BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismLeninSocialismSovietWorking Class

Pago Seven Navember 8th 1919 THE COMMUNIST Collapse of Hungarian Soviet Republic And so FTER the downfall of the Austro HunFrom Nova Istina. The New Truth)
ranks of the slum proletariat and the hood garian monarchy the Hungarian demo Official Organ of the Communist Party of lums.
After the first decrees of the Soviet Goycrats, with Count Karolyi and Oscar Jaszy Jugoslavia, Aug. 29, 1919, at their head, came into power in Hungary.
ernment were introduced the bourgeoisie and the conservative intellectuals felt themThe new government tried to consolidate of the state entirely into the hands of the the remnants of the rotten feudal state of Social Democrats.
selves oppressed, and the petty bourgeoisie Hungary. But it was too late. Hungary and the slum proletariat became discouraged THE UNITY OF THE SOCIAL DEM becaused the iron discipline prevented them is a country where a handful of feudal land lords own three fourths of the land. The OCRATS WITH THE COMMUNISTS.
from looting and exploiting the gains of the different Tiszas undermined the corrupt revolution for their own personal advantThe Social Democrats now had to choose ages. Their movement accordingly turned governmental machinery completely.
The bourgeoisie of Budapest, the most from three alternatives: 1) Resignation; into counter revolutionary channels.
vicious in the world, was not able to con2) merciless war with th Communists; and Society dames, discharged detectives, solidate anything. And as always when the 3) unity with the Communists.
counter revolutionary officers, and nuns structure of a state is crumbling, and as Not willing to resign, and equally not driven from the convents, mingled in disKarolyi realized, there was only one solution very anxious to play the role of Ebert Schei guise with the unconscious masses and plotof the problem and that was to transfer the demann Noske, because they were the wea ted against the Soviet Republic, The Christpower of the state to the Social Democrats, ker and therefore unable to play that role, inn Socialists took advantage of the efforts who at that time were the only organized the Socialists chose the third alternative: of Bela Kun to accomplish the revolution body in industrial Hungary Unity with the Communists. Kunfy, who in a humane way and preached sedition openWith the aggressive onrush of the masses was minister in the government of Karolyi, ly in processions, in the churches, etc.
of workingmen for better working condi held conferences with Bela Kun. who was This tactic of Bela Kun, of accomplishing tions, more pay and more brend, Karolyi still in prison. On the basis of a platform the revolution a humane way, led to divislowly lost the power of government. Bela Kun had drawn in prison, unity of the sion on the left and on the right.
Meanwhile right after the downfall of two parties was realized. The platform cal. The left wing, under the leadership of Tithe dual Empire Hungarian comrades re led for the arming of the people, disarming bor Samuelyi, demanded radical measures turned from Russia, where, as prisoners of of the bourgeoisie, expropriation and con and formed under the name Lenin Boys war, they participated in the revolutionary fiscation of large estates, and the socialisaa terroristic group. When Bela Kun under struggle of the Russian working class. tion of the banks, the wholesale houses, the the pressure of the Entente tried to disperse Among them was Bela Kun, the president stores and the industries. On March 27, the that group and send its members to the front of the International Federation in Moscow. wire carried the famous message that the they defended themselves with machine The Communists at once began to clear Soviet Republic of Hungary had been proguns in the military camps and demanded the way among the workers of Hungary. claimed. All power was taken over by the the repeal of the order. Through the meThe Social Democrats, who during the war Workers. Soldiers and Peasants Councils, diation of individuals serious conflicts were discredited themselves, were unable to check who at their first convention constituted prevented the wave of Communism. In order to save themselves as the Hungarian Party of SoThe right wing, under Kunfi, the former themselves, they expelled the Communists cialist Communistic Workers.
right wing of the Socialists, sabotaged in from the party. And when the Communists Thus the revolution was achieved without the government and in all the Soviets as established a party of their own and carried disorder and bloodshed.
well With the co operation of the bouron an extensive propaganda of uncompro The news of the revolution in Hungary geoisie they weakened the moral strength of mising Communism, the social patriots was received with a certain reservation in the proletariat to a great extent.
