BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking ClassWorld War

November 22nd 1910.
Page Eight THE COMMUNIST republican regime are most highly devel. gcoisic lins sought in ain to conccal, name first State in the world. has definitely re.
oped, as, for example, in America In order ly. that in the most democratic countrics vealed itself. If those under arrest, ic. in.
to win a real equality and a real democracy the Terror and the dictatorship of the dividually taken under the protection of the for the working masses, for the workers and bourgeoisic are really in control and come power of the State, can safely be murdered peasants, it will be necessary first to deprive out openly into the light of day whenever by officers and capitalists under social the capitalists of the possibility of hiring it scens to the exploiters that the power of patriotic regime. it follows that she demo writers, of buying publishing plants, of brib. capital is tottering.
cratic republic in which such things can ing neuspapers. Ind to accomplish this it transpire is a dictatorship of the builtgeoisie.
will be necessary to shake off the yoke of Individuals who express their indignation capitalism, to dethrone the exploiters, and at the murder Karl Lic bknechit and runsa to break their resistance. Capitalists have The imperialistic war, 1914 1918, has once Luxembourg but who cannot perceive this al was meant by freedom the freedom and for all tine proven even to the most truth demonstrate nothing but theit. tupility of profits for the rich and the freedom of the backward workers, that the truc nature of or their hypocrisy. In one of the most free poor to perish of starvati. Capitalists bourgeois democracy even in the most free and advanced republics of the world, in the mcan by freedom of the press the freedom republics is dictatorship of the buurgevisie.
German Republic, freedom consists in of the rich to bribe the press, the freedom to For the sake of enriching German and log the ireedom to kill, unpunished, the arrested employ wealth in the inanufacture and the lish groups of millionaires. millions of leaders of the proletariat. Nor can things falsfication of so called public opinion. Once human beings were murdered, and in the byc otherwise so long as capitalism mainting again, the defenders of pure deinocracy most free republics the military dictatorship itsdí, for the development of democracy This of the lourgeoisic was established.
reveal themselves as in reality thic defenders does not diminish but heightens the war of of this most vile and purchaseable suntem military dictatorship continues in the Enthe classes, which as a result and under the of control by the rich over the means of tente nations even after the defeat of Grerinfluence of the world war has now reached enlightening the poor, as betrayers of the many. The war, more than anything else, the boiling point.
people secking with fair but lying phrases has served to npen the eyes of the workers, Throughout the whole civilized world the to tear the false veil from wurgeois deto divert them from their concrete historical task of freeing the press from the con mocracy, and to reveal to the people the deportation, persecution, and imprisonment oi the Bolsheviki is the order of the day, trol of capital. Real freedoin and real whole abyss of war tinc speculation and as, e. in one of the most free bourgeois profiteering. In the name of freedom and equality will exist in the order which the Communists are creating, an order which equality the bourgeoisic has conducted this republics, Switzerland. Xote also the Bul.
sheviki progroms in America, and the like.
war; in the name of freedom and equality will provide no possibility, direct or indiFrom the standpoint of essential democreet, for subjecting the press to the might the purveyors of war muntions have beof moncy: an order in which nothing will coine incredibly rich. All the efforts of the racy, it is simply ridiculous that progrex.
prevent the worker (ur group of workers of Yellow International at Berne to conceal sive, civilized, democratic countries, amed to the teeth, should be afraid of a few dozen from the masses tlie 10W Completely unany size) from possessing and exercising an equal right to the presses and the paper supmasked exploiting character of bourgevis individuals coming from backward, hungty.
plies belonging to society.
freedom, of bourgeois equality, and of ruined Russisa which is denounced as savage bourgeois democracy, are duwmed to futility and criminal in millions of copies of bourgeois newspapers. It is clear that the XI.
social condition which can prodace so Even before the war, the history of the clamorous a contradiction is in reality a 19th and 20th century showed us what be In the most highly developed capitalist dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
comes of the Loasted pure lemocracy un country on the European continent, in Gerder Capitalism. The larxists have always many, the first months of complete repubXII.
