BolshevismCommunismFranceGerman RevolutionImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietWorking Class

November 8th 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Eigtet 1100n.
And thus Soviet Hungary offensive ficial bureaucracy of which Budapest has their husbands and sons be given back to more than enough who for four years poisonthem. further factor was the fact that against the Roumanians on July 21st, at ed the Hungarian proletariat and drove it although the distinctions of the officers were first successful, instantly came to a standwith the proletariat of other countries abolished, the officers kept all the habits of still. The Roumanian officers gave the orinto that terrible human butchery, the very capitalistic inilitarism and relations with the der on July 28 to cross the Theiss and on August the social patriots reported to the same cruel element sat again on the back ranks were all but comradely.
The peasantry of Hungary, entirely re. People Commissaires the demand of the of the Hungarian proletariat. Imunediately Entente. that Kun government must re armed formations were established, comactionary, could not possibly be satisfied in the short time, because the agrarian ques siga, in which case the blockade would be posed of former officers, non commissioned lifted and the Roumanian offensive dis officers and non conscious soldiers, who tion could not be soired with the necessary continued. The Social Democrat Haubrich, fought for the defense of the old monarchy.
Finally the main reason for the collapse the commander of Budapest, described in terrible roundup of the Communists bethe blackest colors the dissolution of the gan in the streets and the houses.
Whoof the Soviet Republic was the blockade of the new capitalistic Holy Alliance of the Red Army. Bela Kun without opposition ever was caught, was shot on the spot and consented to the resignation, but Tibor Sa his body throin in the muddy water of League of Nations.
The aristocratic oligarchy, the magnates muelyi, the Robespierre of the Hungarian the Danube. On the first day hundreds of the Austro Hungarian regime, who op revolution, energtically opposed resignation of our comrades were killed. The prisons and demanded a fight to the end. The were transformed into human slaughterpressed the Hungarian proletariat, who were houses.
duty of the Hungarian Communists. he for half a century the solid pillars of German and Central European Imperialism, the said is to fight on the barricades for the The Hungarian proletariat now feels what gang of the kind Tisza rallied around the liberation of the proletariat of the whole it has lost. The Hungarian people never world Government of Szegedin, were the supporBut his voice was not heard. It was subdued. Even the history of Hunters of the Entente in the battle against the was decided to summon the general assem garian Socialism does not show any serious World Revolution, against Socialism. To bly of the 500 representatives of the prole persecution, because it always was socialgether with the Entente they waged a dirty tariat oi Budapest and vicinity, which patriotic. This is the great difierence betcampaign against the Soviet Government. should receive the sesignation and name the ween the Hungarian revolution and the The chief of the Entente mission, Lieutenant new government.
Russian revolution. In Russia since the upGeneral Romanelli, used his couriers. proLAST ADDRESS BY BELA KUN rising in 1830 the sparks of the revolution tected by immunity, to keep up connections AND COLLAPSE.
always were glowing. In the celts of the between the counter revolutionaires of Hunprisons, in the icy fields of Siberia, in the gary with the counter revolutionaires of the With full consciousness of the gravity of blood of the crushed strikes, and in the numworld.
the hour, the representatives of the Hunga berless insurrections the Russian workers rian working class assembled in the after developed class consciousness, revolutionary BEFORE THE COLLAPSE.
When Bela Kun appeared he was intelligence and a revolutionary tradition.
At the moment when the Czechs were greated by a frantic oration. The courageous All this Hungary lacked. For the first time beaten. Elemenceau demanded from the Sofighter, the soul and the brain of the Hun the Hungarian proletariat has to go through viet Government the withdrawal of the Red garian revolution, was very depressed. On all the terrible consequences of making an Army from all occupied territory, at the his tired face, with eyes red from lack of error in measuring the tempo of tire World same time notifying the Soviet Gorernment, sleep, one could feel the whole tragedy of Revolution. The World Revolution is devethat its representatives would be summoned this episode of the World Revolution, loping, but inuch slower than Beta Kun to Paris for the purpose of concluding peace The hearty ovation made Bela Kun only supposed. Still Hungary has not lost its and promising that the Roumanians would more nervous. While leaning on the back revolution, but only postponed it. The withdraw from all occupied territory. Bela of a chair, he started to weep like a little struggle Hungary was engaged in and will Kun did not suspect this promise and subchild. Then he became more calin and be have to go through again, will create the mitted. At the very moment when Czechogan to speak. Among other things he said: necessary class conscious, revolutionary inSlovakia stood on the verge of the revolution, Kun ordered the Red Army to stop The dictatorship of the proletariat rested telligence and revolutionary tradition for and to evacuate the occupied territory, conon three fundamental factors: on the spirit final victory.
senting to an armistice. This was the most of the Hungarian proletariat; on the possifutile error.
