BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismImperialismRussian RevolutionSovietWorking Class

November 8th, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Pago Six sants mediately are harmful to our diplomatic Our good Red Army, heroically battling compulsory training of workmen and pearelations. We may say with certainty that against pillagers making an effort to crush the intervention of the Allied powers would the liberty of the working masses deeply And now it is clear to everyone that innot have taken place if in the Spring of last stirred the imagination of the laboring mas ternational imperialism did not crush us, year we had such a strong and well organi ses of all lands. They began to take joy just because with their first blows, our army zed Red Army as we have now; if the Al in it and to learn to love it as the vanguard began to grow our army of workers and lied powers had not considered Russia easy leading them in their fight for power, fight peasants. The world counter revolution bait, which would not cost them much ef ing for them. The fight which we have to tried to choke the Russian workers with fort to conquer.
wage against the entire ideology of the old the hands of that Czecho Slovaks; in this As is known, the Czecho Slovak revolt bourgeois militarism and patriotism, which they did not succeed. The counter revolution mark the strengthening of the power of the organized excellently in the Don but now acted as the indirect excuse for the intervention of the Allied powers. It gave a ruling classes over the peoples, is made most that grey murderer, the hangman Krasnow, ready dependent wall in one of the most effectively through the pathos of the workers is already shedding tears on the grave dug tender parts of the Russian territory, on the railroad artery which connects European is made in the psychology of the Red Revo archdukes, ministers, landowners, with Russia with Siberia. The uprising of the lutionary Army, the power upon which the the aid of German and Allied imperialists, Czecho Slovaks was itself possivie only be worker peasant revolution in Russia depends will build a strong fortress of reaction in the to ward off the attacks of world countercause at that time Soviet Russia was abUkraine.
solutely disarmed and the Czecho Slovaks revolution from all sides.
But the Red Army did its wor here too, Being the uncompromising foe of milita unsaddling the enemies of the working had the opportunity to take all those imrism to the end, we distinguish ourselves class. The international reaction could portant strategic points and railroad interfrom the bourgeois pacifists, such as the sections. These were taken without much not draw us into its greedy jaws neither English Quakers, in that we wish to put the from the Dor, nor from the Ukraine, nor trouble and thus they stationed themselves near the border of European Russia and bourgeois army out of existence, as the enefrom the Baltic Sea, nor from the Urals.
my to the working class, and to put in its place a workers revolutionary army.
We owe this victory to the Red Army All of us who have taken account of our which grew by the strength of tens of Looking over foreign newspapers we see foreign policy after the Brest period rememthousands of the best comrades workers, that Soviet Russia is a great power in the who gave and are giving their revolutionary ber the hardships we were forced to undergo, when month after month the life of the world arena, occupying the minds and awak spirit. their energy and their lives for the Soviet Russia hung on a hair. when our saf ening the wonder and hopes of one side and organization of the Red Army.
ety and independence hinged upon the good the unbounded hatred of the other. And World imperialisın did not expect such a in the first place, in the centre of the historic reception. The Bolsheviki were famed all will or caprice of the German victor, upon process which Soviet Russia chose, are to the calculations of German capitalists who be found those who lead the struggle for the overthrow, but who could build or organize over as destroyers who could burn, ruin, would rather cheat us in a peaceful inanner historic fortunes of Russia with their heroic nothing.
than at the cost of a war of ruin, upon the And the capitalist pillagers deeds and death on the field of battle, those thought their attack upon us would be but desire of the German militarists not to diviwhose courage and revolutionary ardor de their forces and not to take upon theman easy and jolly excursion; they thought selves the responsibility for all the complex lights up one country after another with the they could take the Russian proletariat ities to which the occupation of vast foreign fire of revolutionary enthusiasm. In our with their bare hands, they only suclands would lead. We all felt every momforeign policy, e. in the historic effort of ceeded in burning their fingers. Their policy ent that the wall which separated us from Soviet Russia in world events. one of the shifted. on the one hand they sought to de foreign occupation and incalculable misery most powerful elements of her historic acfend themselves against the Red Army, for the people, with crushing blows to the tivity is the glory and pride of Soviet Ruson the other hand even the maddest impeRussian revolution, was very thin and weak. sia, our young, heroic Red Army.
