be noted the onc thousandths loophole big enough Paris.
that the hour day really means for escape?
Even the most casual reading of the rehours underground, including the travservations shows the purpose of playing fast elling to face coal and the return to THE TALL KING OF BELGIUM, and loose with the Allies, using them withmine opening. and his Cardinal Mercier and a qucen in 11 After the declaration of war the inargin out being too much used by them.
the bargain, come a visiting: the loan is The Senate is playing the American of profit on coal went up 600. over only 50, 000, 000.
hand in the international gamble for higher 1916. Under the price regulation it The little prince of Wales comes over, stakes than the acquiescent Professor dared never was lower than 180 over preand makes little princely speeches. and venture at Versailles.
war prices. The regulation stopped Morgan Co. offers thc public 250, 000, 000 February, 1919, the war emergency hav.
notes of Great Britain 595.
TIVO BOYS ing passed, so far as concerns profita, How touching is this international amity!
were suspended from a and the margin went to 400 over preChicago high school because they exibited war profits THE EDGE BILI, which passed the red symptoms, and didn like what one 12 There have been no wage advances Housc on November 7th, permits national of them called the Mohamedan per.
since November 1917. And the Pres. banks and other financial institutions to formance of looking east at a given signal.
ident now again discovers a Why not take a chance that the further war creato international banking) corporations emergency. to the extent of 10 of their total capital cducation will cure them? Oh, ye men of 13 The demand for 60 wage increase stock and surplus.
little faith in your own mind destruction!
could be granted without change in the This is one of the series of bills passed price of coal iſ the increase in profit in recent months in recognition of the Spor THE HEADLINES: Storics margin over 1916 were given up. governmental alliance with American inter. Exaggerated of War Cost of TroWhat is needed above all, declares the exnational finance.
German Propaganda is Refuted by Figures.
pert, is regulated employment as against In connection with Federal shipping legis. The war only cost us 30, 177, 000, 000.