maintained that the more highly developed, lican freedom, brought by the orerturn of Under circumstances such as these the the more purc a deimocracy is lc more imperialistic Germany, have shown German workers and the whole world the rcal class. Sully justified as a Dictatorship of the Proketariat is not only open, keen, and merciless will. of the class struggle. ho UNIC. content of the procesiedelik Puntza nieans toward dispobe the pressure of. the dictator lic. The murder of Karl Licbknecht and sessing the Xplotte le 10marisar ship of the bour. geoisie. ne Dreyfus affair Rosa Luxembourg are events of world luis prcesing their resistance, but it is also abin publican Frience, the bloody conflicts torical significance not only because the solutely necessary for the whole mass of between mercenaries armed by capital and best leaders of the truc Wetariat conworkers as their only protection against the striking laborers in the free and democratic ist International came to tragic deaths, but dictatorship of the bourgeoisie which has led republic of America, these and a thousand also because the class character of the first to the war and is preparing for new wars.
other facts real the truth which the bour State in Jurope without exaggeration, the To be continued in next issue. ture New Jersey State Secretary Report on Organization Newark, NJ. Nov. 11th. Languare Federations be requested to pay into resolution endorsing the industrial union as the Dear Comrade Editor: the State Treasury the per capita which RC only organization that will affect the emancipa The New Jersey State Organization of the cumulated in the Federations during the period tion of the working class, was rejected, with Conumun nt Party of America held its first Con of their suspension from the Socialist Party, up only the maker of the resolution voting to it; vention on November 1st and 2nd, 1919 in New until the olgunization of the Communist Party (8) that communist Party members shall axtate ark, with 62 delegates present, representing 41 (Sept. 1xt. in their industrial organization, with the sukaim branches with a total membership of 678 in The State Constitution adoptel concurre with of gathering the entire working class around the the state. Aproximately 400 members in 12 the National Constitution of the party and em imponuing strumele for the Prolet. rian Dictator.
branches affiliated with the Communist Party Lolid provisions for a centralized State Organize ship.
Fraternally submitted, vite unic presented at the Convention, due to tion; annual State Conventions, a State CommitW. Gabriel various technical reasons. tee of 15 to meet once a month; and an Executive Scoretary, New Jersey State Organizoin.
of to meet once a week.
The rrport of the Organization, Press and LitCommunist Party of America.
eratur Committee was adopted with few changes Comrade Walter Gabriel, of Netrark, Wux The rrport conrister! in pa:t oi. an orgon plected as State Secretary and Comrade Louis Central Executive Meets iration plan to form locals of the party in the Brandt, also of Newark, was elected as Organizer.
tate (this wax referred to the Central Executive The Stute Committee was elected by the Conven meeting of the Central Exccutive. mCommitter of the parts for sanction. 2) the tion; it was represrntative of right out of the mittee of the Communist Party has been Stute Offier to be located in Newark. 3) No ten language groups in New Jersey.
hold and stands adjourned as we go to press: Jormy to hove a puid Sevelary, who sha! devote Ricsolutions were wioptoil as follows. and much time to orgunization wok. 4) In the State 2) Girotings to the Third International and to Dut due to the circumstances of the meeting Office shall be desk pace for the Stutr Serir. the supporter of the Soviet Goverment in Rux and the absence of the Exccutive Secretary taries of the langunge Fodrrutions. 6) 10 ria. 3) Accrptunce of the Manifesto, Progrum the minutes are exot ready for this iskhe, in plaer u Sp. cul Oryanizer in the field as soon as anul Constitution of the Comunist Party as a spite of delay of the paper for this purp porriblr. 6) To arrange yurk through whole. 4) call to the American working. Many inqurtant questions of party policy the state. 9) The State Committee was given class to effect the role of the political prinonthe authority to levy Special Arment, not to rá ind to break the blockale of Soviet Rumria; Wre considered, and in so far as consistent ed 21 contr por member. The rular: of (5) Piging the flats Organization to initiate with the present persecutions against the the bid officia nut to exeved that of the the work of forming factory rhop committeet. party, a full report will be isuued by the tion Male, which is 85 prwrk. 9) The Stat them to function under the control of the City Office be the contra! Hurrau for the party lit Crutrul Cunnitte und to be com composed of Com Comradex Hallani and lovestone, as well ratur. 10) T) Stur Committee to in un ruf munist Party men! only. 6) Calling on the 1ets, in any lumige, on the surrtions of the clay: Communist urty to um the industrial strugglew, as Comrade Ruthenberk, were kept away (11) Hrunches were uryrd to trer lju rutumn which wer now trains at the vitals of the capital. from the meeting by arrc Eleven nie distribution at the prowent time. 12) Thut the it order, for purely Communist purposes. Ixers were present atnost of the resskan Executive Secretary.