BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSovietWorking Class

Phases of Communist Reconstruction, cial strata.
vas OMRADES! It is very natural that in By Lenin action is lost. But at present, if we calcaiate the material :ncans in the whole world (From a Report to the 8th Congress cí the we must adınit that the bourgeoisie is mavolution we should place the greatest emRussian Communist Party. terially stiil stronger than we are. This is phasis now on one, now on another of the intricate and important questions of social by saying: the dictatorship of the proleta why nine tenths of our attention, of our life. And it at present we find it necessary rint. This is an absolute absurdity. We practical activity. had to be devoted to the to discuss the question of onr work in the know from history periectly well that the fundamental task. the overthrow of the villages and detach from this question pri dictatorship oi the democratic bourgeoise Lourgeoisie, the strengthening of the proce marily the condition of the middle peasant, means nothing cise than the beating down teriat, the eradication o every possibility of it cannot be considered strange and ab of the rising workers. So it was, beginning the return of the Bourgeoisie to power. It normal from the standpoint of the develop in 1834, at any rate. llistory shows that tras absolutely natural. lawiui, inevitable.
ment of the proletarian revolution.
particularly in bourgeois democracy does and a great deal of it was successfully se Of course, the proletarian revolution had the fiercest struggle develop betreen the complished.
to start from the fundamental relation proletariat and the lourgeoisie, unfolding The Question of Other Social Strata.
between the contending classes, bet teen the itself widely and freely. We were con Now we must place on the order of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The fun vinced by practice of the correctness of this dar the question concerning the other sin damental problem was to transfer power in truth. And if the polier or the Soviet He must. this was our comGovernment from November 1917 to the hands of the working class, to semon conclusion in the agrarian questio: cure its dictatorship, to overthrow the characterized by adherence to this truth in and on this we believe ail our party workers questions, it is exactly because we never will agree, for we only summarized their bourgeoisie and deprire it of those sources of power, which undoubtedly are a hind receded irom this truth. We never forgot observations We must place on the orde.
it. Only the dictatorship of one class the of the day in its entirety the question of rance in any work of Socialist reconstrucproletariat can solve the problem insolved the middle peasantry.
tion. Being familiar with Marxism, we never cioubted the assertion that the decisive role in the struggle for domination. Only the Of course, there will be people who inin capitalist society must belong, according dictatorship of the proletariat can conquer stead oi reasoning out the course oi ourevolution and comprehending what proto the proletariat or to the bourgeoisie. But overthrow the bourgeoisie. Only the proces lems we are iacing, will utilize every step of now we see many former Marxists, for in tariat can carry the masses in the struggle the Soviet Government as a target to stance from the camp of the Mensheviki, against the bourgeoisie.
scorniul laughter and so called criticism, oi Nevertheless, under no condition does who claim that during the period of dethe type which we observe among our gentcisive struggle of the proletariat with the it follow, such a view would be a great Jemen Mensheviki and Right Social Rerolbourgeoisie the regime of democracy can be mistake. that in the future construction of utionaries. These are people who hare 100 maintained. So speak the Mensheviki in Communism, when the bourgeoisie is alas yet comprehended that they must choose complete unison with the Social Revolutio ready overthrown, when the political power between us and the dictatorship of the naries. As if the bourgeoisie does not establish or abolish democracy according that we can then afford to reject the aid of bourgeoisie. We have maniiested towards the middle class, intermediate elements. It them much patience and even good naturedto its own sweet will. And once that is so ness, we shall once more give them the bewhat sense is there in the talk of democracy is natural that in the beginning of the pro neiit of our good naturedness, but in the retarian revolution the attention of its ro at the time of the fiercest struggle between near iuture our patience and good naturedthe bourgeoisie and the proletariat. It is only presentatives is concentrated upon the main ness will be exhausted, and it at that time too surprising how quickly these Marxists and essential task domination by the pro they will not have arrived yet at a definite or would be Marxists, like the Mensheviki, letariat and safeguarding against a return choice, we shall most earnestly offer then display their true colors, how quickly their of the bourgeoisie to power. He realize true nature is exposed, the nature of petit perfectly well that the bourgeoisie still re help to go to Kolchak (aplause. We do tains certain advantages derived either from not expect very brilliant thinking from those bourgeois democrats.
All his life Marx chiefly fought against wealth in foreign countries, or in the form people. laughter. But we expect that have the illusions of petit bourgeois democracy of money hidden by it right here in this ing experienced the cruelty oi Kolchak ther could understand tiat we have the right to and bourgeois democratism. Marx con country. We realize perfectly well that the stantly ridiculed tite liberty of the worker bourgeoisie has not abandoned the hope vi demand of them that they make their choice between us and Kolchak. If in the firs: under capitalism. which means his liberty regaining power. has not ceased plottilig months after November many naive people to die of hunger. and that equality of per to restore its domination. But this is by were foolish enough to think that the dicsons to sell their labor and of the bougeois far not all. The bourgeoisie whose iaith tatorship of the proletariat is something who has an equal right to buy that labor is: Where is the money there is our freely, buy in a so called free market, etc. country, the bourgeoisie which financially ephemeral, accidental, at present even the and has long been international. the bourgeoisie should understand that there is something Social Revolutionaries In all of his economic writings Marx endeavored to clarify this point. It might in its world sphere is as yet stronger than in the nature of a law operating in the strugbe said that Marx entire Capital is dewe are. It is beginning to grasp that its voted to the exposition of the truth that domination is shaking, that its freedom of gle which is now carried forward under the the basic forces of capitalist society are emonslaught of the international bourgeoisie.
bodied in the bourgeoisie and the proleIn reality there exist only two forces: the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the dictariat. the bourgeoisie as the builder of that capitalist society, and the proletariat tatorship of the proletariat. Whoever did not find that in the writings of Marx, or in as its grave digger, as the only force capable of supplanting it. There can hardly be Czarism in America the writings of all the great Socialists, was found a chapter in Marx not dealing with never a Socialist, understood nothing about this question. It might be said that the SoSocialism, but merely called himself a SoSunday, Nov. 16, P.
cialists of the world as represented in the cialist. We give these people a little time Second Internationale have sworn numberto think it over and demand that they settle Ashland Auditorium less times before the workers, attesting their this question. speak about them, because understanding of this truth. But when (CARMEN HALL)
they say or will say: The Bolsheviki raise events reached the stage of the decisive Ashland Blvd. and Van Buren St.
the question of the middle peasantry in ordstruggle between the proletariat and the Leading Communist Speakers from er to entice it. am fully aware that such bourgeoisie for power, then we observed New York, Boston, and other cities. arguments and even arguments of a cheaper how our Mensheviki and Social RevolutioCommunists are arrested thoughout sort are given much space in the Menshenaries as well as the leaders of the Socialist the country and many are being held vik press. We throw them to the winds, for deportation, upon no evidence other partie of the world renounced this truth because we pay little attention to the clapthan membership and activity in our and began mechanically repeating pseudo party. This is a time for a strong showtrap of our opponents. People capable of scientific phrases about democracy in gening of solidarity vacillating at the present time between the eral.
Auspices of Communist Party of bourgeoisie and the proletariat may say The Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
Chicago and of the National Office. what they please. We go our own way.
Some are trying to add to these words a Meeting opens promptly at 2:00 Our path is first of all determined by the something to make them still stronger ADMISSION FREE weighing of class power. In capitalist so (Continued on page 8)