BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismWorkers FederationWorking Class

The Communist International ONE saded reports from Poland. shave Japanese Communists to the Russian Communists tion.
Polish Communists officers who fish in muddy water to appear Lorraine for Third International with arms in their hands and threaten the The socialists of Lorraine recently held a large majority of the people, we think, we created the absolutely erroneous im. are at liberty to call upon our comrades to well attended convention at which the question of affiliation with one of the two Inpression that the Polish working classes prepare for defense.
ternationals was discussed.
After a hot favor the present regime in that country. In Poland as well as in former border provinces Voluntary Work for International. debate, the convention adopted a motion to of Russia, the proletariat generally is in affiliate with the third, the Moscow Interfavor of a Workers Republic and opposed item: There are at this time special Saturday Krasnaja Gazeta prints the following news national, by a large majority. In Alsace to the nationalistic polices of small ruling soon a special convention will be called to decide the same question.
cliques who are backed by foreign bayonets. Working shifts. The men who work on SatThere is a strong communist party which urday in these special shifts receive no remuneration. In Petrograd alone more than is gaining ground day by day. The problems 10, 000 are working four hours extra Satur The Spanish Socialists have also aligned of this party are outlined in an appeal rethemselves with the Communist Intercently issued in Warsaw and widely cir day. The money thus earned is turned over national.
culated among Polish workers. The follow to the government, which forwards the ing is quoted from this proclamation: money to the department of propaganda of Unity of the Revolutionary Industthe Third International for the purpose of The Russian workers and peasants were creating a fund to spread the Idea of Comrial Organization of Germany the first to overthrow the rule of the lords munism throughout Europe and America. According to the Kommunistische Arand exploiters. All over Russia they have established a new order, a Socialist order. The Commune of Petrograd appeals to all beiterzeitung of Hamburg, unity of the The Russian factory owners no more are able to rob the workers, because the Russian other communes to follow the example of General Workers Union, the Miner Union, people have confiscated from the exploiters the Petrograd workers and emphasizes that the General Workers Federation and the all their riches and made them into common property.
only through the efforts of the Russian Com Syndicalist Federation was accomplished at Following the example of the Russian munists can the final victory of the World a congress in Düsseldorf. The name will be workers the working class of the Central Powers likewise joined the struggle.
Proletariat be assured. The Free Workers Union We are being assured that the people of Poland have acquired everything that they have aspired to. It is being pointed out to you that Poland has become independent.
Attempts are made to divert your attention from your vital interests. from the revoluYou are being excited against the Germans, the Ruthenians, the Czecho Slo1 E, the Japanese Communists in Ame against the ruling classes in strikts cil vaks, the Russians and the Jews. The Polrica, send our warmest greetings to riots.
ish bourgeoisie has already started a fight our Russian Communist Comrades upon the The latest development of our workers against the Ruthenians in eastern Galizia.
and against the Lithuanian workers and second anniversary of their successful revo tactics in fighting the greedy employers peasants. Savare and bestial massarres of lution.
is something very interesting. They wisely Jews are taking place in White Russia. All this is being done so that the working class We are greatly indebted to the Russian adopted a sabotage, a passive form of saboof Poland should become imbued with a Comrades who are fighting for the Prole tage, which has been proving a great success spirit of hatred toward their fellow workers in Germany, Pussia, Bohemia and toward tarian Republic not only of Russia but also to them.
the Jewish workers. The Polish bourgeoisie of the world, under the most difficult and Recently this form of labor fight was wants to use you as defender of its class interests. It is to the great advantage of trying conditions that are pressed upon conducted successfully by 15, 000 workers at that bourgeoisie that you should forget your them by the brutal imperialistic Allies. Kawasaki ship yard at Kobe. The method own needs and forget Socialism. The Communist Party of Poland is This struggle and heroic and enthusiastic they adopted was sabotage for ten days.
marching toward the dictatorship of the fight against the worst reactionary capital Every worker reported at the ship yard as proletariat, toward a Socialistic order of soistic and imperialistic powers is all for the usual, all 15, 000 on duty getting oi course ciety. if we do not want to be bound by new world proletariat.