rialists changed the subject from cannon to We recall those dangers as they were called a consideration of diplomatic notes.
forth by all sorts of new moves of the GerThe Red Army and The Of course, we are not so naive as to beman armies within the bounds allowed, by Counter Revolution.
lieve in the kindness of the world gendliteral understanding of the Brest treaty, to armes. We know they will do all in their the German occupation.
By Bucharin.
power to find the opportune moment to crush the revolution sword hanging cover the head of Damocles Highwae wspaper, nathe Time. wrote: The Russian revolution has long since bereally means. But out of these hardships At the time when all the armies of the come an international revolution. And the Soviet Russia came forth with the mighty world are decomposing and falling apart, Red Army is a division the largest, the arms of youthful strength and hope and best organized and the strongest, of the with the ventures of the Red Army. The only one army exists which continues to world revolution. So the German, the organization of the Red Army had a great grow and develop. This is the Red Army Austrian, the Hungarian and the English of the Soviet Government.
indirect influence upon the minds of WestCommunists consider it.
ern Europe, making them respect not only The bourgeois press is diligently threatenBut there is a closer tie between the move.
the strength of Soviet Russia but the Soviet ing the civilians of the world with the ment abroad and our Red Army.
power itself, which was capable so quickly danger of the Red Army. In order to anWhen the Soviet Power organized worknothwitstanding all sorts of hardships, to tagonize the mass of property holders ers regiments, not only Russians, but Letorganize a strong and well disciplined new against the revolutionary proletariat, they tish, German, Hungarian and even Chinese ermy. The representatives of the German continually exaggerate the strength and workers joined. The Chauvinists and the official circles admitted to us that the orgasize of our army. But, nevertheless, the bourgeois patriots, beginning with the 17nization of our army was to them an amazwar correspondent of The Times was dets and ending with the left social revoing surprise, revealing to them the moral quite near the truth. Where is the wonder lutionaries, condemned us at every point.
strength of the Bolsheviki. It had a great ful army of Wilhelm? It has disintegrated, But just that fact, that many foreign conpropaganda signifigance; it proved to the disappeared. Where are the Czarists good rades passed the military revolutionary entire world the seriousness, depth and in regiments? Already forgotten. Where is school in our country, gave to the world a ternal might of the people revolutionary the famous Hungarian cavalry? It has per new type of supervisor fighter. And if we Russia and the outlook for the future deve ished, Where are the first class artillery look at the movement in the West we shall lopment of the worker peasant Soviet redivisions of Austria. They also have disapsee that its leaders are our comrades, our gime. Facts are more salient than words peared.
former war prisoners. who became Red and the existence and heroic deeds of the And this is not all. Even the victorious Guards, and thereby received military revoRed Army were mightier propagandist fac Allies feel that the revolutionary germ has lutionary experience and a revolutionary tors than the countless leaflets and broch infected imperialist discipline, crushing the ardor in the ranks of our Red Army.
ures. The pathos of its organization in the spirit of obedience and slavery. Already The war correspondent of The Times midst of untold hardships, of the new born the French and English armies are begin was right. The capitalist army is decomregime fighting against countless foes sup ning to pass through an experience similar posing and perishing. From its mass of plied with the latest instruments of mili to that of the armies of the Czar, of Keren ruins the power of the workers is growing tary technic and with full equipment of first sky, Wilhelm and Karl. And just at the the world over. And the stronger, the betclass armed power, deeply impressed milli time when the armies of the world pillagers ter organized the working class, the more ons of the onlookers of the entire world as are falling to pieces, the Red Army springs powerful will its class army be, the sooner something coming out of the Russian revo into being, first as volunteers, growing little will it crush capitalism, and drive into its lutionary hearth.
by little, and then expanding by way of grave the present pillaging regime.