CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismLeninSocialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

communism and American Psychology the unique variety of working class HERE has been much casuistry about the strike so much that worries me.
It agencies crippled by the strike. There isn what behind and underneath the strike. ve been staying pretty close to Virden the much question but that Ed Norton, if he set psychology in these United States. The last few years, and don know about the his mind upon the problem of just how it is rest of the country. But if the way Ed Communists have patiently retorted that the Norton and those boys talk is a sample of all going to happen what he expects to hap psychology will come along all right; that the general talk, why things are pretty bad. pen soon would accept the Communist capitalism will take care of that.
Which is to say, pretty bad for the usury conception of mass action.
From the coal district of Illinois comes the business.
It is Ed Norton and his fellows who are verification of all that the Communists have We do not think our friend Ed Norton going to give living definition to the whole said about American working class psych would object to enlarging the union idea ology, in the accounts of Ben Hecht (Chi.
so as to let in the 90 of the wage workers program of Communism.
cago Daily News) of interviews with the as yet unorganized and the council or so There is plenty of red blood in the tall gawky down state citizens who look like viet idea undoubtedly would meet his ready American working class. And red blood Abe Lincoln and talk like Nikolai Lenin.
acceptance for this purpose. Nor would Ed pumping through the hearts of millions Norton object to a Central Administration Ed Norton is the heart of the miners upon millions of workers denied life and strike. He repeats when he talks the day by the unions and soviets, with suffrage light for themselves and their children is by day gossip that goes on under the dull limited to wage workers, and with the bound to produce red thinking. That why glow of the carbide lamps in the pit. Ed and his fellows have figured out in the last avowed program of making an end of the Communism meets the American psychtwo years that the world was changing and profit system which accounts for the present ology. It is of the red of love of life and that the time was coming when labor would do all the talking.
price of sugar and beef. Ed Norton would freedom; red of a united humanity. m no red, lad. m talking to you as quickly catch the points involved in the Dicone American to another. Now, what. When Ed Norton understands that the government? It a sort of scattered insti tatorship of the Proletariat, which is the tution that can help a man. It too sort same kind of a fight faces the working class working class organ of control to replace the o cumbersome.
in every country; when he understands what Take the unions, now. They re different. government which is sort o out of it You can get action through the union.
methods will be used against his fellows in except ior purposes such as are plainly reDown state here nobody thinks much o government. We all have our unions, and the vealed in the strikes now going oon.
this fight as evidenced by the butcheries of workingmen whose demands are not based government is sort o out of it. guess as how there going to be a Ed Norton would probably allow that the general strike soon and as how the unions general strike sufficient for the purposes of upon a high degree of organization and are demands which really challenge the perare going to win out all over and take making the big change would be of a broader petuity of the profit system; when he gets charge of affairs. Then, believe me, you won be payin no 20 cents a pound for and somewhat more positive nature than the the vision and the feeling of the class strugsugar or no 40 cents a pound for beef. ordinary unionist understanding of the gle as a revolutionary conflict now in full Now, hope you re convinced. Why, my father was postmaster in this same city gencral strike. It would include hundreds swing, not only in Europe but in darkest thirty years ago, and what ve been tellin of thousands, millions of unorganized workyou is what every American thinkin right this moment. Now, you go put that in your ers. It would proceed to build out of itself and deportations, and military suppression America with its political imprisonments paper and give folks the truth once.
organs of permanent administration to suipof strikes, then Ed Norton will not be so plement the unions, as the strike gets beyond quick to disclaim the red color, the common The reporter also interviewed the town the goal of a stoppage of work to. coerce banker wage and hour concessions from employers, banner of this world wide fight. have no love for the mine operators, as the strike takes over the social functions There is plenty of red in the American said the banker. The boys are pretty near right in asking what they are. But it isn usually performed by the capitalistic psychology.
Law and Order in Hungary Command order againerages in Hungary.
to Friedrich simplu bewyse he opnoses a separate treaty with Roumania. Moraily and politically such step would be a disasLOS D:11. dei.
Mexico and the Russian Blockade HE following resolutions were unanimSome extracts from special correspondence to the Manchester Guardian are here reprinted. The Rumanians are stripping the whole land as they go, leaving not one span of oxen to the peasants, taking even bedding, and the rings from the fingers of the women.
