BolshevismCivil WarCommunismEnglandSocialismViolence

Norenber 22nd. 1914.
THE COMMUNIST Tage Where Do You Do You Stand? of our own nation to the lays immediat By Paul Taylor. back just a little ways in the history blind and think that serinon juhich will cntertain and not instruct, frosted with socials cly before the Civil War. 11 of the churches (Extracts from a Sermon, upon leaving the during the week, will build up a Kingdom of south of the Mason Dixon line were opposed Church reprinted from Unity. Heaven on earth, because it builds up their to the abolition of slavery because the Here has not been one item of benefit to the church and solves their salary problem. church members owned the sakes. Their people included in their program. Thuso the other hand the great mass of people, yes, cconomic interest decided tireir religion and who are in control of the church machinery even the least of these, iny brethro, are then they hunted up verses in the Old Testain this country stand absolutely in harmony coming to the conclusion that they can trast ment to prove their point. The churches of with those who put Jezus to death. Yes. Only themselves in the futurc. Ney are New England were likewise united, because they would even imprison, depxurt or kill all rising like a mighty flnd the world around.
their cotton mills depended upon the product those who are opposed to the system. To be in thic floodtide, to be one of the tn in of slave labor. Therefore they persecuted Jesus opposed that in his day. They will their struggle, their disappointments, their Wendell Phillips and Lloyd Garrison. not argue with you, hey will not meat you mistakes, their hardships, their final trithe other hand, the churches in those northcrn states which did not deperd so directly you out of the way in the quickest possible on a fair platform, they simply want to get umphs is no job for a priest, it calls for a man My heart is with them. love upon the cotton fields were the first to join manner because you are a stumbling block. their spontaneity, their sincerity, their in the abolition movement. You could preach wish that could get one of these gentle needs. can feel no coinmon tie with those yourself black in the racc. but those south men who is so colicitous about th: divine who live on their backs as employers or soerners could not and would not see the mission oi the church on a platiorm to called labor leaders, but most of all have ideals of freedoin for the black man when debate the subject. do not deny that profound distaste for the man who reit meant financial upset for them.
she has a divine mission, but do hold peats the prayer thy Kingdom corne, thy The case is identical today. The church that she does not and cannot fulfill it as will be done on earth, as it is in heaven derives its income as a result of the present long as she exists for herself with absolutely and thinks he shall be hcard for his mach system of industrial autocracy and she is no program for the relieſ of the world. If speaking, when he will not 80 mach as not going to commit suicide unless she can she does not want Socialism or Bolshevism liit the load with his little finger.
help it.
She has never considered that it is her duty to offer something better. And was brought up to be tactful. was Jesus sayings: He that loseth his life it must be soinething more than the promise told in the seminary to follow the admoshall save it, and Greater love hath no that the capitalist vill irom now on be connition of Paul and feed the people with man than this, that a man lay down his life siderate and generous. The working man in:lk when they could not stand meat for his friend, had anything to do with the does not want kindness and charity. hut for the sake of the organization. have church as an institution. think that am justice! We did not ask the southern slave done it, but never again! am through within the bounds of truth when say that owner to be lind to his slaves but compelled with that method. Fruin RON. On it is the arcrage ininister would think it a sac him to set them free. Nor is this the time going to be meat, and those who have not rilege to sacrifice the church for the cause to ask the employing class to show consider good tecth will either have to go to the of humanity. The ministry, and might ation. The time has cume to do any with dentist or have a case of indigestion!
say the average church member also, ilas classes and establish the world wide bruti There are two sides to this fundamental become so accustomed to think oi th: wel erhood!
