BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismItalyOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismTerrorismViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

fra votes and members iniwhile pursuing cratizing the capitalise seate, making its taking place here. One witnesses daily Words and Facts way Amendment) that would give the The New Life In Russia people a chance to alter or amend the conof Italy. О NE of the evils of the old Socialist stitution at any time when a reasonable By Angelica Balabanoff from Avanti Party was its trimming of sails to number of voters demanded. This is the catch every that might of form idea what is the miracle of re organization of an old, dea fundamental reformist and petty bourge machinery responsive to the will of the ois policy, the Socialist Party was not un people, and then using this democratized crepit and rotten system which only the willing to make concessions in words to parliamentary state to introduce Socia new regenerative forces can put life into; revolutionary opinion. The old Socialist lism.
one looks on at this work of constant reParty resembled nothing so much as a mass The democratizing of the capitalist parlia newal going on amidst attempts to boycott of dough, assuming a different shape at each mentary state is a sheer impossibility. The it, to sabotage and blockade it in all direcslight pressure.
capitalist state must necessarily under the tions. The spectacle is infinitely inspiring; You would imagine that this policy would conditions of Imperialism become more and it fills you with pride; it revivifies your faith have ended with the revolution in the So more despotic, more and more responsive, in human power and in the divine potency, of the ideal. With all kinds of material decialist Party, resulting in a clear division of not to the will of the people, but to the the movement the old party at the right, orders of finance capital. The central defect ficiencies and with a continuous struggle of the old moderate Socialism, out of the going on against the enemy without, a great the Communist Party at the left, and the Communist Labor Party in the centre. But miserable collapse of which has come the imcreative work is nevertheless being underthere is still a group in the Socialist Party petus for the Communist International, was taken in the domains of Science, art and the pursuing a policy of camouflage. this group precisely this reformist conception of demo education of the masses and the new genepreens itself upon being revolutionary, cratizing the state, of graduaily centralizing rations.
shouts ecstatically about the Communist In the means of production in this state, of basWhen the history of the times comes to ternational and imagines it can deceive the ing the coming of Socialism upon the maj be written, people will marvel how with International into admitting a reformist ority of the people, which means class re such small numerical strength, we were conciliation and class co operation. This able to resist, to rule and to regenerate an party such as the conception evades completely the problems organism, so vast, complex, undermined and This Left Wing group is apparently organized around the Chicago Socialist. orof the proletarian mass struggle for the con threatened with utter ruin. As regards the quest of power.
gan of Local Cook County Socialist Party.
mere negative sides of the question which In issue after issue this paper urges affili The Communist International makes it are being described to you with such abunation of the Socialist Party with the Com clear that the capitalist state never can be dance of lying and invented particulars, bemunist International. But The Chicago used for the introduction of Socialism; that lieve about a thousandth of what you hear.
Socialist shows absolutely no understand the task of the revolutionary proletariat is Then compare it with what is happening in ing of Communist principles and tactics. not to capture the capitalist state but to other countries, and you will see that the Affiliation with the Communist Interna conquer and destroy it, the proletariat deveconsequences of the war are felt much less tional does not simply imply affiliation: it loping its own organs of state power (So here than elsewhere: that, whilst under any implies an acceptance and understanding of viets. This new proletarian state, deveother régime they would soon have led to the fundamental principles and tactics of loping directly out of the industrial produc the complete decimation of those classes ers and functioning temporarily as a dicthe International. The Chicago Socialist least capable of resistance to them, they are tatorship of the proletariat, breaks the capi here supported and shared justly all around.
however pursues a consistent policy of reformism and petty bourgeois opportunism; talist power of resistance and introduces Therefore, when they tell you that we are the industrial administration of the Comit has no conception of the mass character living in the midst of terror auld assassinamunist Republic with its abolition of the tions, keep ever present before your minds of the proletarian struggle; it emphasizes state.