wages, but actually producing nothing!
fetters we must begin our own revolution, we must throw down the rule of the bourWe hereby celebrate the second anniver Thus they earned not only wages but also geoisie and transfer all power into the hands sary of the Russian Socialist Republic. hour day with 10 hour pay and even inof the Councils of workers delegates in all towns and villages of Poland and we are We congratulate our Russian comrades crease of this pay.
deeply convinced that these councils will above all in their splendid display of capacity This has now proved to be the best form become the centers of the struggle of broad masses of the proletariat.
exhibited in the actual work of building the of fight against employers in Japan, for the We want no classes in the country and new Socialist Republic in spite of all the law and police cannot reach the workers and we want to deprive the millionaires of their millions.
obstacles and difficulties.
there is no need of strike funds! The sabo Workingmen and women! All promises Their constructive works already so iar tage has now become a vogue in Japan.
that the Constitutional Assembly will bring happiness to the masses are lies. The masses advanced will encourage the workers of the It is also reported that some Japanese of the people can expect nothing good from world in their struggle against their own soldiers have joined the Bolsheviki in Sithat Assembly. The main task of the Assembly is the struggle against the workexploiters and oppressors.
beria; and much propaganda is being carried ing class. Supported by power of the Russian Soviet Republic has become now on there and also in Japan. The latter by Assembly the Polish bourgeoisie will start warfare against labor organizations, the guiding spirit and living example that the returning soldiers from Siberia, Japanese against the right to strike and against the is causing the working masses everywhere comrades with underground literature. Also loafing of the unemployed. They will attempt to prolong the working day, to le to realize what a great possibility and hope there are some Russian Bolsheviki in Japan.
galize starvation wages and to drive us out there is in the Soviet system for them!
It is also reported that the Korean upinto the rural districts slave for the landowners. The Constitutional Assembly The Socialist Revolution was victorious risings of last spring were the direct resul will only initiate special laws against the not only in Russia but also in other capitalist of propaganda of the Bolsheviki.
workers and the peasants. It will approve of the budget of the nationalistic Governcountries. See how those capitalistic and It is admitted by the Japanese army authoment and it will heavily tax the poor peo imperialistic governments are rapidly los rities that the anti Japanese movements in ple, and what is more, the Constitutional Assembly will establish military conscrin ing their heads and proceeding to adopt China have been converted into a Bolshevik tion and will give to the Government sol unusual methods to sustain their lost cause mcseinent. Their principles are all those diers for a war against revolutionary Russia and against the Ukraine of the against the ever growing proletarian power! oi Bolshevism and their leaders are utilizing peasants.
Capitalism, indeed, is in the death the masses already roused against the JapanItaly Prepares for Civil War struggle. It faces the rising power of the ese Imperialists to turn them against the proletariat who are guided by the Russian rich and the Pekin Government.
According to news from Milan, Italy, Communist comrades.
These and many other happenings Avanti. Central Organ of the Italian It is a fitting occasion for us, the Japanese in Japan are the direct influence of the Party, printed a manifesto to the demobi Communists, in congratulating our Russian Russian Soviet System, and so we send lized members of the Socialist party in comrades upon the second anniversary of the warmest greetings and congratulatiors Rome in which it says: All members, the Russian Soviet Republic and the Novem to the Russian Soviet Republic.
especially those who still have their militaryber Bolshevik Revolution to make a report Long live the Russian Soviet Republic!
uniforms and who have the rank of officers, to them upon the condition of the Japanese Long live the Communist International!
are requested to send their addresses to the worlar at home. NONAKA secretary of the Socialist Party of Rome. Thanks to the Russian revolution the UNZO TAGUCHI They are also requested to state the rank Japanese workers have awakened, and since SEN KATAYAMA they held in the army. From the moment August 1918, the month of the gr at food The Committee of the Japanese Communist when it is permitted to a small minority of riots all over the country, they are revolting Group in America.