BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyLeninMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrike

Novenber Z2nd 1919.
Pare Six THE COMMUNIST Revolutionary Outlook in Germany ness.
said its or word. The German proktariat will yet measure its strengta against the bourgeoisie. Continues from pape 3)
provinces recruiting for the iron division continued. And the social patriotic govern.
The social scoundrels, the Eberts, Scheide meat did not even lift a finger to stop it.
Where Do You Stand?
manns and Bauers nominally in power, are though it understood perfectly well the in reality miserable pawns in the hands of potpose of the mobilization of the reac(Continued from page 6)
tionaries. It knew that the reactionaries teactionary militarism.
The reader certainly remembers the inci. were gathering their forces for use against sider it an insult if the world today should revolutionary Russia.
call him a successful and influential mindent concerning Captain Reinhard. com mander of the Berlin detachinents of the vo About the present attitude of the Berlin ister. just because he had been wise and lunteer arin. This fellow is an avowed gorernment towards the adventure in the shrewd enough to keep things smooth while monarchist and openly says so to everyone.
Baltic, Price utites the following: The accomplishing nothing. Ile would scorn to To the respectiul question put to him by events in the Baltic provinces throw light ask incn to lead a devotional life without Vorwär. relative to his demonstrative on the situation in Germany The govern having them devoted to his cause. He would manifestation of monarchist sympathiesment of Ebert and Bauer has ordered have no hesitancy in condemping those who the military commanders to evacuate cry alood the housing problem and then Reinhard declared squarely: That the Courland. The latter not only do not pay make their pile by holding land out of use for time for restoration of the Hohenzollern has not come; the Allies at this juncture any attention to these order but act contrary speculating purposes. He would not associate with a man who made his tark ia ts: to them.
will not praise us for that, but it is world by paying such wages in his store We are inclined to think that the orders this but thich is significant when the that only girls who live at the could are written for appearance only.
time does come, the Reinhards will know work there. He would lang: at our dywhat to do.
So the government of Ebert and Scheidenamic Detroit and our inhuman civilizaWe will now touch upon the strike of mann is playing the role of traitor not only tion. And do you imagine that he would to its own people. It is selling out the Rusfarm hands in Poincrania which took place rise in the world, that he would be a saclast July The Pomeranian farm hands sian revolution by actively opposing it on the Baltic front.
cessful minister or enterprising business decided to form a Union and declare war The strike wave in Germany has not subman? No! While there was a lower class upon the junkers. This movement was not sided. Without the aid of martial law and he would be one of them; white there was of a revolutionary character, but it was ner a struggling group who wanted not only ertheless dangerous by reason that it might other extraordinary measures the goverbecome revolutionary.
a chance to exist. but an opportunity to ment cannot take a step.
The Berlin and Not only the volunteer army but the police also are live the more abundant liſc he would Pomeranian junkers sensed that should the Struggle with them.
He would gather on a real war footing. White Terror is ragagricultural workers unite with the city them together as a hen would gather her ing all over the country.
workers their power would be at an end.
What is the attitude of the great masses chickers; he might weep over Jerusalem, That is why, by the order of the Socialist government in Berlin, martial law was that actively participate in political life? but he would then go down into the city, even if it meant the taking up of the cross We shall not talk about the Spartacans who declared in Pomerania and the Reinliard have not laid down their arms even in the and carrying it on lonely shoulders to Caldetachments ordered there. The strike was vary.
darkest hour of counter revolutionary inadbroken by the united efforts of the volunteer We do not doubt for a moment that Where do you stand? There is no middle army, Pomeranian junkers and the govemment Socialists. Is ther: need of a bet.
this influence is growing in depth and width. ground he that is not for me is against me. am sorry that it so, but today we sudden turn towards the left is manifest ter illustration to reveal the real character must decide whether we are to be loyal to at the prit a ol hounds ruling German, at among those workers belonged to the ostk aurch, which bears Independent sucialis.
is was evidenceu How is demobilization progressing: at their conference last September. The people who are in need of deliveras. ce trom asks Freedom. the daily of the Independ party membership is openly leaning towards bondage. am conparatively a young man, Bolshevism. The leaders take the position but want the strength of my youth to go ents, pointing out further, that millions upon into the great struggle for the toiling masses of the centre. The renegade Kautsky, formmillions of the people money is being spent crly considered the leader of the Independwhom love, rather than the doubtful and for the support of the army and in order to ents, does in reality represent no one but very discouraging task of Christianizing the keep it on a war footing. Demobilization himself. He is sinking deeper and deeper into Church, has been completely forgotten. On the conWhen the Church calls me to be loyal to the quagmire of Scheidemannism and in his trary more and more new recruits are being dastardly attack on Soviet Russia he goes taken into the army.
the institution and He calls me to be true to beyond eren Bernstein. But Kautsky is the Kingdom, must follow His train. The politically blind from the Menshevik harmless at present. The masses have come entered the ministry to promote the Brothcamp. who always whimpered about Bolto understand his Marxism. After the erhood of Man and now am leaving it for shevism creating reaction. would benefit September conference great numbers of the same purpose.
greatly by looking facts squarely in the face. Iarxe and small branches of the Independent They would see the truth. evident to all Suvialist party voted in favor of joining the politically literate people: that social patri. Third International. This move towards LETTRES DE CACHET otism is the midwife of the buildest and blackest reaction.
Chicamo Comrades Kowalski. Preis, The Baltic adventille is being talked Independent Party. The masses and some Faulkner, Krispens, and others are being about everyu here. There is no doubt that leaders will join the Communists: the Kautcondemned to prison on warrant.
the German counter resolution has built a skianists will go with the government On formal deportation charges, based strong nest there and is putting its shoulders party of the social skunks. That will be a merely on inembership in the party, bail is to the wheel of the Russian and German reaction. The daily of the Derlin Judependents.
great gain in the interests of the revolution. fixed at 10, 000, an absolutely prohibitive There are certain workers in Gerinany figure. Freedom. is hardly mistaken when it as. who go hand in hand with the Scheidemann The American bureaucracy makes no serts confidently that the day is near when the iron divisions o on der Golur, racy. But even these serni bourgeoise ele.
party. They are the so called labor aristoc pretense of observing the traditional prinunited with Keinhard volunteers, will put ciples of Anglo Saxon criminal practice in ments are maniſesting their dissatisfaction its political inquisitions.
an end to the republican form of government and reestablish the monarchy. The Berlin with the present government policy. At the Imprisonment on bare statutory charge: correspondent of the British Daily llerald convention of the social patriots at Weimar.
and, in fact, four or five days of ailing is of the same opinion. He claims that such Noske Co. The convention passed a reso.
nany specches oi protest were made against withou even the winnt. the cou. eris the conviction of the general public and lution against the volunteer army.
ican iinprovements over the Crar and Kaiser that the social natriots are absolutely pow. there were gases of whole branches leaving And methods.
erless in the face of the reactionary generals. the party.
Ilearing is completed in the Stoklitsky Von der Goltz is attracting into the Baltic case at Detroit. also in the Shumovich and province a great number of reactionary does not strengthen the position of the Ebert This growing dissatisfaction certainly Bieznak cases at Chicago. In the latter charlatans and adventurers, promising them two cases brief is to be filed by the party land the land of the Lettisti peasants.
government counsel, Ferguson, which will involve Tahing all this into consideration we may only the single issue of whether or not tp to a sery short time ago all over draw the conclusion that the revolution of membership in the Communist Party is of Germany, and particularly in the southern the German laboring classes has not yet it oli a basis for deportation, the Third International is still continuing MEMBERS of Communist Party. in