CentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismWorkers PartyWorking Class

November 8th, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Twelve The Communist International Party of Mexico may soon become the maj of the Spartacans is certain during the comThe Communist Party of Mexico ority party ing winter months, or soon after.
HE Left Wing of the Mexican Socialist So far the Communist Party of America The Spartacans issued recently a ManiT Party is now provisionally organized has had no opportunity for such contact festo to the peasants of Germany calling as the Communist Party of Mexico, with with the new Mexican party as to formulate 11pon them to unite with the Communist its first convention scheduled for some time a basis for common action.
Party on the basis of its Agrarian Program.
in November. The break occurred at the The emergence, in Mexico, of an organiz This Program proved to be what the peasSocialist Party Convention (almost simult ation which seeks identify with the Comants of Germany were looking for, because aneously with the formal split of the Soc munist International is an event of great neither the majority Socialists nor the Inialist Party in this country. upon the is importance an event which may develop dependents were able to offer anything for sue of the seating of Luis Morones, the crucial significance in the Communist conthe benefit of the rural proletariat and the Mexican agent of Samuel Gompers. as a flict with American Imperialism.
small landowners of Germany, upon which delegate in the Socialist Congress. It was the success of Communism is dependent to this same Morones who sat in the Atlantic The Communist Situation in a large extent. After issuing this prograin, City Convention of the American Federation the Communists began to gain ground, of Labor as a fraternal delegate while a Germany mostly in the village Workers Councils.
sion of immigrants (from Mexico also) for PAPERS from Germany, Communist, While the Majority Socialists are trying to Independent Socialist and social patri prevent the spread of Communism by supa period of two years at least. The issue otic, are all in accord about one feature of pressing the Communist papers, the Indowas Gomperism versus radical unionism.
the revolutionary movement there. While pendent Socialists are lookiag with envy The main feature of the Communist pro Independent and Majority papers state with upon the rapid growth of their rival on the gram of action in Mexico is, of course, the a certain amount of fear, the Communist political field.
fight against intervention, and insistent ap papers state with satisfaction, the growth Both the Independent and the Majority peal is made to the American workers to of the Communist Party of Germany. It is Socialist parties are facing the danger of oppose the plans of our imperialists by rev admitted that the Communist Party is gain factional splits, by which the Communists olutionary mass action. The Communisting ground so rapidly that a new uprising alone will profit.
Declaration on Communist Unity come clear a statement now to the Communist Labor To the Executive Committee and the Adopted by the Central Executive Commitmembership as we made to the Communist Labor Members of the Communist Labor Party tee of the Communist Party.
delegates at Chicago. conference could add nothing to this statement.
Comrades:We will accept Communist Labor Party This statement by the Central Executive ComLeft Wing made every possible effort to head off branches as branches of the Communist Party, if mittee of the Communist Party is in reply to the conscious scheme to create a third party.
these branches or locals accept our program and your proposal of a conference between the two The National Left Wing Council made its appeals constitution. This will at once give this memberExecutive Committees to see if there is some basis to the Left Wing delegates at the Socialist Party for uniting the two parties.
convention individually and collectively. In the ship a basis of equality with the existing Communist units; and it will give this membership The Communist Party earnestly desires Comcaucus meetings of these delegates, before and full opportunity to choose their preferred delmunist unity in the United States. While there after bolting the Socialist Party convention, cgates for the June convention of the Comare some elements represented in the organizaComrade Ruthenberg made repeated efmunist Party. No elections or appointments in tion of the Communist Labor Party which have forts, in behalf of Left Wing unity, to get ef.
the Communist Party go beyond this June connot irrevocably severed themselves from the fective action for united building of the one ComSocialist Party in principle, it is our belief that munist Party. When these efforts were defeated, vention, so the membership will have every opportunity for sharing in the control of the party there are several thousands Communists who are by a combination of those who were not yet fully at this early date. There is also immediate renow identified with this party because of the cirdecided upon a decisive break with the Socialist cumstance that their delegates at Chicago atcourse to referendum on any matter, or al of Party and those who had to Chicago any party official, with every opportunity for tended the Convention which created the Compurposely to start a third party, and when a discussion of party problems in the party press munist Labor Party. These comrades, perhaps committee of the Communist Labor Party Conand its forums.
