CapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorking Class

Combined with The Revolutionary Age The Communist All Power To The Workers!
Five Cents Vol. No.
CHICAGO, ILL. NOVEMBER 22, 1919 Reaping the Whirlwind ܫܝܐ ܐ; AVAGERY is becoming the normal It is the uprising of the millions and tons which are stirring up niob violence against of civilized life; legal savagery, the of millions which the exploiters drcad. It agitators, against meetings, parades and even molence of the respetables.
is thic imminence of this overwhelming thic property found in the inceting places guerilla civil war is being precipitated power which drives them to mad destruc do you not realize that these newspapers are by those who with nervous cagerness have tiveness.
the dirty, lying, bestial agencies of capitalunshcathed the sword of might against Not the Communist Party. Not the ism?
shadow hordes. These are organizations which Capitalism has reached a dizzy apex of publish openly. nd constantly all the facts There will be more of the violence of coldpower. It can no longer play hide and scek, about their membership, about their small blooded starvation of women and children, pretending that its colossal tolls of interest revenues, about their struggling papers and such as the pious lypocrite at Washington and profit are part of a competitive system magazines. They are not large organiza sanctions as against the tens of millions of wherein the best men win. The whole sotions, considering the cnormous numbers of Russia.
rial systoni shows every day more clearly the workers. They have no plans and pur But behind and underncath this provothe sharp line between the two classes. poses which are not dependent upon the will cative brutality, the working class array Most of the great An erican fortunes are and action of the millions and tons of inil sics on, gaining not only in strength of now in crited fortunes, and the mere pass lions of workers.
organization, but in the realization of new ing otillie. so far as thic owners are con The fear is that the many millions are and decisive purposes the purposes of a cerned, brings the multiplication of riches. about to make their demands in the language working class domination of society to But there is great labor during this time, the of the prograin of the Communist Party! bring in the Communist order, the order heavy toil of the masses, living in stupidity. The fear is that millions of workers are socialized industry and of its administration The minets of today are the sons of mi about to adopt the industrial unionism which by the workers.
ners. The workers in steel arc the sons of is imbued with the understanding that the Vo fakeries of Plumb plans, with eternal workinginen. Out of the hundreds and scal struggle is the class struggle, the strug perpetuation of the profit system, with spea ds and the millions of wage workers gle iw which the workers must establish a cial privileges to special la how groups; DO there. a few hundredetti. mictyri takerk of governme.
Jip, with the competence for old age, a sustenance sul! istic exploitation!
government in the pliant vice of Wall cient for the education of their children to The agitators, native and alien, the sup Street; but the cal article of a workers in the histics forms of wage slavery, the tech pressed papers, the programs branded as il. dustrialism which has no place for any profit nical and professional servitude to owner legal, the red flag, the exhibition of which tributes, and no place for any politicias ship.
is made a most scrious felony, the quict pa. agents al capitalism, but which is an affair The class lines are drawn, and there can rades and meetings of the workers these of the workers from bottom to top.
be no more conccalmout. And terror has are hated as the living symbols of the That is the prograin of Communism and seized upon the class of privilege that the Working class array which is to come!
that is what all the nervousness is about light is about to dawn upon the working Especially the alien agitators and wix? It can be done. The working class can masses the light of their deprivations for Because far more than half of the workers achieve this economic system of their o profits, the light of the power of the working in the basic industries are of foreign birth.
within a short time if they organize for masses to end this inhuman system.
Because, as the government statisticians this purpose. They are coming to see this, The vision of an angry, rebellious, over have recently announced. 8, 500, 000 workers under the stress of their iniserable wage whuning array of working class power dis.
in this country understand only a forcign slavery.
turbs and maddens the exploiters and their language.
The wind is being sown the wind of Vassals, the funkey judges. prosecutors, And there is special concern that there professional inilitarists and politicians. The shall be no agitation among the negrues.
persecution, petty violence, mob frenzy against the meetings of the workers, jailing vision thus tangible reality in the example of Prejudice is quick to respond, and prejudice and lunching and massacre. of brazca Russir; in the temporary success of the has its lodyment as well within the ranks of use of the military against strikes heretollungarian workers; in the recent railroad the laboring masses.
fore given legal sanction, when they did not strike in England; in the potential general Allcarst clitorial openly brags that there appcar so threatening and the whirlwind strike in the United States.
is nothing to fear because there are so many is to be rcaped.
What is to be done by the vassals of the intcr racial hatreds to keep the workers of barons of coal and of steel and of land rent America apart.
The oppressions of capitalistic exploitation als? Suppression is the answer. Suppress The Steel Strikc in a dozen different are completing the cycle of the former sysihe truth. Suppress the senues of enliglit language is the answer. And the Com.
tems of exploitation. The last act is the annient. Suppress the individual who may munist Party, with ton language federause of institutionalized violence against awaken understanding and the determina tions, is another answer.
the new ideal tion to conquer freedom among his fellow.
There is no way out of it, no way to end Workers, do you not realize that all the guerilla civil war, no way to end many What is all the nervousness about? Why this suppression of agitation is the proof of years of the savagery which is now all that is that our newspapers carry daily column its danger to the exploiting system? Iſ the capitalism has to offer to civilization no wpun column, page upon page, of silly rot Communist program was something fanci. way except by the quick and decisive vic.
and vile perversion in order to discredit the ful, something that wouldn work, once thic tory of the working class.
agitators? And especially the alien agita.
workers accept it, why would there be such The wind has been sown. and the whirl.
fors? Why do they deliberately incite and desperate measures to suppress its teaching wind is upon us; and after the storm, the encourage acts of violence on the part of the. and its living demonstration in Russia. organized and victorious working class hoodlums of respectability ngainst the ra Do you not realize that a government will produce the drean of the centuries, a dicals? Why is this fuerilla civil war which turns its powers to such and to the social system without classes, a system brought upon us in the nainc law and of suppression of the enlightenment of thic wherein all shall be owners and workers der?
working masses is a government which is alike, a system where in the benefits of BECAUSE OF THE WORKING nothing more than a tool of the ruling class? science, of culture, of art, shall be the com.
CLASS ARRAY WNIONS TO COME! Do you not realize that the newspapers mon huvitage of all mankind.