CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceItalySovietStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismWorkers MovementWorking Class

November 22nd 1910, THE COMMUNIST Pare Two )It is a challenge the attempt is made to brand membership ni cd labor movement.
THE COMMUNIST in the Communist Party as a crime in it that, together with the proposed measures in National Organ, Communist Party.
sell. In many instances the unofficial organs Congress to prohibit strikes, is a threat to Published Weekly and owned and controlled of repression are urred to assume a state of the working class movement, and parti.
by the Communist Party of America outlawry in relation to Communist agitation. cularly to the unions This onslaught upon the Communist Par.
But the American Federation of Labor cents a cops 00 Rix months. 00 seer Runities, 10 or more. She a cops.
ty is eliberate, It is not an onslaught does not answer the challenge.
determined by fear of the present or actual The Executive Council of the American Address all communications strength of the Communist Party, but be. Foderation of Labor met just before the 1919 Nee Irland Ave. Chicago, cause of the tendency the lurty represents. miners officials decided to obey the injume.
by the fear that the Party may be able to tion, and issued a protest against the gor.
The Terror rally the workers for the conscious struggle crnment using the injunction in the strike.
against Capitalism. In this sense the on The protest was solemn, vigorous, almost Al ITALISM is openly reucaling the slaught upon the Communist Party (and radical. But there it ended. It was simply fact that it represents, or is the die up on the 11. indicates the stern a pious protest. It was simply an effort to tatorship of a class determined upon class purpose of Capitalism to destroy the save the face of the AF. of The pr.
supremacy American revolutionary movement.
test was made but the Government pursued While the spokesmen and the press or the But even this factor is at the moment, in its policy of ruthless suppression.
Allies brand the Soviet Government as a cidental. American Capitalism and its gove In the face of all this suppression, the andictatorship, the Peace Conference is itselt ernment have let loose terror against the swer of the of is to hold another the most powerful and brutal dictatorship Communist Party in order to find a con conference and pass some more resolutions, in the world. This Conference, through the venient pretext to break the great strikes instead of using the strike power of the Council of Four the remiers of England.
now convulsing the country: Capitalism is workers to end the suppression France, Italy and the President of the United deliberately working up a revolutionary Gompers, the evil flower of craft unionism.
States, arbitrarily determined decisions and care in order to frighten the unconscious protests against the use of injunctions problens of the utmost importance. This workers and the more casily crust those against the miners. But his protests are urCouncil of Four waged war against Soviet radical manifestations of the proletarian bancly answered by the government offic.
Russia, it conspired to overthrow the Sor struggle which, while not yet consciously inls, and the work of breaking the strike iet Republic of Hungary, it determined what Communist, are a source of immediate and goes on. Gompers speaks feelingly of labor people of Europe should or should not seultimate danger to the supremacy of Capi loyalty during the war. but now the govern.
cure food, it re made the map of the world.
ment wants loyalty during peace and will The Peace Conference was not in any sense Imagine 50. com members vi the com get loyalty through bayonets if necessary an expression of democracy: it was and is in munist Party making a revolution, fightNever was the weakness of the of fact a supreme manifestation of the dicta ing the American ar:py and police. cizing evident as it is now. Never was Com.
torship of Capitalism cities, and destroying the power of the gove perism mure bilisteringiy exposed as an eseThis dictatorship of Capitalism ſinds its ernment! Yet that is precisely what the iny of the working class. Never was craft most typical expression in its struggle gorernment and the press assert are the unionism more adequately characterized as against the proletarian revolution and immediate aims of the Communist Party a fetter upon the action of the workers.
against the developing morement of the Of course, this is absurd; but it serves the challenge is issued to unionism and revolutionary proletariat. This struggle, in purposes vi provocation and providing the Gompers issues words of protest. chalone form o: th. erminnig nortunity for a plic of relles lenge is issued to labor and Compere factor in cont ury European develop pression.
cumferel. Wid: the ceny mer There is apparently no limit to what the mobilizes its forces to crush the workersThe typical form of capitalist dictatur. dictatorship of Capitalism will use in order and Gompers speaks of loyalty.
ship rercals itself under the violent impact to maintain its power.
