BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceItalySovietWorking Class

November 6th, 1919, Pape Four THE COMMUNIST Bread and Roses to the control of his own industrial and social IYEAR a red flower, tonight.
By Rose Pastor Stokes destiny, he has in that same moment grasped with all of a creator enthusiasm the tools thousands of conscious workers who flocked of the old bourgeois culture with which he to hear Gershuni a few years ago, Gershuni, ing freely to the people and the people in the Russian Revolutionist, who escaped turn support them in security. The doors is already modelling for himself the art are opened wide to the vast treasure house forms that will express the new culturefrom Siberin, arrived in New York and was that of the Communist society, the Workto speak in Carnegie Hall that night but the doors that once were slammed in the a short while before he returned to the land workers face! The priceless gifts that the ers Commonwealth.
workers in bent backs have painfully piled Surrounded as she is by world capital of the Tzar, to die up, that the parasites have abused for the armies, fighting for her very life on every Wear a red flower, tonight.
creation of a false and narrow culture, are front of her vast territory, Russia is still And when Gershuni stood before his vast now the heritage of all, to be used in the able, by virtue of working class rule to give audience in the evening, and saw Nature to Art, Truth, Beauty a freedom they have flaunting her scarlet beneath the multitude creation of a true and general culture.
not known and do not know in any other Libraries, traveling on swift wheels to of pale faces raised eagerly for his message, every village and hamlet in Soviet Russia. land on the face of the earth. And we he said. wanted you to wear this symbol of the Books, books, books! brought to the doors workers are invited, by every subtle blandishment, to join with our capitalist Governjoy and the beauty of life because we de of all! Traveling instructors, lecturers, professors and teachers giving courses in even ments in a war of extermination against our mand not only bread, but roses.
Yes, Bread and Roses! When the Re the remotest parts, bringing knowledge to fellow workers of Russia.
the workers far from the permanent centers We may not do the shooting ourselves, volution was successful, did our fellow workers think only of bread? No. Great of learning. Traveling picture galleries, but we are no less guilty if their freedom is theatres, concerts, touching the humblest in lost through the guns we make. Longshoreand terrible as the need was, they lost no men load the guns on ships, railroad men time securing to themselves in the fullest the land with the fairy wand of Art. True measure possible Roses! Roses! The flow Art, not that tawdry, cheap thing that bring them to the piers, sailors, workers too, carry them over seas, and soldiers. also ers of Song, the Dance, the Opera, Drama. parades in her name to corrupt the common taste in every commercial country in the workers) receive them and use them to The flowers of Science of Knowledge.
shoot down Bolshevist workers. but what The Orchid of Culture, a hot house plant world. Thus the masses, through their own workers. fighting in the front trenches of nurtured exclusively for the Few, has been government, are developing in themselves the highest possible conception of art, the the world in the cause of the Social Revotransplanted in Russia to the fields and keenest possible appreciation of true culture. lution that will set the world worker free!
the meadows, where it blooms freely as Art institutes endowed as never before by Yet despite this tragedy, than which there the common daisy for all the common folk to pluck at will.
any government, in which the talented spi can be no greater in all history, the Russian The king and queen of Belgium visited the rits among the masses receive the training worker, wounded, bleeding, half blinded United States. There is a great stir of in they craved vainly for in the past; research with blood and tears, still marches erect, terest in the ranks of the exploiters. The laboratories open to all who show any real bearing aloſt the standard upon one side of Opera House here makes a gala night of interest in using them; Universities no lon which is inscribed the appeal Workers of their visit to that temple of music.
ger exclusively the province of the exploit the world, unite. This side faces oucword The Workers take control of Russia. er son. The common school becoming the to the figliting front. An on the other Their Opera becomes the Soviet Opera. universal school, the college and university (facing in toward Soviet Russia) the inThere is a great stir among the common becoming the common school. the higher scription Art, Truth, Beauty!
folk. The workers fill the Opera House. It culture the general culture. Is it any won They are dying for us, and we are killing is a gala night.
der that Soviet Russia is spending more on them for Capitalism! If the Russian workJust as it is natural for Capitalist Amereducation than any country in the world? ers and their culture are destroyed by us, we ica to give a special performance at the Me Industry, agriculture, yes. Bread, se shall not only have played the Judas to our tropolitan Opera House in honor of the curity, yes. But Roses, Roses, yes, a thous own Comrades, but we shall also by that king and queen charging incredible prices and times ves! Are we workers hungry for same act bare our backs to the lash of for seats; so it is natural for Soviet Rusia to joy and beauty, for art and culture? Today, exploitation for a period that Hope dare not give Opera daily for the Russion worker Russia answers for us until the day when contemplate! lash that will be laid on where he is entitled to a seat by virtue of his we shall answer for ourselves. The worker, with a more cruel hand than Master has useful labor.
starved through the centuries amidst the ever laid on Slave before. And who shall The masses, lovers of song, inspirers of very plenty he created. is satisfying his then say that we are not receiving justice!
all the great music that has ever been writ hunger at last in Russia. Having taken But this surely will not be! Everywhere ten it is for them that the great artists of the workers are awaking to consciousness.
the Moscow Opera vie with one another In Italy the workers forced their Capitalist to give their best. For are they not themGovernment to recall their troops from WITHDRAW FROM RUSSIA!
selves sprung from the people? And are Russia. The transport workers refused to not the people at last masters of all life?
load the ships with goods or guns for use Tzars and Empresses, drainers of the peoagainst Soviet Russia. In France and in ple life blood, are no more! and no more England there is an awakening; here too, do they grace the royal box. All space though less thorough, the protest is being is the people They grace the house from made effective. There are workers everypit to gallery. The sparkle of diamonds and precious stones, symbol of tears and slavery, where who are refusing to destroy their have given place to sparkle of happy eyes, SUNDAY, NOV. 9th, at 00 own Hope of emancipation by destroying new lit with the fires of liberty.
the freedom of the Russian Working Class.
Celebrating Second Anniversary of the We are learning that if we rise to power, Not alone in music niay the Russian workwe rise by Russia, even as Capitalism has Bolshevik Revolution in Russia er now satisfy his hunger. Imagine yourself learned that it falls if Soviet Russia stands. quitting after a half of a short day work to hear a great singer of the people songs The Associated Press and the Associated CAR MEN HALL in your own factory, now become a fit Powers may combine to lie about the Soplace to learn and enjoy, as well as to work Ashland Blvd. and Van Buren viet Government until they make old Annanias sound as truthful by comparison as a in! Or to get the instruction and entertainment of an ilustrated lecture; or perSPEAKERS wireless message from Moscow.
It will chance it is a fete where you recreate body IN ALL LANGUAGES help them not one iota. If the Allies workand spirit in the joy of the dance. Or mayers stand by Russia, Russia stands lied be a troupe of Soviet players whose itineabout or not. If Russia stands, Capitalism Auspices: Central Executive Commitrary includes your factory, arrive to enterfalls and the workers everywhere rise to tee of the Communist Party and City tain or instruct you through the drama.
This is but a hint of what the workers are Central Committee of Local Chicago Stand by Russia, Workers of America doing for themselves in Soviet Russia. All Stand by your own cause.
The issue is who have anything of art or science or geneTICKETS 30c.
MUSIC joined; the fight is on. Unite, use your ral knowledge or literature to giye, are giv.
power. For Russia for ourselves For Bread and Roses. INTERNATIONAL MASS MEETING power.