five thousand in number, are particularly from vention came over to offer merger to the OrganiIn order to avoid any embarrassment on account the Western States, where there was not close zation Committee of the Communist Party, the of work undertaken or expenses incurred, we ofcontact with the Left Wing developments.
appeal was again made that the Communist ConIn the Eastern States there are perhaps anfer to liquidate the national organization of the vention be given a chance to deal with these other five thousand of former members of the delegates as delegates, not as a party. otherCommunist Labor Party, to take over its work, liabilities and assets. This would absolve the ComSocialist Party who have been left in a state of wise there could be no merger.
munist Labor Party membership from confusion because their delegates at Chicago any We have charged and we now insist that the took part in the formation of a third party. In responsibility incurred by having joined the third organization of the Communist Labor Party was this group, however, it is not so clear that the party.
a deliberate act against Communist unity, so members thus represented are ready for the deFor such purpose, we will be glad to appoint far as the conscious manipulators of the situacisive step from Socialism to Communism. In a special committee to meet with a similar com tion were concerned. But we repeat that this this respect the membership situtation corremittee of the Communist Labor Party, this joint charge only touches a minority of the delegates sponds fairly accurately with the convention sitcommittee to arrange for the liquidation of the of the Communist Labor Convention. We repeat national organization of the Communist Labor uation out of which the third party arose, since that the membership is in no way to blame for in the Communist Labor Party Convention were Party.
this outcome of events at Chicago.
many delegates who had not before committed No other plan or proposal could be made in themselves to the formation of a new party.
The membership of the Communist Labor Party conformity with the decisions of the convention It is important that in so far as there are Com is no more to blame for the eagerness of the which are binding at all times upon this commitmunist elements in the Communist Labor Party National Secretary of the Communist Labor Party to run Socialist candidates and garner ied in the resolutions and in the constitution formtee. We can only interpret the decisions embodthat there be unity of these elements with the Communist Party.
Socialist votes. The membership is taking much ulated by the controlling organ of our partyThe question is as to the practical means to more seriously the issues which divide Socialists the Convention.
bring about unity. Will a conference between and Communists at this crucial time of class war.
We appeal to the Communist Labor Party the two executive committees be of any use for fare. Nor is the membership to blame for any membership which is truly Communist to take this purpose?
want of clarity and precision of Communist un this situation in their own hands and to compel We think not; and we believe that it is more derstand in the program and constitution of the unity on a fundamental basis. The actions of the to the point for our committee at once to lay party. Their response is to the idea of a fundadown the basis for unity which would necessarily mental break with the old Socialist conceptions mittee are the very best proofs that the CommuCommunist convention which bind us as a combe our governing instructions in such conference and the beginning of a militant Communist orga nist Party is founded firmly upon understanding The Communist Convention acted clearly and nization, and adherence to Communist principles. There decisively at Chicago, with the sincere purpose Unity is now a membership proposition, not never was any reason for the organization of a of attaining fundamental Communist unity. We an affair of dickering between executive officers.
cmld not deal with the Communist Labor Party The old issues which divided Left Wing delegates elements of indecision, except as it is in truth a third party, except as such a party embodies the 25 a party. though were most eager to have at Chicago mean nothing now to the membership. party of Centrism. There is no valid reason for with us the delegates in that convention who What interests them now is the actual creation the continuation of the Communist Labor Party were representatives of Communist membership. and work of a real Cornrunist organization. We except as a party of Centrism. We appeal to It is necessary to review our proposals made are doing the best service for Communist unity the Communists in the ranks of the Communist at that time. Wherever presented fairly to the by our work for Cornmunist principles, thus provCumanist membership, the action of our ConLabor Party to align themselves at once where ing our organization in action.
vention has been approved.
It would be folly to distract from our party for the better building of a party in America they really belong inthe Communist Party, At all stages preliminary to the creation of a work for a mless negotiations which could only with that staunch adherence to principle which third party, the official representatives of the encourage a state of indecision. We can make as alone can make a real Communist Movement.