
November 22nd 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Pare Your News from Soviet Russia ren. The Library Section has nineteen estab.
that have not yet been nationalized. The SERIES of recent radio messages tell most energetic measures are being taken lishments, tach of which circulates an aver.
lines. Most striking is the information that to increase the cfficiency of the work and age of one hundred volumes daily. There are already more than ten thousand of the most excellent results have already been ob also children libraries; and in each library In a circle for readings and recitations.
tained wit new processes for the inanuimportant economic enterprises have been the Summier there were several popular confacture of various kinds of paper.
nationalized 869 of Russian industry certs in the Moscow parks.
It will be particularly interesting to watch Most of these have never been interrupted in their work, although a great many of the the development of this industry in Russia Social Welfare Petrograd facturies had to be moved to alongside that of the United States, which The Moscow Soviet has done a great deal Tenza, Simbirsk. ctc. In most of the big is in the midst of a newsprint famine. It of work to protect children and old people.
enterprises the corps of workers has in has been pointed out that our American creased. number of large new factories hortage is by no means due to want of Boarding schools, day nurseries, farm colonies, etc. have been developed to care are under construction. This year, at Po raw materials, but to the fact that the for many thousands of children. Children capital invested in this industry holds Wolsk, a large locomotive plant was completed and handed over for operation. Two back the use of the Western timber supplies, from three to seven are placed in kindergartens in groups of thirty at most, in important electric stations will be finished order that the establishment inay have before the Winter and will furnish power Artificial Tea more of the character of family life than enough to electrify the whole Moscow Since the loss of Siberia. Soviet Russia of an official institution. The feeding and region. At Sarator, has been undertaken has been deprived of tea, a product of prime physical and pedagogic care are of the highthe construction of a large plant for manucst order. Fifteen thousand Moscow childYacturing agricultural machinery, Fuel pr. necessity. The Supreme Council of National Economy went to work in November ren are enjoying these advantages, and as duction, in spite of the loss of the Bakr and Donetz basins, is still sufficient for a high 1918 to organize the manufacture or artimany more children, from thirteen to sevenficial tcas. In less than a year the pro teen years of age, are on the Soviet cstates degree of industrial activity.
near Moscow.
The 1919 crops are far ahead of those of duction has been multiplied by fifteen.
and it is still on the increasc.
The Social Welfare Section has also in its last year. Raw materials, flax, wool. cotWith such evidence of adaptability and charge about 3000 invalids. Recently a ton, metals. still impeded by the breakdown in transportation are available in enterprise, one can imagine what wonders systematic struggle has been undertaken to of economic production will yet be per get rid of professional mendicants. They Yery large quantities. In fact there are not formed in free Russia, once the interyen are taken, according to physical condition.
only large reserves for the domestie industry tion allows all of the workers energy to cither to the work house or to the rest but also large quantities available for export go into productive channels, houses.
The new organization of industry proThe ensions Section has under it: motes large scale production. There is also Gathering the Harvests charge 50. 000 Pensioners, not counting the great cconomy of fuel, Jabor and of raw materials in the unified administration soldiers of the old arıy. It was decided The Supreme Couin il of National DeThrough the governinent, which brings into fense decided to send about 50. 000 workers to arrange at once for the care of the families of the men who have been mobilized co operation all the workers in the same to the districts of Sarator, Sainara. ia and field Orenburg to help gather the exceptionally by direct delivery to them of the national in Commer hada harvest of this year. In about products.
Enis con. on, iti intr o. 10 re opening of cum two weeks (during August. 20, 000 work. with foreign countries, the ers were sent, under care of the various the recent accounts of the Manchester Comissariat for Commerce is conducting Commissarits concerned and of the DeGuardian correspondent, Goode, of preliminary studies of materials for export partments for Distribution of Labor of the conditions of life in Moscow. He had been and of the organization and methods revarious industrial centres told, for instance, that he would find no quired for such transactions. discussion This cxainple of mobilization of labor is children left in Moscow, at least nonc unis being carried on in the journal Economic suggestive of the great possibilities in the der ten years of age. He writes: The Liſe. An Institute was opened in the organized cconomic life of the new Russia.
actuality was ludicrously opposite. No Spring, in Petrograd, for the study of Inwhere have seen such fainilies, so many ternational Commerce.
Fine Arts and Recreation very young children, as in Moscow and the surrounding country. What is more to my Internal Commerce.
On August 15th was opened at Moscow thinking. there is no country in the world receit decrec provides for the obliga. the old Schukin gallery. This gallery is the first Museum for Western painting. in where inore care, money and thought are tory exchange of manufactured for agricul.
bestowed on the children by the Governnow open without charge, under the Soviet tural products. This decree now becomes power, to all visitors. All the canvasses lave ment than in Russia today. To the age possible because there is at hand sufficient been systematically grouped by schools and supplied gratis on the level of the highest of 17 their wants in the way of food are machinery of administration to determine epochs, und among the collection are numerwith reasonable approximation how much category of rations. Their schools, theatres, is manufactured in each line of industry and Cezanne, icasso, ctc.
ous specimens of Matisse, Monct. Nan Jogh, and amusements are a special care, anul what stocks of agricultural products are colonics have been formed in the country to The Workers Cooperative of Moscow, unavailable.
which great numbers were drafted in the This problem of exchange between city Public Instruction and of the Moscow In physiological. And the carc begins before der the auspices of the Commissariat of Summer for reasons at once educational and end country has been of a most serious character. Indeed, in Hungary, competent lished club houses in the different quarters stitute for Proletarian Culture, has estals. they are born.
observers have declared that it was the of the city, attended each work by more Mr. Goode, by the way, informs us that failure of this exchange which caused the the food supply is attaining normal again.
breakdown of the Soviet rule, which might conducts fourteen dramatic circles, and each pensed with. Also this correspondent again than 20, 000 persone. Theatrical Section and much of the rationing has been des.
otherwise have inade a far fronter resist week gives cight performances. The in brings testimony of the fact that prostittiance to the Rumanian intervention. In Russia, too, there has been some measure struction in dramatic art includes lectures tion has disapeared from Moscow life, due of friction between town and country. But Music and line Arts Section conduct« tion of woman under Bolshevism.
on literature and the social sciences. The to the improved economic and social posi.
the fact that central exchange is now pos. alwut fifteen musical circles and in six ville shows that the problem is solved.
Only the co operative organizations are by 50, 000 persons. The programs are plan.
months has given cighty concerts attended BOLSHEVISM IN NORWAY.
allowed to distribute goods in the country, thus harring the speculators and avoiding and to bring out the characteristics of the ned to make known the national productions The Left Party in Norway polled 250, 000 hoarding by the rich. The Commisariat of various composers.
votes, winning 52 seats in the Parliament. Provisions exercises supervising functions.
Many courses and conferences are con The program in revolutionary and the party policies are of the most aggresive Paper Industry.
ducted with the ohject of developing the character, including soviets among those The Cenetral Paper Ruteau now has at its ledge. There are special courses for women.
inste and desire of the workers for know. linble to military wervice, Support of the disposal 63 nationalized paper mills and 39 special clubs, homes and colonies for child. ation.
Soviet rule in Russin without rokerv.