Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGerman RevolutionGermanyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSyndicalismWorkers PartyWorking Class

l age Thro November 22nd, 1919, THE COMMUNIST Jack The Liar the October issue of the Workers Dreadnought (official organ, Wor.
The Communist Party and Communist Unity kers Socialist Federation of England) Jack Resolution adopted by the Central Executive Committee Reed has a statement on the situation in America teeming with lics.
Lic The Communist Party is the DIE Central Exccutive Committee of the Communist Labor Party is still carresult of an artificial grouping of forcignrying on its unity agitation among the locals and membership of the Comburn workers which formerly constituted munist Party. This campaign was deliberately started and is being carried on in order to create discord and disintegration in our party.
the forcign language Federations of the socialist Party. The Communist Party is the The must characteristic feature of the agitation for unity is that it shoves aside the fundamental question of principles and tactics. In any discuslogical development of the Left Wing: 90 sion of the relation of one organization to another, the issue of principles and of the organizations and delegates repretactice is the most important particularly at this stage of the development of sented at the National Left Wing Conferen an American Communist movement.
ce are now in the Communist Party; apThe Communist Labor Party represents a mixture of different clements proximately 50 of the Communist Party which do not agree on fundamentals. It was organized by delegates inost of membership is non Federation. Considerwhom wavered concerning the necessity of completely repudiating the Socialist ing that 60 of our industrial proletariat arty. These delegates were interested chiefly in securing administrative conis forcign, the number of foreign comrades trul oi the Socialist Party, and not in organizing a Communist Party; the in our party is in accord with the character was the accidental result of a convention of delegates who, for a large variety of the American proletariat.
of reasons, were thrown out of the Socialist Party convention or couldn agree Lie The Communist Party sccks to with the Socialist Party. This circumstance is expressed in the program of the create a foreign working class movement in Communist Labor Party, which is a mixture of Syndicalism, Menshevism, Comthe United States expressed in terms of the munisin and ordinary parliamentary Socialism. Conimunism in the European movement along the lines of the rogram is modified. Communist language is used without any understanding Bolshevik Party of Russia (without any atof its real mcaning. The general haziness and unclear character of tempt to adapt it to the psychology of the Program is an expression of the Centrism of its Icaders and the mixed character American working class. This is a very of its membership.
stupid lic, since the agitation of the ComThc unity term is meaningless. Communist unity is achieved by bringing munis. Party is conforming to every requitogether all class conscious revolutionary workers into one organizaztion, based rement of pcculiar American conditions, on a definite Communist program and constitution. This unity, however, cannot without becoming nativistic and ccasing to be achieved by taking two separate organizations and compromising on a merger be international.
of their programs and constitutions. If the Maniícsto. Program and Constitution Lie The Communist Party was duc of the Communist Party are in accord with Communist fundamentals (and the to the ambitions of certain people who wish does not deny that they are) then there is already in existence a party above everything else to go down in history with whic every cious Communist can unite.
as having founded a Communist Party.
We feel that there are Communist clements in the To thcsc comNow frankly, Jack, were you not then un rades we repeat our invitation to join the Communist Party they are more than consciously stigmatizing yourself and Wa.
Welcome; and we feel that they will realize their place is in the Communist genknecht, Gitlow Co. Party and not in the Lie The Federation comrades of the This is the time for action. The would tir norgs must be forgotten. The Communist Party are segregated from the Curie y. 1: Americans.
Jack apparently doesn. unWhile the Communist Labor Party speaks in misleading derstand the first elements of Communism, about unity, first on a basis or equality, now on a proper basis since the class struggle itself compels the munist Party has made the only concrete proposal that could realize the unity foreign comrades to associate with the Ameoi all conscious Commurist íurces the only unity that is acceptable: that ricans.
branches of the accepting the Program and Constitution of the Com.
Lie The Communist Party consists, munist Party will be admitted to our Party. nity, in general, is not a factor according to Jack, of the Federations and nccessarily making for strength; on the contrary, it often makes for weakness of English speaking clements who hold to and disaster. Unity must be on fundamentals, 11ot on bargaining and compromise the theories of Pickhanov and opposc Mass of principles.
Action. This is the worst lic of all. It is worse than a lie, it is criminal to characterize the Communist Party as favoring Plekhanov and opposing Mass Action, Lic The Large majority of the forcign Speaking branches of the Communist Parof his dispatches froin Petrograd. The same their leadership and come to us. This is in Germany? This question is rc is true of the worker in Germany. Noske is the most brazen of all. Not even the official peated in a thousand ways noy only in the incarnation of the counter revolution in organ of the Communist Labor Party makes Soviet Russia but also in this country, Germany, and in proportion as he is hated this wild claim: why does John Reed make Every class conscious worker is following by the workers he is being worshipped by claims in Europe that his party does not with anxicty and alarin the development of the German bourgeoisie. The military pomake in this country? Is filling the Europ the counter revolution in Germany, scarch. litical machine in the form of the volunteer tan comrades with outrageous lics promot ingly trying to analyze the complex social army created by Noske and Reinhard is the ing that Communist unity which the struggle going on there.
last bulwark of dying reaction. Led by offiL. talks so much about?
Will the German revolution, pressed un. cers of the old regime, composed mainly of In America, trying to break the Commu der the iron heel of that volunteer army of middle class representatives, and therefore nist Party, Reed was amusing as Jack the Noske and Reinhard, perish? Or will the of conciously counter revolutionary eleGiant Killer; in Europe he is contemptible passionate gust of regenerated proletarian ments, this army is the class army of the as Jack the Liar.
energy sweep the shameful inheritance of bourgeoisie. This the German reactionaries The Workers Dreadnought does not Hohenzollern and junkers off the face of understand only too well. The extension of accept Jack Reed declaration at its face the carth? Sooner or later German history the date for the demobilizing of the volunvalue, saying: What puzzles one however will have to give a definitc answer to this teer army to next spring, granted by the as to the advisability of the formation of stem question.
peace conference, was prompted by a this new party (C. is the fact that The form whicll the struggle in Ger similar understanding. They know per1 Communist Party was also formed at the many will finally take is not at all a matter fcctly well that without Reinhard cut same time in Chicago. Not having both of indifference to the Russian proletarian throats the Ebert Government would be sides of the question at hand comment may revolution. It is also of paramount im. swept aside by the German proletariat with.
now mean rash judgment. Precisely. We portance to the development of the world in twenty four hours. The colunteer army is are confident that when our British coni revolution. If there is any one in the world evidently the tool of the international reacrades get the facts (not lies) they will under whom the Russian worker bates with all the tion, and naturally no idea of its demobilizastand the situation and realize that the form. might of his titanic soul, it is Noske the tion can be entertained.
atin of the expressed Centrism. lienchman Noske, writes Don Levinc in one (Coptinued on p4go 6)
به به به وه Revolutionary Outlook in Germany.