AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeTerrorismViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Petrograd it says: of revolution under certain conditions: as The L. in Action a mass revolutionary factor, physical force movement, the Socialist treabert Painte chy. Was Marx an Anarchist when he said (that is, the pitiful remnants of a once virile that force is itself an economic power and THE military campaign against Petrothat force is the midwife of every old socorganization) has, through its official organ, has been driven back, almost routed, and carried on a campaign of gutter abuse and icty pregnant with the new? The Communist International indicates the function the Red City is out of danger, while the misrepresentation of American Communism.
Now this lying, slanderous, provocative of force in the final revolutionary struggle; Communist Army of Revolutionary Russia campaign against the Left Wing is being according to the the Communist is carrying on a successful joint offensive International must, therefore, be an agg eagainst Yudenitch and Denikin.
carried on against the Communist Party.
Petrograd is not a vital military centre.
This campaign would not matter much if it gation of Anarchists. And the denies that it repudiates the Communist Inter The capture of Petrograd by Yudenitch were against the Communist Party as a national!
would not materially alter the military situaparty; but it is a campaign against ComNor does the realize that in pretion in Russia, it would be a Pyrhhic victory.
munist principles and tactics, and it is, moreover, a campaign directly instigating revolutionary periods the supreme form of Why, then, the glee with which the false Capitalism against the Communist move mass action is the political strike, and the reports of the capture of Petrograd were political strike does not involve the use of received by the capitalist press? Because ment.
Capitalism stigmatizes mass action as physical force that where physical force Red Petrograd represents the soul of the meaning riots and mob violence the may develop out of a political strike it is Russian Communist Revolution, it is a symP. repeats that mass action means riots and an expression of capitalist repression and bol of the Revolution.
mob violence.
Petrograd was the scene of the decisive Thus far, The People editorial is simply events of the first Revolution, and the scene Capitalism stigmatizes the Communist Party as representing Anarchy the stupid, if viciously stupid; but it proceeds of decisive events of the Bolshevik revolution. In the imagination of the Russian further and steeps itself in dishonor when repeats that the Communist Party represents Anarchy.
people and of the world, Petrograd has become identified with the Revolution Anarchy below produces anarcliy al ove, This campaign of provocation as well as vice versa. Let not the Socialist is contemptible. It is treason to Socialism.
As the symbol of the Revolution, PetroWe shall not discuss the fact here that Party complain of raids, attacks 1:y Ameri grad represents an important prize. The the has learnt nothing concerning can Cossacks, of long jail sentences fr its attack by Yudenitch upon Petrograd, actactics during the two years of the prole martyrs. It has called this down upon its cordingly, was an attack upon the Idea of tarian revolution in action; it is the privilege own head. It has also called it down over the Revolution. The comrades of Petrograd of men and women to close their minds to the head of the legitimate Labor and Socia were not simply defending a city, they were new ideas, and to make moss backs of list movement of the country. Our italics. defending the Idea of revolution; as this themselves. All we shall say concerning this It is almost inconceivable that an organi Idea is international, the attack upon Petrois that an organization that scorns the les zation styling itself Socialist and revolutio grad was an attack upon the developing sons of the proletarian revolution, that in nary should use such language.
world Revolution, and the intrepid and sucfact repudiates the tactical fundamentals of The implication of the is that, not cessful defense by our Petrograd comrades the Communist International, directly Capitalism, but the Socialist Party and par a defense of the World Revolution.
counter revolutionary. But even here we ticularly the Communists are responsible The decisive aspect in the war against might not quarrel with the but for the government terror against our moveCommunist Russia is that it is not so much when the lies vilely about the Comment. Repression is the nature of the beasts a war against the Revolution in Russia, as munist Party, when it blames Communist of Capitalism; but is seems the does a war against potential revolution in all anarchy for Capitalism arresting and im not know that, and blames our imprisoned the developed nations of the world.
prisoning agitators then, in the name of comrades for being imprisoned. The Allies, it is true, are defending imrevolutionary honor, we must emphatically Then the monstrous complacency of pity mediate interests in Russia their bloodprotest.
ing the legitimate Socialist movement loans to the Czar, money which was used This revolutionary dishonor of the pity the poor, cowardly, miserable, legiti to murder the Russian people, but which comes to a climax in the November mate that must suffer because of the Allies insist the Russian people repay.
issue of the Weekly People, the official the anarchy of the Communists!
They are defending, moreover, potential proorgan of the Socialist Labor Party. The The officials are a pretty bour fits which they may secure by exploiting People says editorially: geois aggregation of mongers of phrases. Russia natural resources under a capital The Socialist Party has left a numerous During the war, the played a cow ist government for, should the Soviet Govbrood, and the name of that brood is anarardly role: we remember the editorial plea ernment be overthrown, Russia would be chy.
of the Weekly People, at the time the dismembered and become an economic and This brood of anarchy refers to the for second Espionage act was passed, concern financial vassal of the Allies.
mer Left Wing and to the Communist Party ing the being lawful and believing But the Allies might waive these immeThe fact that fundamental Communist in lawful agitation, but that under the Act diate interests, since the war against Russia tactics, the tactics of the Communist Party, even the could not carry on its is unpopular among their masses.
But the are a direct denial of Anarchy, does not work, and warning the members general interests of Capitalism demand war concern the The People con against the radical Socialists of the Social against Russia because the successiul worktinues: ist Party!
ing of a Communist Republic in Russia house (the Socialist Party) thus Nor shall we forget that copies of the would inspire the workers of the World to divided against itself could produce nothing Weekly People were used during the establish similar Communist Republics but continuous disharmony and the child trial in Chicago by the Government and that would mean the end of Capitalism.
Ten of disharmony are disorder and anarchy. to prove that the advocated anar Communist Russia is a threat to internatThus we witness the split against itse chy, and was repudiated even by Socialists! ional Capitalism. Communist Russia is a into left wings and right wings, Communist Nor shall we forget that the Industrial menace to the stability of the imperialistic parties and Communist Labor Parties of Union News, organ of the organi peace of violence and plunder imposed by innumerable shades, advocating mass actzation, the when the Bolshevik the Peace Conference upon the world.
ion, mass strikes, mass struggles, e. call for a congress to organize the Commun The existence of Soviet Russia is an assurphysical force, naked or veiled.
ist International was printed in The Revo ance of the world Revolution. As long as Mass action is not anarchy. The lutionary Age, branded the call as having Soviet Russia endures, the international prothe petty bourgeois officials of which claim all the ear marks of the work of agent pro letariat must necessarily draw inspiration a monopoly of revolutionary knowledge, vocateurs.
should know of the controversy between from that fact and that symbol. Soviet RusIt is serious, this campaign of malicious Anton Pannekoek and Karl Kautsky, in provocation. It is serious, this work of de not only conquer power, but can actually sia is a living proof that the proletariat can which Kautsky claimed that mass action nunciation against Communism by an orga rule and reconstruct society, that Communand mass strikes represented slum proletar nization that claims to recognize the Com ism works. Soviet Russia is the inspiration ianism and anarchy, and Pannekoek bril munist International.
liant answers to Kautsky stupid miscon. it is the heart and brain of the coming ceptions. But the repeats Kautsky the repudiate this monstrosity.
Let the virile, revolutionary members of revolution of the international proletariat.
stupid characterization of mass actiono.
The successful defence of Petrograd For the officials of the have Anarchy and physical force are not one is a victory for Russia; but, more, it is a and the same thing. Physical force is a phase tionary honor.
neither revolutionary integrity nor revolu victory for the world revolution that is developing and must come.