In Bohemia, where under the bility of establishing contact with CommuThe New Life In Russia.
nist Russia, and on the progress of the pressure of the bolshevist danger the govWorld Revolution.
ernment of Kramarz, the direct counterThose three factors (Continued from Page revolutionary cabinet, had to resign, the re partly or entirely failed to realize themselvolutionary Government. The crux of the action was strengthened. In Austria the ves and therefore the Hungarian Soviet Rewhole matter, in so far as internal politics He very same thing happened. And the volun public is given up to an early death.
are concerned, is that the Government and tary withdrawal, with the negative political would like to fight on the barricades rather the Communists in general have to sufier results, necessarily had a demoralizing efthan resign without a struggle. But he the consequences and take the responsibility iect on Hungary itself.
knows that the majority is opposed to such for the acts of enemies, of traitors, of imThe Entente used the armistice to deliver a proposition. And then the Soviet Governpostors, who find their way into the Roumanians tanks, machine guns and ment resigned.
ranks, of employees and officials who act other war matcrial through Jugoslavia in Then came the short lived government contrary to the good faith, carry out acts of order to strenghten the Roumanian army, of Peidl, composed entirely. of social sabotage and strive by every means in their and to start an instant unexpected offensive patriots, who during the whole period of power to put obstacles in the way of normal on the iront of the River Theiss.
the war stirred the chauvinistic instincts of life.
There was only one more hope left to the the proletariat and were supporting AustroIn spite of all this the country lives and is revolution in Hungary. An alliance with Hungarian Imperialism; and of the bureau reconstructing itself; new organisations Russia could not be accomplished.
The cracy of the trade unions. Peidl governspring up, although the flower of the workRussians concentrated all their strength to ment returned the means of production, ing class must needs leave the work of pubbreak the opposition of Kolchak in the Urals, which were expropriated by the Communists lic administration and go to the front. If and were not able to extend any help to to the former owners and established again you but knew with what joyful spirit of Hungary. The hopes of Bela Kun in the mo private ownership of the means of produc sacrifice the work of recruiting goes on here.
vement toward the leit in France and Eng tion; in short, the dictatorship oif the bourland were not in vain as to the fact, but they geoisie again come into existence. During officers which, in the spirit of enthusiasm have been present at meetings of Red were in vain as to the tempo. The movethat time the paid hordes of the Roumanian ment toward the left was alive but proceed Boyars (feudal landlords) approached Bu the best sense of that word. One always and courage shown, were truly religious in ed much more slowly than Bela Kun hoped. dapest, looting and destroying everything feels the difference between the war for the Only the international demonstration on they got hold of.
July 21st could still assist the revolution in masters and this war, which is our war.
The Government of Peidl did not exist Hungary. Doubtless, the postponment of three days. In the shadows of the Rouma convinced that the workers of other countThe people and their leaders are firmly the demonstration by the French Confedera nian bayonets and in the person of Grand ries will not allow the Russian Revolution tion of Labor meant the final blow to the Duke Joseph, the Hapsburg dynasty came Hungarian proletarian republic. Hungary like a vampire to life again. The monarch volution either, which, through untold difto be drowned in blood, nor the German Rewas isolated, without the hope of speedy ists carried out a Coup etat.
and effective assistance by Russia, betrayed ficulties, is slowly steering towards victory.
The very same rulers, the same oligarchy, by the international and Hungarian social speculators, officers, Christian Socialists and depends on the proletariat of the Entente.
At the present time the fate of the peoples patriots.
their appendages, and the whole corrupt of Encouraging news continues to reach us.