Gomperism. nccustomed to the small time of the class struggle. In normal times, that It is a real campaign of terrorism. Every stuff of crait strikes, of petty struggles with the employers, breaks down and reveals its is to say when the workers are quiescent and means, legal and illegal. is used in the came the class struggle moderate in means and paign to break the Communist Party utterly reactionary and impotent character when it meets the test of a crisis.
But what can this terror accomplish?
purposes, the dictatorship of Capitalism is not quite apparent to the average person: It cannot permanently crush that vast Gomperisin, craft unionism, is caught in the vicious circle of its own policy. It behut in times of militant action, when the strike moi cment which the American worklieves in co operation between labor and class struggle flares up implacably, the die ers are initiating and in which is latent the tatorslip oí Capitalism and the capitalist revolutionary threat. But these strikes capital, and thereby breaks the class constate appears in all its brutal reality and the are not a product of Communist Party agi scions spirit of the workers. It harps upon pretense of democracy breaks down. tation; they are the product of powerful loyalty to the state, and thereby prepares Dictatorship is based upon force and forces working in the proletariat and pro of the state. It represents the petty interest the workers to accept the brutal repression adopts terror as a means of carrying ou: its duced by the development of capitalism purposes. When the dictatorship of Capi itself. The state may temporarily break of the aristocracy of labor, and thereby he trans the militant workers of unskilled labor.
these strikes, temporarily force the worktalisin reveals itself openly, it is by means of the force and terror it uscs against the er to end their struggle, but this is neces.
such as the stoel workers and the miners.
sarily only temporary.
inilitant working class movement.
There is a strike crisis. Never was there Terror cannot a finer opportunity to mobilize the workers At this moment, the dictatorship of break a movement that grows out of the against Capitalism, to initiate an aggressive liic forces of Capitalism.
Ameriran capital, expressed in the governlabor movement, Xor can the terror break the Communist But the of has sucnt, is developing a ruthless campaign of neither the courage nor the initiative, the force and terror against the workers and larty. How could it be possible: The com.
particularly against the revolutionary or munist arty luas descloped in accord with intelligence nor the organization. So the ganizations. The use of the injunction to certain conditions and revolutionary strikes are beaten, the workers discouraged.
Loreak the strike of the coal minere was ap quirements. These conditions and require of Capitalism. It is all enemy of the workers.
Gomperism, the. of is a bulwark arently a judical process; in fact, however, ment will not coast in onist simply because it was an invocation of force and terror terror is used against the communist Party It must be destroyed. that is, split thic since behind the injunction was the armed The terror of the dictatorship of Capital militant workers of skilled labor being force of the American government prepared ism cannot accomplish its purposes. The separated from the aristocracy of labor.
to impuse its will ruthlessly upon the strik Communist arty will answer by a more The struggle for industrin unionism is a ets. In city after city, terrorism of the most intens campaign to arm and organiz; tu vital phase of revolutionary developmen.
flagrant character is being used against the masses for the conscious struggle against cffective thin craft unionism in the imine.
not only because industrial unionisin is more workers organizations. The government is Capitalism.
apparently concentrating its force against dinte struggle, not only because industrial the Communist Party, in an effort to break unionism DecomCH starting point of Com.
this militant expression of tre conscious Gomperism inunist reconstruction after the conquest of roletariat political power but more, because by means HE power of the state has been of the campaign for industrial unionism we In Cleveland, under the Criminal Syndicalis law; it New York, under the This is a challenge to the whole labor AntiArchy Taw; in Chicago and clar. mosement, to the whole working class. iimpulse of bitter experience. It is our twik The workers are awakening under the where in th deportation camex under the challenge of this sort should call forth the Immigrat lam; in one way and another instant and aggressive answer of the orga. purposes to use this awnkening for our revolutionry Een