BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanySocialismSoviet

November 22nd, 1919.
Page NI THE COMMUNIST The Russian Press on Versailles Treaty came Translated from Folkets Dagblad, Pollti be able to continue the occupation it Oer.
The Russian Communist Party, Pravda, ken, Stockholm. Oct. 1919. many has not fulfilled her obligations becompared the peace at Brest with the peace fore the expiration of the option. It can be at Versailles and makes the following com policy, will show an even inore deplorablc said now that Germany will not be able to ment: For Germany the peace instigated at bankruptcy in any schemes for the internal fulfill any such obligations as these, and Vrisailles by the very courageous English. reconstruction of their land. With the sign thus they will have an opportunity to French American democracy is a robbery ing of the peace treaty they have signed their continue their occupation of the Saar dix.
through and through. The acceptance of own death warrant.
trict and the further plundering of Germany, the peace terms incans, according to the But the robbery is not ended even with present leaders of bourgeois Germany, the thesc stipulations. Germany must in adRegarding the economic significance of destruction of Germany. the grave of the dition pay all losses which the war has the Versailles peace treaty MeschtscheryaGerman people. Despair is heard in etery caused to private individuals in France and kow writes, in Pravda: utterance of the leading German bourBelgium. This will will be presented to The victorious robbers demand that in geoisie.
Germany before May 21st, 1921, and will less than two years, that is on May 1st. undoubtedly amount to a few billions. very short time ago German imperial1921, Germany shall pay them so many bil.
is dictated almost the same kind of terms lions marks in money. But such a great teus, in the peace of Brest The fullfillinent Kerschenzey clucidates in Izvestia the of these terms meant Russia economic quantity of gold does not exist in Germany.
The Allics announce, therefore, that the points in the peace treaty which concern ruin, and the enslavement of the entire Rus.
sian people. Even at that time despair merchant ships alrcady built, in the process debt shall be paid by the handing over of the colonial policy dictated by the Allics. This fourth part of the peace treaty calls from the bourgeoisie and their of building, or planned to be built in the itself Germanys right and interests outScialist followers but this despair could future; of cattle, machines, chemicals, side Europe. In reality it means the violanot be found in the real revolutionaries, the Soviet power representatives. Our Soviet pharmaceutical products, coal and all its tion of Germany interests in non European states. It is the will of the peace congress representatives agreed to sign the peace of by products, occan cables etc. etc. Germany has been fearfully ruined that Germany shall be the only country in Brist because they knew that this peace Of its former riches it the world that may not possess any colonial would not last long, that it would be de through the war.
struyed by the development of the world has now only unimportant supplies. It will territories on the other side of the ocean.
not be possible for the country to restore This robbery of Germany has been ac. revolution.
itself within two years. The carrying away complished so that the former German colo. But the German bourgeoisie and its alcrents find themselves in a diiicrent of marks mcans, thercfore, that Germany winners.
of resources to the value of twenty billions nics and concessions will be given to the situation. They could not encourage the outwill be compelled to give up cverything In the projected League of Nations brak of the Communist revolution in the that she possesses at the present tinc and special rules are set forth in regard to the Ertcntc countries because this Communist what she will absolutely need in the future administration of the colonies and territories revolution would mean their own overthrow to reconstruct her national cconomic situa no longer under the influence of those states in Germany. They could only scare the Altion. merchant vessels, coal, cattle, machin which administered them before. little lies with this revolution. But the Allies cry, etc. and in addition cverything sho further on the provisions of the League understood rery well that this was only a can produce in two years.
project speak plainly about the guardianship threat from the so called Socialist govern By grabbing for themselves these riches o. csc pcop e, making a sharp distinction ment of nany, from social traitors, and the Allics hope to re establish their own that these allow individuals would never between those who are able to govern themindustry. If their plans are realized, ruined lend themselves to any such enterprise as a sclves and experienced in this regard. Engical revolution. There is no way of rescue Germany would at the end of two years land with her bloody experience in India compete in the markets of the world against and Egypt; France who learned to use the fos capitalist Germany. It stands at the these reestablished and rehabilitated coiny brink of destruction, The German system of terror in her Morroccoan and petitors. Naturally she would not be able Madagascar expeditions. and the others.
people realize now very clearly that the to endure this competition, and would thus All coloninl districts that cannot prove thembourgeoisic, with the help of the socialbecome a victim of further draining by trutors, has led them to destruction and selves possessed of these abilities and of them now cannot save them.
such experiences, will be put under the But these men who cannot save the This draining has already been assumed guardianship of these countries.
as a matter of fact, by the peace treaty. The plans of the Allics in regard to fic plc from destruction will no longer be Besides the twenty billions oí marks which China is a clear illustration of how they retained in the government. There is no Germany has to pay by May 1st, 1921, she intend to administer the colonies put under roun nor demand for fain; hearts and weak hands. They must be replaced by The payment of these notes will be not only must also hand over 100 billions in notes their guardianship. They hare promised to hand the adıninistration of the German those who face the future with courage, who in gold, but also with these same articles colonics of China naturally without asking can lead the people omwards with strong borave leadership with which she is supposed to pay the first the opinion of cither the inhabitants of the twenty billions colonics, or of China, over to a consolida Of all the political parties of Germany The payment of this tribute will be im tion of America England s, France s, and the Communist can fill these demands. That mensely difficult, further, because of the Japan bankers for China economic party fears the pace trenty at Verrailles fact that Germany has lost all her colonies development, which means quite simply the just as little as we feared the Brest peace, because it knows that like the Brest peace, for her raw materials. The taking a way of these bankers.
on which she was almost entirely dependent economic exploitation for the benefit of This bank consolidation the Versailles peace will also be swept away her merchant marine, not only her present will be under the control of the respective by the storm wave of the world revolution.
one but all future and prospective oncs, will governments, which means that it will be The Versailles treaty is the suppression make it impossible for her to import the according to the will of their capitalists.
of Germany, the draining of all its economic necessary raw materials from other coun The American cdition of this new division foruen open robbery, It imposes upon trics.
of China contains this surprisingly hypocrit.
firrmany eternal slavery. It places the rope In addition Germany loxes large quan icnl phrase thint this plan is highly satisamond its neck.
titics of her own land, which considering inctory to the Chinese. And why? Because hier industry, is of tremendous importance it would make it possible for China to The signing of the peace treaty, writes to her. France gets, for instance, Msace emancipate herself from foreign political in.
Korschenzev, in Izvestia, which saved Ger. Lorraine, from hich, Germany received 40 fluence. And still more: It removes every many from a new assault by the Allied pow. per cent of all her iron. In addition France attempt at plots upon China independ. will not, however, be able to save the Berlin Weimar government gets for 15 years the Saar valley, which in ence, from the very rich in coal, 71. rough this lons Ger. thing is placed under foreign capital threatening danger within. On the contrary many is deprived of almost her entire con!
it has only aggravated this danger, for the and they call it emancipation from foreign and iron supplies, which in, of course, a influence!
racon that only now will the full weight of most terrible blow to German industry, the war and the recent peace be really fet. The Versailles treaty introducc The Allies occupy altogether the whole Germany lenders, who have proven then telt bank of the Rhine for 15 years. The pression, not only for the conquered regine of barbarous exploitation and op.
vex bankrupt in regard to their foreign trenty derides, further, that the Allies will (Continued on pro 11)