CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyLeninRadekSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

November 15tk. 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Hilevan The Party Organization Secretary remittances: Lithuanian No. 73 09 Ruthenberg, Executive 1219 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
The Response Is Increasing Party, which endorsed its program and constitution, to become units of the party organization.
Organization Progress The Organization Fund which is the fighting Other branches are expected to avail Charters have been issued to German Branches fund of the party in its work to build a strong themselves of this constitutional provision in the at Lorain, Mansfield, Canton, Bellaire and Akron, organization, had another big boost during the period since the last report was printed. The very near future. The Philadelphia Lettish all in Ohio.
following organizations and individuals have made Branch has this question up for November 13th.
The Pittsburgh City Central Committee has Lettish Branch, Newark 50. 00 Pamp ılet No. been organized with more than one thousand Ukrainian Branch, Wilkes Barre. 75 Because or printer troubles Pamphlet No. members represented.
Russian Branch, Cleveland 52. 30 Lithuanian No. 129 11. 03 containing The Development of Socialism from Russian Branch, Moline 19. 25 Science to Action was delayed. It is now ready The Amilcare Cipriani Italian Branch of Pietro Panek 10. 00 for shipment and orders are being filled. Prices Jersey City has joined the party.
12. 50 are 10c single copies, 25 copies 00, 50 copies Lithuanian No. 259 75 Ressian Branch, Newark.
18. 75 50 and 6c cash in larger quanties. This fine The state secretary of New Jersey reports the Karl Liebknecht, German, Detroit 00 essay by one of the brilliant minds of the Com organization of several English Communist Suskevich 15. 50 munist Party of Russia (Karl Radek is the Branches and more are on the way.
Jewish Branch, Springfield 21. 00 author) should be sold by all branches. Matuchachs 75 toanian Branch 00 The Stamford, Conn. English local has joined Russian Branch, Elizabeth 28. 70 the Communist Party.
Lithuanian No. 267 00 Every Communist organization, every Ukrainian Branches.
21. 75 Communist Party member should become Russian Branch, Wilkes Barre 60 a unit in the organization for the distribu The German Communist Federation is growing Russian Branch, Paterson 12. 75 tion of party literature and increase the Philadelphia, Lettish daily. The latest charter applications are from 26. 00 knowledge of the party principles by placJ. Kalman 15 the big branches in Detroit and Philadelphia.
ing books and pamphlets in the hands of the workers. To publish and distribute this The Detroit Branch sent 50. 00 for the OrganizaLithuanian, Middle Chicaen lettis. 65. 15 literature is one of the great functions of tion Fund with its application. Vincennes, Ind.
Wm. Brown 10. 00 our organization, for as lowledge and unGerman Branch has also joined the party.
Muskegon Russian 15. 75 derstanding increases among our members itucian Branch, Paul 18. 75 and the masses, our power grows.
Toledo Lithuanian 00 The Scandinavian Branch of Dorchester, Mass.
WI. Kroey.
32. 25 These Are Ready has presented its charter application. The FinnWanticoke Lithuanian 00 THE PROLETARIAN REVOLULincoln Russian 17. 05 ish Branch of Minneapolis has also voted to join 40. 10 Peabody Russian TION IN RUSSIA.
the Communist Party. Every indication point Detroit Polish 28. 65 By LENIN and TROTZKY.
to a big Communist membership from both these The response since the last report has been Edited by Fraina.
Federations as the result of pending referendums.
double that of the previous period. Let us keep Paper, 450 Pages.
on increasing it. The figures must go up. Every Single copies. 00 Smeh must do its part to reach the total of copies or more, each. 65 Nitety two charters were issued to Russian 25, 000.
Cloth: Branches with a membership of over five thousand Single copies. 50 last week. Other charter applications are still to Charters or more, each 00 This book contains the story of the Ruscome. The Lithuanian Federation branches are In order that there may be no misunderstand sian revolution as told by Lenin and Trotzky also sending in their applications in big bunches.
ing about the matter we wish to again emphain their articles written as the events took place.
size that no branch is officially affilliated with An English Branch with about 20 members the Communist Party until it makes application THE SOCIAL REVOLUTION IN has been organized at Ft. Wayne, Ind. as the for and receives a charter. Branches which have GERMANY.
result of the efforts of Comrade John Schedel, not yet made application should do so at once.
who was formerly organizer of Allen County.
Whore a City Central Committee is formed a Single copies. 15 charter for the City Central Committee is issued.
10 copies. 25 Hungarian Federation Joins 25 or more, each. 10 No charters are issued by City Central ComThe Hungarian Federation held its convention mittees, State Organizations or Federations. REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISM Branches are first branches of the Communist in Detroit, beginning Nov. Fifty two delegates By LOUIS FRAINA.
representing locals in all the large cities of the Party and all must secure their charters from the Single copies. 50 National Organization.
10 copies. 00 country were present. After a thorough discus25 copies 00 sion of the situation the convention voted 39 to Fifty or more, each. 30 13 to affiliate with the Communist Party.
Get Your Party Button. Manifesto, program, Constitution of The thirteen votes cast in the negative were The supply of buttons with the party emblem the Communist Party and Report to either for affiliation with the as a thereon is now available. Single buttons are 5c.
propaganda organization or for the Federation In lots of 25 or more they are 3c each. Show. the International.
remaining independent, there being no sentiment Single copies your colors. 10 among the delegates for either the Communist 50 copies.
Labor Party or the Socialist Party.
The Leaflets Go Out 50 100 or more, each. 06 Ruthenberg delivered an address of greetTen thousand copies of this pamphlet ing to the convention in the name of the Central It is a pleasure to watch the work of the ship have already been sold. The title speaks Executive Committee of the Communist Party.
ping department at the National Headquarters for itself.
these days. Every day brings additional orders Send order and remittance to There are about fifty active branches in the 1219 Blue Island Ave.
for big bunches of all the propaganda leaflets.
Chicago, III.
Federation which has a membership of about 500.
Branches in every corner of the country are throwing themselves into the work of literature propaganda. After learning the quality of the FIRST ISSUE leaflets the National Organization is putting out quite a number of the party organizations have placed standing orders for each leaflet as issued.
At the present rate of progress it will soon be an easy matter for the party to distribute Critical and Scientific Magazine of the Communist Party of America. Ninety six million leaflets within a few days from the time they are off the press.
pages of special articles and editorials. special literature bulletin is now being printed and will soon be sent to all the party branches Features of First Issue: It contains suggestions for the organization of The Proletarian Revolution and the Betrayer Kautsky. By Nicolai Lenin branches so as to bring every member into the The Red Army work of distributing and selling the party litera Communist Party Problems By Leon Trotsky By Louis Fraina Dictatorship and Democracy First Branch Joins The Communist Party, Manifesto and Program By Maurice Sugar The South Slavic Socialist Labor Party Branch Unionism and Reconstruction in Russia By Bittelman By Koseleff at Mount Olive, Ill. has the honor of being the first branch of that organization to accept the Other articles and 28 pages of Editorials invitation of the Communist Party to join in Out about November 20th. Send orders at once. Single copies 25c. Bundles of or more 150 building a strong, united revolutionary working class roovernent in this country. charter has SEND ORDER TO been issued to this branch.
The Communist Party constitution extended an COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA Invitation to all branches of the Socialist Labor 1219 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE Party as well as former branches of the Socialist CHICAGO, ILL.
25 copies. 03 The Communist International a tare.