votes and parliamentarism precisely as did the fact that never before have there been the old Socialist Party. There can be no This Socialist Party camouflage spreads so few of the latter, as at present; as to affiliation with the Communist Internatio beyond the Communist International and the terror. it suffices to compare it with!
nal without realization of the stern require includes industrial unionism. The Socialist Party Convention recently endorsed sewhere to understand that here it has been the few days of struggle in Germany and elments of revolutionary Socialist reconstruction.
industrial unionisin; but this was merely in words. The Socialist Party is castrating indeed, and of methods of work which are a question of a very mild sort of struggle In its issue of October 18 the Chicago industrial unionism by using it to designate truly patriarchal. And knowing as you do Socialist in an editorial on The Constitutional Convention says: such organizations as the Amalgamated how much my temperament rebels against The most logical place to express Class Clothing Workers which conforms to industrial unionism neither in structure nor violence, you may believe me when tell Solidarity is at the Polls. The class conin revolutionary purpose.
you that the White terror is a thousand scious vote is a real protest. When it is times more cruel, deliberate and treacherous, small the Capitalists smile, when it grows This castration is perpetrated by the Chi and that all the tales that you lear about the Capitalists ponder; when the workers cago Socialist. In its issue of October 18 the Red terror are just so many inventions.
give a united expression and prove that the The Socialist reprints (approvingly) an They have had the effrontery, intentional of Capitalists have not the consent of majority article by the editor of the Fur Worker, course, to pass off as terrorism what was of the people, then the workers will take which says: Our is not that industrial merely legitimate self defense. The Locktheir seats at the table.
unionism run mad, which a section of the hart trial suffices to show up the attempts This is clearly an acceptance of reformism let loose a few years ago. This that were made to damage not only us; but and the parliamentary conquest of power. article approves an industrial unionism whole populations. acted as translator in The gentlemen responsible for this formu which in fundamentals is craft unionism, this trial, so know what am talking about lation have not only learned nothing during still retaining a large measure of craft auto. the devilish plans to blow up bridges, to the past five years; they have apparently nomy, and concludes: This, we take it, is reduce tens of thousands of people to hunnot read (at least not understood) the Ma the principle of industrial unionism which ger. It was not only a question of mere nifesto of the Communist International, the Socialist Party at its special convention political sabotage, but also of attempts on since this Manifesto uncompromisingly in Chicago endorsed. The Fur Worker the lives of people, as witness, for example, maintains that the conquest of political speaks for the conservative administration the plot hatched against the people compower by the proletariat is an extra parlia of the Fur Worker Union, against which missaires. In the light of these facts look mentary process proceeding by means of there is now developing a membership re at the mildness of the mass action; in this process electoral camsentence passed.
volt insisting upon real industrial unionism Those most directly concerned in the plot paigns and parliamentarism are neither de and more radical tactics. As always, the escaped and the foreigner who had been!
cisive nor of major importance, although Socialist Party is united with the conserva proved guilty of espionage was allowed to necessary.
tive elements in the unions.
remain here. The carrying out of the senThe Left Wing of the Socialist Party The use of revolutionary words will not tence was put off, with a view to an evenrepudiates the fundamental tactic of the help the Socialist Party; it will be strangled tual exchange of prisoners. And this is the Communist International, while urging af by its own policy of evasion and camouflage. Red terror. filiation with the International!
The Socialist Party may use the words of With regard to the defects in the State The emphasis on parliamentarism means revolution; but the facts condemn it as machinery, due to the lack of capable and using the bourgeois parliamentary state to counter revolutionary.
introduce Socialism. That this is the reA revolutionary conscientious co workers, a severe and removement is built upon integrity, upon unmorseless criticism is kept up in the Party formnist position of The Chicago Socialist derstanding of tactical fundamentals, and newspapers, constituting an aspiration tois manifest in its urging an amendment to the State Constitution of Illinois (the Gate words that never become life.
the action corresponding thereto; not upon wards seli betterment only possible to a re(Continued on page