The looting seems sheer Schadenfreude (pleasure in the trouble of others, especially of those whom one has formerly feared or envied. so stupidly and recklessly is it done. It is heartbreaking to see the giant lathes from the national arsenal at Raab, of English or German make, with base plates wantonly smashed to get them into unsuitable waggons, or other parts wrenched off to enable them to pass under railway bridges. Parts from printing presses, lathes, borers, steel furnaces, and similar plant are piled up together in hopeless, unsortable confusion in one railway truck.
The mechanical equipment of the national industry is being turned into scrap steel, the inevitable result of turning soldiers to such work, particularly such a vicious, ignorant instrument as the Rumanian army.
nization of international brigands and murderers, guilty of starving the babies of Germany, sending soldiers to kill the workingmen of Russia and plotting to seize and enslave the people of Mexico; BE IT RESOLVED, By Local Mexico of the Communist Party of Mexico, in regular meeting assembled, Saturday evening, October 18, 1919, that it denounces the so called invitation issued by the League of Nations to the government of Mexico, as an in.
sult to the very government that this League is secretly and treacherously conspring to overthrow an insult to the intelligence of the Mexican government and Mexican people, implying that they are so stupid as to become instruments in the hands of their enemies, and an insult to the integrity and manhood of the Mexican government and Mexican people, implying that they are so depraved as to participate in such fiendish business; and BE IT RESOLVED, That Local Mexico City of the Communist Party, while expressing complete confidence that neither President Carranza nor Secretary of State Berlanga nor any other official of the Mexican government will countenance this wicked.
and wanton proposal, will communicate this protest in writing to President Carranza, Secretary of State Berlanga and such other officials as may be deemed advisable; and further BE IT RESOLVED, That copies of these resolutions be sent to Ma lens, head of the office of the Russian Soviet Republic in New York, the Communist Parties of the world, the Communist and Socialist newspapers in Mexico, the United States and other countries, and to Nikolai Lenin, premier of the people government in Russia.
Adopted. Mexico City, Mexico, October 18, 1919.
of the Communist Party of Mexico: WHEREAS, The so called League of Nations, which is in reality a league of imperialistic bandits using the governments of the victorious nations and the new tyrannical international government they have created, has issued to the government of Mexico an invitation to participate in the blockade of the people government of Soviet Russia; WHEREAS, This same League of Nations insolently refused Mexico admission as a member with other nations, thus denying the 16, 000, 000 Mexican people and their goyernment a voice in its affairs; WHEREAS, The unscrupulous financial interests which really own and dictate the acts of this League of Nations, are the same interests that are conducting a vile and slanderous newspaper campaign in the United States against the people of Mexico, in order to fan the flames of national prejudice into the hideous conflagration of another war; WHEREAS, This same League of Nations has imposed on the helpless people of Germany the most brutal and inhuman terms of peace in the history of the world, taking from the German people one fourth of the milk cows of that country and condemning 600, 000 German babies to starvati WHEREAS, This same League of Nations has prevented the shipment of surgical instruments and anesthetics into Russia to be used in hospitals and recently stopped a Swedish Red Cross ship from taking food to the suffering children of Russia; and WHEREAS. It is perfectly evident that this League of Nations is a criminal orgaAll telegraph apparatus at the General Post Office has been dismantled. Eight hundred locomotives, 81, 000 waggons laden with loot, have already crossed the Theiss bridge to Rumania, leaving only 4, 000 waggons for 6, 000 kilometers of railway line in Hungary. civilized nation is now without possibility of communication.
The Rumanians have commandeered 150 million crowns of Legation blue money from the Austro Hungarian Bank, paying in return the same amount of now worthless Soviet socalled white money. This leaves the Treasury without money to pay State officials and completes State bankruptcy.
The British American Missions here are believed to be recotamending recognition by the Entete of the adventurer Friedrich and his anti Semite, White terroristic, incompetent, crime stained Government. Not having the least understanding of political realities in Hungary, and obsessed by their thoToughly justified animosity and contempt towards the Rumanians, they are favorable LIEBKNECHT BOOKS PROSCRIBED That the revolution in Germany did not change anything but the personnel in the high positions, is proved by the prohibition and confiscation of Karl Liebknecht book Militarism. That is the kind of democracy the Allied governments favor for Germany. Very much like the American variety.