BourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyFranceImperialismItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers MovementWorking Class

Italy and the Revolution Year TALY is already in a state of RevoluBy Sylvia Pankhurst shall be a rule oi tie Party that all Socialist Members of Parliament, as a condition of took an active part in the revolutionary From an article in The Worker Dreadtheir candidature, shall place in the hands of agitation which preceded the creating or nought. the Party Executive a signed letter of rethe Hungarian Soviets.
The Workers Movement in Turin.
signation from Parliament, which the Exe Italy is to day what Hungary was last cutive may at any moment send to the The same revolutionary types are in the city of Turin the Socialist Party Government, and thus secure the witienerging. There is the same high cost of las 1, 000 members, of whom about 50 only drawal of the II. if the Party thinks that living the same scarcity of necessaries, the are women. The members subscription he has deviated uduly from the policy of same unemployment, both civil and mil varies according to the occupation of the the party. This plan. it is contended. would itary member; students and manual workers pay preserve party discipline amongst Socialist The struggle for Fiume, he declared, will 70 centesimi per month, professional men Members of Parliament and would insure hasten the military disorganization; soldiers pay lire a month. Every nember must their adhesion to the principles of the Sociwho wish to desert will go to Fiume or, belong also to the national Socialst Party, alist Party.
mer often, allow it to be thought that they for which the subscription is lire a year. Gramsci, on the other hand, though not a ha sone there. The excuse will be ac Those who desire to join the party must single Italian Socialist Member of Parliacercate to the officers, who approve the sign its programme, and no one is received ment is satisiactory irom his standpoint, annexation. Annunzio has set with impu as a member who has belonged to any thinks little of this proposal. He rights nity ar example of insubordination which capitalist political party within a year at says that should a Member of Parliament other will follow. The Army and the least. Members of the Socialist Party must betray the Socialist Party and the Party Gorenment have taken opposite sides upon belong to a Trade Union if there is one then cause resignation, the iorces of reaction the Fiume question; therefore a wedge has which they are eligible to join.
would combine to support him, and he would be driven between the Government and In addition to the Socialist Party of Tu probably be returned. Gramsci bases his its mitary forces, which may lead to a rin, there are 25 Socialist Clubs which to advocacy of Parliamentary action rather wide caii The nationalist spirit of Italy gether have a membership of 5, 000. Every on the argument that if the Socialist abstain has it aroused, and that spirit will eventumember oi the Party must belong to a Soci from such action, tlie workers who are not alle break loose irom restraints and dash alist Club, but members of the Clubs need yet advanced enough to look beyond Pardinonward to the formation of a nationalist not join the Party. The Clubs are in fact ment will driit away irom the Socialist ParRerole. Thus will come the bourgeois recruiting and training centres for the Party.
ty and come under capitalist influences. He resolution. After that Italy, suffering unEach Club has its own premises and comurges also the propaganda value of election de the blockade which the other Allied priscs divisions: work, saying that the censorship has checke!
nations will apply by way of punishment, Adult men.
propaganda, but that election propagandists will pass on to the rising of the masses, the Youths between 14 and 25.
need not fear the censorship.
dictatorship of the proletariat, the Soviets, Women and girls over 14 years.
The time of the election contest is the and Communism.
time, he declares, in which the workers are Fiume is coveted by Italian capitalists, Upwards of 300, 000 discharged soldiers inost revolutionary. The instances of coerbecany the possession of this port would have been organized into a Socialist organi cive manipulation of the clections cited to facilitate Italian trade with Central Europezation for disabled soldiers. This work has us made this easy to understand.
and the provision for Italy of coal, oil and been largely done by Young Socialists. It At Igiezia, in Sardinia, we were told, tie other needed raw material. Italian Imperi was found that there was a natural tendency miners supported a Socialist candiate. The alis probably thinks also that an Italian for the discharged soldiers in the villages to police went to one of the miners meetings, Firme may be the jumping off place for meet together to discuss their war experien and slipped knives into the pockets of Sofuture conquests.
Italians believe that ces, and since they belonged to all sorts of cialist enthusiasts, marking the coats of British imperialists are opposed to the Ita varied occupations cobblers, blacksmiths, these same men with chalk. The men whose lian possession of Fiume, because Britain and so on and as many were unable to coats were marked with chalk were presentcould secure more control over the port work at all, it was found casier to link them ly arrested, and as they were of course found and the territory behind it if it were held together in a discharged soldiers organiza to be in possession of illegal weapons, they by a weak newly created Slav nation than tion for Socialism. There is also a bourgewere imprisoned until after the election day.
by Italy.
ois organization for discharged soldiers. At Gioia del Colle between 500 and 600 SoThereiore Italian nationalism, stimulated cialist electors were imprisoned over the dav by the press, flares up on the Fiume In Turin the. Majority Socialist move of the election. In another district a table question. Even some of the Italian pri ment stands for the Soviets, and believes in was placed across the entrance to the ballot vate soldiers are asking: Of what use is the necessity of insurrection. In the Camera box. Supporters of the Goverument were the League of Nations when it allows del Lavoro, a meeting was being held the allowed to enter by crawling under the table.
Britain and France to make great gains by night we were there, to discuss the military opponents of the Government were beaten the war and refuses this to Italy?
organization of the workers.
back with sticks and prevented from voting On the other hand, Socialist comrades There are three main currents in the ItaThe Italian General Election has been speak also of other tendencies. Italy was lian Socialist movement: called by the Prime Minister, Nitti, because but recently a nation; there is a movement Those who believe that Socialism can he cannot solve the Fiume question to the in her component parts to break away un be won through Parliament, and desire to satisfaction both of the Italian bourgeois der the debts and scarcity which are the obtain a Parliamentary majority for the opinion and of the Big Four.
harvest of the war.
Should any part of Socialist Party.
Gramsci and others believe that the result the old kingdom break away, it would re Those who wish to establish the Soof the present election will be the return of pudiate its share of the war debts of United viets, and desire to use Parliamentary aca larger band of Socialists the elimination Italy; this is an inducement to disunity. tion for propaganda purposes only. who of the Liberals, an increase in strength for Should one of the old kingdoms break believe that the Socialist aim is not the parties of reaction, including the Christaway, it would call itself a republic and curing a majority; they consider that ian Socialists, whom they allege to be more make a pretence of setting up a democracy; eventually an insurrection will be necessary. reactionary than the Liberals, and who they that is a necessary pretence of the present Those who believe in abstaining from believe will secure a larger number of seats day. Bat there is no half way house to Parliamentary action altogether and in by promises which they will be unable to democracy in times of scarcity; it is either bending all energies now towards preparing fulfil. strongly militarist Government share and share alike, or the rich seize the for the Soviets and the insurrection.
major portion whilst the poor die of want. In Turin the last two factions predomin is anticipated and it is believed that this may goad the Italian workers to insurrection.
In iace of famine and danger there are ate, but it is important to notice that all only two alternatives the Soviets or the three sections belong to the one Socialist dictatorship of the rich.
Chicago Meeting Nets over 1000.
struggling with the overpowering dificulties Turint Socialist Party. and Gramsci, the land Auditorium nettet otiere 1000 for created by the war, the movement of the Editor of Ordine Nuovo, a new pro organization work, to be divided between proletariat is growing apace in numbers, Soviet weekly, both advocate Parliamentary City Central and National Office. This tesin strength, in coherence, and in strength action for propaganda purposes.
tifies to the character of the Revolution and definition of purpose.
Rabuzzana and others are agitating that it celebration by the Chicago Communists.