economic question, which is just another fare of the church that they very seldom There is not the remotest chance for the name for the labor question: the side of the stop and ask themselves: Suppose te church of today to take this stand. di capitalist and that of the worker. Some day had every child an attendant in the Sun would mean the crippling of their organiz am going to give a talk on The General day School, how would conditions bc ation. That is why some have opposed me Public, a Myth. The churches rather boast changed? If the church mein bars in that herc 110t became was wrong. but bethat they represent the middle class. In day was. athe fine Wingene aus it Wirs the church. nc sense they are right: they are on of our prominent ones are paying in. It Those who co operated with Billy Sunday ncither onc de of the fence or the other, today, if those who were employers had as know now that was right. But they were they are middle class. Foi ing the time little dealing with the laborins classes the willing to put up with his crude thcology and has come to get off the fence. The apple is proverbial le had with the Samaritan. burlesque manners because they hoped to in two and must decide which side is to we must admit that the only appreciable sceure some members thereby. If they have be mine. certainly refuse to chew on the dificnnce would be that the ministers and followed the su called peace conierence at core, hecause, as the Jittle boy said, there priests would probably receive a living wage Versailles which has had open con enants. soon ain goin to be no core.
and an old age pension.
openly arrived at. and have compared their May sun np what have tried to say?
Let me raw compariso: The ow! decision with the Secret Treaties, they k:09 The big, vital problem of the day is an Jewish synagogue appealed in the people that was right when insisted that this economic one, a labur one. The contest is Joyalty to their organization. Th. lign: war held ro promise ior the rank and frie between those who live by owning and those of picty was to give ule tenth of your in of the people. My position has always who live by working. We mas solve it becuine to the temple. be regular at the been this: it is of no vital concern to the fore we can go. se nut valve it.
services and punctilious in the ol ervance of people vi any nation as to whether Ger. Prcaching ideals will not oheit unles that their law Jesus came as one of the old man. English, French or. merican cari preaching lead to some very deüinite conprophets with a real inessive u brother talists control the Bagdad railroad and crete action. The church today is in favor boed. They bounced im ir: the begins thic mines will acc Lorinc. The condition of the present system of industrial organning and sought how they might accuse of the people will be the same. That is why ization because she is prosperous under it hiin and put him to death.
Why? BeI could not forsake the suspel vi the Broth. just as she was under chattel slavery and crhood of Man during these past the year.
cause the Romans will come and take away Where she is not actually upTooth our place and our nativo. They did and esalt Lincle Sam as the only God with Bulding the retom she is doing it indinut care for the cliare vi the c0111110n President Wilson as the Messiah. was rectly by taking a middle ground and aspeople; they were thinking the forcone Touching after the eficet: 1pxthe people suring her people that the interests of the perity of their institution and their own during the war and aiter it and not the employer and employe, capital and labor, are positions. Ind do not hold that they cricets upon the church and my career in it. identical. She will do anything from conwere necessarily so evil. They were probably But do see a truggle which is worth the demning violence on the part of labor to entire enerx oi ny man. live colle 10 »incere in the belief that these were vi primcatolling the virtues of a capitalistic war the conclusion that this struggle is outside. according to the suggestion of a prosary importance. Sci preservation is the oi te church and that those who are in is first lan vi liie they tell 118. It may be true titute press. They have sense enough not to dictatc, that would be crude and too obmited extent, 1, 11t it is the lar: law are rightly rejudiced against the church.
or the highest one.
We cannot help them ii we will. They do And what has that to do with the church not want the people to work for them but Where do you think Jesus would stand in this struksle know! He was a worktoday? Simply this: The attitude oi the with ther. church Irulers is identical. They are talking The trouble with the tour autocrats sit inx man and lived for outcasts and opof church unity with us, other motive than ing at the peace table is that they cannot pressud. He would djulain to make his to keep themselves intact against the enorm. realize that cared the eye of a new day: premching a means of a successful carcer. initia vi the great mass of people. They they think that political reorganization will us would nut today be above having na rescue the world. The trouble with our lace to lay his head. He would Are raising funds against that day when there will be less and les coming in. church dignitaries is that they are likewisc (Continued un page 6)
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