started a merciless persecution of the Com revolutionary circles abroad, because of the far as there was honest effort among them, munists, who were arrested and prosecuted experience that without a revolutionary tra they were already too corrupt through their dition the social revolution can not be ac social chauvinism to be able to fill the imBut the results of that method brought complished. The bourgeoisie and the so portant revolutionary positions that they entirely different results than was expected. cial patriots saw in it only a game of the were holding. So the unity of the HungarIn the economic breakdown, in the complete Hungarian imperialists to save their integri. ian proletariat. that on March 21 was acinability of the corrupt bourgeoisie and the ty. In the meantime Bela Kun issued a pro complished by the leaders of the Comoligarchy, as well as in the treachery of the clamation in which he renounced the terri munists and the Socialists was only an illusocial patriots the workers in industry af torial integrity of Hungary and affirmea sion, because it contained the germ of dister industry abandoned the social patriots the ethnographic principle of self deter integration and went over to the Communists. This mination The organization of the Red Army was at movement was lead by the metal trade Such a transformation without bloodshed first a hard task, because of lack of real proworkers, the iron workers, the printing and can only be explained by the weakness of letarian discipline. The Roumanians and publishing workers, and then the railroad the Hungarian bourgeoisie, which could not the Czecho Slovaks with the help of the and transportation workers followed. Soon resist the aggression of the proletariat; and French troops were advancing toward Buall the groups of workers were on the side by the apathy and the nationalism of the dapest. At first the Red Army was defeated of the Communists, with whom already the petty bourgeoisie and the intellectuals. This at every point. On May not only the majority of the army stood as the armed example certainly will not repeat itself in bourgeoisie but the Communists anticipated background of the revolution. Then instant the world kevolution. The Hungarian in the collapse of the Soviet Republic. Neverly and unexpectedly came the coup of the tellectuals and petty bourgeoisie, who are theless, the Government did not lose hope Nepszava (the official social patriotic pa entirely conservative and uncultured, during and courage. The Central Workers Counper in Budapest. Though innocent, Bela the first day looked with favor on the dicta cil ordered the mobilization of half of the Kun and a number of other Communists torship of the proletariat, because they ex industrial proletariat. One half of the memwere placed under arrest. This act of the pected from it the salvation of their nation bers of the government in a noble proclasocial patriots aroused the workers, who alism and the satisfaction of their own per mation called upon the workers of Hungary heard the rumor that Bela Kun was badly sonal interests. Meanwhile, the Soviet Gov to defend the Socialist Republic. In the beaten by government agents in prison. Furernment carried on the socialisation of the short time of a few weeks the Red Army thermore, there was a rumor, that the gov banks, the industries and the commercial increased from 27, 000 to 240, 000 men. The ernment planned to deport Bela Kun to enterprises. All deposits in the banks over Roumanians were thrown back behind the some secret place, the amount of 20, 000 crowns were expro River Theiss; the Czechs suffered remarkIn the night of March 20 21 the Com priated and all large land holdings of over able losses, being compelled to give up twomunist forces under the leadership of Tibor 100 acres were declared the property of the thirds of the Slovak territory, in which a Samuelyi (who escaped from prison) equip Commune. Because of the lack of progres Slovak Soviet Republic was immediately ped with two batteries of artillery made an attack on Budapest and demanded the im cation proceeded very slowly.
sive intelligence the reform of public edu proclaimed. The formation of workers batWith the tallions raised the morale of the other formediate release of Bela Kun and all the energtic measures of the revolutionary ju mations; but when, under the pressure of other Communists.
diciary, crime decreased to a minimum. The the entente, the Red Army had to withdraw Count Karolyi, confused by the imperiali manufacturing and selling of alcoholic bev without a battle from the Czech front, the stic intentions of the Entente and the lust erages were prohibited, personal safety was spirit waned. While counter revolutionary for conquest of the Czechs and the Rouma assured much more than under the govern activity became more intense, proletarian nians, condemned and discredited personment of the bourgeoisie; but the bourgeoisie class consciousness began to disappear; the ally, found it advisable to deliver the power prepared the counter revolution within the working women publicly demanded that in masses.